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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Jack Carr

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Everything posted by Jack Carr

  1. In a scenario where the map has a village on it don't you always know the enemy will be there? After all, it's Combat Mission. The enemy is always going to be there. It's sort of a given from the games perspective. Before I go off half-cocked on this, do you mean that the scenario briefing dictates that your forces know from prior reconnaisance that the enemy is there? If enemy has been spotted within the game inside certain buildings I would say leveling the buildings that the enemy was last spotted in would not be gamey/unfair/ridiculous in any way. From the original post I interpreted the situation to be that from the get go, one guy simply rolls up his big guns and systematically levels every building in sight for no apparent reason other than "Hey, there might be enemy troops in there". I think what you described here is a different situation.
  2. Jesus, you are a helmet. I was trying to explain why some people might feel that way. Clearly you can't respect their right to have a different point of view, and I have no more to say to you on the matter. Take it to the General Forum if you want a flame war. </font>
  3. The lack of understanding concerning mods which make the game appear more historically correct eludes me. </font>
  4. The lack of understanding concerning mods which make the game appear more historically correct eludes me.
  5. I have been involved in this exact same discussion in several threads before. My personal opinion on this is unless the building is an obvious observation point or there is know enemy units inside it, any tanker who expends/wastes his ammo on a target that has no strategic value and probably no enemy units inside it is foolish. There were some forum members that agreed with me and others that did not but I think this is something that would not have been done from a historical perspective. Carpet bombing on the other hand was a common tactic but Combat Mission does not take that aspect of the war into account. Again, to just roll up several large caliber tanks/tank-destroyers and start leveling the town is ridiculous. The game will of course allow any player to do this but why would you? Deja Vu all over again!
  6. Well, you can't have your cake and eat it, too. . . ...In general, what you want to do with Tank Hunters is leave them unhidden, but give them a very short covered arc so they won't cook off prematurely. This dramatically improves their spotting ability at an only slightly increased chance of being spotted. The only time I put small infantry units like Tank Hunters and Sharpshooters on "Hide" is if they are in very marginal cover (brush, the very edge of scattered trees, etc), and there are enemy units in LOS less than 100m away... </font>
  7. Sounds great! Good to see some folks piping up already just because of the demo.
  8. I thought about that as well. Some squads had the "nads" while others were a little sheepish about the prospect of crawling up to the green monsters. The moral of the story based on this scenario is, "It pays to have nads!" I have played scenarios were the AI seemed to be a little more prudent with where it drove it's armor. This particular game, I hid my men for as long as I could. There infantry came into the entrenched positions and once the small arms fire fight ensued, I had an artillery observer drop smoke. This effectively seperated the AI's men from their armor support. I think that's why the AI rolled in the tanks so close. This QB scenario was alot of fun.
  9. I'm not complaining mind you. Heck of an exciting game actually. There were as many squads that did use their bundle grenades as there were squads that did not. I will say that if all the squads had used them, and again, it seemed that they all should have, the outcome would have been better than a draw.
  10. I have a GeForce Ti4600 128mb card. Great card. Works great with Combat Mission. My suggestion is to get a card that is 4X AGP and not 8X AGP. Stay with the 30.82 drivers. You can use all of the anti-aliasing bells and whistles without any problems. I would recommend a Ti4200 or Ti4600 card from any manufacturer that you can get your hands on. Try ZIPZOOMFLY.COM, they have a decent selection of video cards. Good luck.
  11. I played a scenario last night and was grateful to have eeked out a draw. The Russians had +50% so they had alot of armor. To make a long story short, towards the end of the scenario, the enemy armor was in close proximity 20-30 meters of some of my healthy squads. Many of which had bundle grenades. His armor was a mix of T-34/76's and lend-lease Valentines. Some of the squads used their bundle grenades while others did not and were mowed down by T-34 canister shot because of their stupidity. All of the squads were veterans. What information am I not taking into account here? Why did these veteran troopers not use the only thing they had to take out the enemy armor which ultimately killed them?
  12. If you've got the cash to spare this is a worthwhile purchase. I had the Battlefront CMBB and purchased the Special Edition version for the mods and scenarios. Great stuff!
  13. Whoops! Sorry about that last "quote but no content" post. Fast fingers are sometimes dangerous. What kinds of books are you looking for? First hand accounts or more like technical manuals?
  14. Whoops! Sorry about that last "quote but no content" post. Fast fingers are sometimes dangerous. What kinds of books are you looking for? First hand accounts or more like technical manuals?
  15. How much of a difference did the introduction of this tank make? It certainly puts a whole new spin on things for late war scenarios in CMBB. I can't afford to trade shots with unidentified Russian tanks for too long without wondering, "Is that a 76mm or an 85mm?" Also The "invulnerability" of the Tiger and Panther breed has been played up quite a bit in various circles, especially Hollywood movies. Obviously these tanks could be knocked out but what was doing it? I went to a re-enactment in Bedford, PA this past weekend and had an interesting conversation with a gentleman from Aberjona Press who said that they will be coming out with a book shortly about the Tiger tank. He said there would be some interesting information in the book about what was the biggest killers of these feared panzers. #1 - Mechanical Failure and subsequent abandonment. #2 - Minefields and inability to recover because of enemy fire or vehicle weight compared to available recovery vehicle. #3 - Enemy Tanks #4 - Air power Everything you hear about the German panzers being knocked out all the time by fighter-bombers is not what it's cracked up to be according to the information in this forthcoming book. I am going to keep an eye out for this book by the way. I picked up a few others they put out that are good reads. Check out some of the books these folks are putting out. They are really good. Has anyone read any books which talk about this?
  16. This is one Battlefront customer who appreciates the effort and thought process behind CMAK. For me, CMBB was soo much better than CMBO that I left the original game behind. With the introduction of CMAK, the game engine accuracy will be on par with CMBB and many of the West Front battles can be re-created. North Africa and Italy to me are the cherry on top of the game engine that now brings the possibilities of a more realistic West Front.
  17. Ok Kamerade...enough is enough. Come on over to the Ost front and start working your magic with these excellent designs. I must have some of these Panthers for CMBB. Thanks.
  18. Marco, Thanks for the closeup on that last pic. Very nice! Detail is outstanding. These are must have mods.
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