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Everything posted by KG_Jag

  1. Thanks Admiral! That leaves only the link to the CMBB operation "To the Vistula" that is need of repair. It's been out for about the same amount of time.
  2. The link is still broken and has been for several days.
  3. CDV is a European company. If I'm not mistaken, all versions of CMBOse are the politically correct/hitorical revisionist version. That means no SS except on the game selection screen. You can change that (and much more--e.g. add swastikas in place of German cross) with mods that are available. They were originally prepared for CDV release version of the original CMBO. Since the BMPs are the same in all versions, you can use all CMBO mods (and even some CMBB mods) in your version (whatever it is) of CMBO.
  4. In my view, the best "mods" are in fact not mods of things already in CMBB, but instead they are adding things that are not included with the game. This means (mostly) winter vehicle and uniform mods. Winter vehicles by Kingfisher, Tracer, Canon, MikeyD and Panzermartin, among others, come to mind. For winter uniforms and guns, you can turn to modders like JorgeMC, AndrewTF, and gautrek. With regard to non-winter mods, it's hard to beat the advice of Garry Kump (see above).
  5. With great anticipation, I downloaded Andrew Fox's Hungarian Winter Uniform mod. However, while I can open the file and see the individual BMPs, I cannot see them and they will not show up in CMBB. I am running Windows XP on a Dell 8200. Some of us had the same problem recently with an interface mod prepared on a Mac. Don't remember the details.
  6. I do not have Winzip. When I try to open the files in XP on my Dell 8200 the file appers to be empty. However, when I copy the file to a disk and put it on my Dell P II 350 running Windows 98 with NetZip, I can read the contents of the folder and unzip the battle or operation. All such battles and operations are then readable in XP and on my XP machine running CMBO and CMBB. I find that I have to do this on 5% to 10% of the scenarios offered at the depot. It worked again this time.
  7. Thanks Abbott. Just so you know, XP can't read the contents of your files, but I'll probably be able to get them with my old and trust Windows 98 machine.
  8. Thanks for the great mod and for not forgetting CMBO!
  9. I can't read them in XP either. However, my old Windows 98 machine sometimes can read files that XP cannot. I will try that later.
  10. The mods in you CMBOse Mod folder are not installed in the game. Despite this some of the installed BMPs are hi res (better than came with the original game; the buildings in the 300s come to mind). That is at least one reason why the video card system requirements for CMBOse are up to 16mb from 4mb for the original version. A good place to take a look at and compare CMBO mods in at Combat Mission Outpost, http://cmoutpost.net. Look for the hi resolution mods.
  11. Blue Ruin, try the byte battles. At least some of them are now available at Warfare HQ.
  12. Thanks Mike--we look forward to sampling the fruits of you many efforts!
  13. All CMBO newbies should check out the great and voluminous wisdom of the The Combat Mission Big Oracle. This great writ can be found at the www.chema-cagi.com web site. Links to it can be found on this site. I promise that this will not link you to a dreaded ping thread.
  14. The Band of Brothers site has translations for CMBB, both German and Russian.
  15. Reflecting my love of Vegas and Reno buffets, I'm running a personal mix of Scipio, Nightcrawler and the original wave files for CMBB. For CMBO, it's heavy on Scipio sound mods
  16. From my observations it appears that the Peng challenges are junior high locker room banter with slightly cleaner language and marginally improved grammar.
  17. Jeff, I played the Germans against the AI on standard settings and default set up. I liked the subject you selected and enjoyed my go at it. However, there were a few problems, at least with the way my game played out. First, the Soviet infantry reinforcements kept appearing in open ground. As a result, I tore them up. This is the single most important reason that I was able to achieve a Total Victory after only three battles. Second, I agree with others who have found the Soviets to be armor deficient. In the first battle, they had me worried a bit, as their T-34s were often in excellent ambush positions. However, I was able to keep my distance for the most part, and my superior optics and larger numbers proved superior over the T-34s, which gnerally appeared in a piecemeal fashion. Third, the map seems very short for an operation with this many battles. Fourth, the Germans start in set positions, but their zones stretch far forward of their initial positions. This suggests a number of things you might consider changeing. Initially, it told me that I could speed to the front without much caution (to the edge of the bridge) because all of this area was in or near my zone. Next, I'm not sure why you selected to put the black force so far from the bridge. There was no river ford on the right flank. Indeed much of the sector contained cliffs over looking the river. There were also no Soviets in that area; at least none that I encountered. All this means that the entire black group had to be moved to the bridge before anything happened with regard to them. It was just a bit tedious. With regard to the green force, even they did not make contact with the Soviets very fast despite my rapid movement to the bridge. All of this made for a slow opening. Keep up you efforts. I'm sure that this is excellant and hopefully fun learning experience for you. Your efforts and the fun and challenged they provide are most appreciated.
  18. If I remember correctly, Scipio had the free M-peg suite available in connection with his sound mods posted at Warfare HQ. It worked for me.
  19. In the earlier versions of CMBO (ver. 1.02 or 1.03), I had the same problem. I solved it by not starting a game with a desktop shortcut. Instead use the exe file in your CMBO file to start your games. If you do so, your games can (could) be saved. I don't know if they "fixed" this problem in later patches, as I never had a short cut for later versions. The issue does not exist in CMBB.
  20. Be sure to check out Scipio's sound mods at Warfare HQ. I have mixed and matched from many sources, but most of those on my hard drive are his.
  21. Yes, the problem is that XP will not read about 5% of the scenario files posted at the Depot and elsewhere. Instead of buying new software, I just put the downloaded zip file on a foppy; take it to my old P-II running windows 98 and open it with the Net Zip I have on that machine. Since I'm an old wargamer and not a computer person, it took me a while to figure this out.
  22. All the following mods were (and I assume still are) available from the CM Mod Data Base along with the date I downloaded each: 1. Panzermartin's PZ IVG grey early (12/30/02) 2. Cannon's Pz IVG grey (12/30/02) 3. Panzermartin's Pz IVG (11/19/02) 4. Kingfisher's rusty winter Pz IVH (4/15/03) 5. Kingfisher's rusty Pz IVJ (4/15/03) 6. Tacer's snow Panther pack (12/19/02) 7. Tracer also did early (1/29/03) and another winter Panther G (11/15/02). Hope that gets you started.
  23. Joshik, how could we forget the "original" and still best tactical game covering the western front? Your mods, winter and all other seasons, are always welcome. As usual, this one looks great!
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