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Everything posted by KG_Jag

  1. Man....,and I thought that the 60s were weird. Guess it was a good thing we didn't have any PCs back then!
  2. Gary has it about right. Too bad they didn't assign their first teamer Michael Lafferty, who was much closer to the mark (from the perspective of the general gaming public) in his CMBO review.
  3. Speaking from the viewpoint of your audience (I am an avid and long term CMBO/CMBB fan who regularly checks for & downloads new battles and operations, but have not yet designed one), here are my thoughts in no particular order: 1. Post in on the Scenario Depot and it will be found. 2. Make it is fun to play. This usually means relativley balanced forces, considering the mission, weather and terrain. Also realistic twists in the plot. such as reinforcements for both sides at key time and (realistic) locations are a major plus. 3. Especially make it fun to play against the AI. A good (but not great) player should be able to win, as well as lose, without any adjustments to the battle/operation. 4. Something needs to happen in no later than the third turn (minute). 5. Unless the battle is very small, use mixed arms elements on both sides (unless you are going strictly historical). 6. Ask yourself, would your average CMBO/CMBB fanatic want to play it and have fun doing so? The answer had better be yes. 7. Play test it if possible. A second (or third) set of eyes/brain can be very helpful. Even your own second look after you go to bed or wait a few days will give fresh perspective. 8. Whether you follow any of these sugestions or not--thanks for your efforts and sharing them with the rest of us. [ October 19, 2002, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: jagcommander ]
  4. [ October 10, 2002, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: jagcommander ]
  5. The Stones are great too. On this one, reasonable minds can differ! [ October 10, 2002, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: jagcommander ]
  6. The Beatles are better. The jury is asleep. [ October 09, 2002, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: jagcommander ]
  7. BP--it must be the generation gap. Try German, it's the only other language that I would have a chance of understanding.
  8. Hey my Canadian friends, what's this duty crap? I thought we were all part of NAFTA!
  9. Hey man--speaking for the older crowd, you don't think the Beatles changed from 1962 to 1969? Nevertheless, the music is and was always great. CMBB and CMBO use the same game engine and are both great games. Seems to me that it's more than fair to call both a version of Combat Mission. Maybe your argument will be better for CM3, which will feature a new game engine. We'll see.
  10. As good as CMBB is, there are things that CMBO does that CMBB cannot. Only CMBO lets you play on the Western Front and (thanks to scenario designers) Italy. Only CMBO lets you play as the British, Canadians and French, with all their toys. Only CMBO has (at this point) hundreds of user made scenarios. Only CMBO has almost a full set of winter mods. Why limit yourself to only one? [ October 07, 2002, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: jagcommander ]
  11. Joshik--man, you do great work when your pissed off. Sounds like you have the classic temperment of an artist! We'll look forward to your CMBB efforts in about late 2006!
  12. MW--my estimation is that the current hi-res mods and related mod program (e.g. CMMOS) have taken CMBO about as far as it can go from a visual perspective. More would almost certainly involve the game engine, which amounts to dropping the CMBB engine into CMBO [see other comments on this thread]. [ October 03, 2002, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: jagcommander ]
  13. I could not read your final tally (attachment). Could you repost it or provide it in text? Thanks..
  14. It mystifies me why some folks seem to have almost no interest in CMBO now that CMBB has been released. The CMBB vehicles look great and are a tremeddous improvement over CMBO. This is in large part due to the inclusion of modders in the process of making and selecting the CMBB vehicles. Frankly, the only real need for CMBB hehicle mods that I can see is for winter vehicles. Yes, its great to have variety of all vehicles. But I doubt that these will make the game an entirely different visual experience for CMBB that hi-re mods did for CMBO. Bottoline--keep up the good work. I am looking forward to downloading you final results. Even the current versions are more than good enough to add to my collection. Please finish the winter King Tiger first. I don't think there are any hi-res King Tiger winter mods available.
  15. From an old wargamer with limited computer skills, I think it's a great idea. Everything's there, and all we have to do is follow the instructions. Easier than a butterfly ballot!
  16. Antawar, great and fast start with regard to assembling CMBB mods. Thanks and keep up the good work! Of course, thanks also to Juju, Scipio and the great mod creators out there.
  17. I've been playing CMBO since it was released, but did not get into mods until about 4 to 6 months ago. I'm old (seen half a century) and something less than a computer expert. With that background, here's what worked for me. The first thing I did (and recoomend that you do) was to go to Combat Mission HQ and download Madmatt's two Mad-dog Mod Packs. It was great, but I soon decided that I wanted all the winter mods and every thing in high resolution. The best sites I found include: 1. CM Outpost, which lists and has pictures of the origianls and almost everyone's mods; 2. Tom's (mentioned by others and now on the Military Gamer site); 3. Combat Mission HQ-- for more mods beyond the Mod Packs; 3. Warfare HQ, which has three winter mods for CMBB, as well as many CMBO mods. If you have a decent system by today's standard, you will amazed at how much better a high-res CMBO looks compared to the original game. Before you add mods, back up all of your original bmp and wav files (although you can reinstall or yank them from your CMBO CD). You might want to do if again after you download the two Mad-dog Mod Packs, if you like them. If you mod CMBB the back ups or the origninals may be more important, as I'm not sure that you can get them from the CD without a full reinstall. Good luck and have fun!
  18. Today (Thursday) I got my package with CMBB and several other Battlefront games I had ordered at the same time. UPS delivered it in Austin.
  19. Got mine today (Thursday) in Austin. It was delivered by UPS with several other Battlefront games I ordered at the same time.
  20. Did not purchase mutiple copies (but ordered the combo pack) and two other games in from Battlefront in the same order. Am still waiting in Austin.
  21. For the perspective of just a player, albeit an avid player, the Scenario Depot is the primiere site to post and download scenarios and operations for both CMBO and CMBB. Another good site is the Wargamer.com, which hosts scenarios for many games. I know they have a selection for CMBO, but am not sure if they are taking them for CMBB. I haven't seen any yet, for what that's worth. Warfare HQ also posts CM scenarios.
  22. Looks like I'm one of the few in central Texas that didn't get my preordered CMBB yet. My order number is between 80,000 & 81,000. Since I just received a letter from 60 miles away that was postmarked on 9/19/02, I can guess who is holding it up.
  23. The Lake Travis Post Office continues to demonstrate its consistancy in all things pertaining to mail. Still no game in Austin, just east of Mansfield Dam,
  24. They come for the upper right coast of the US. Preorders were sent out on 9/20. I'm in Austin and half of us here have gotten the game and half of us have not. I'm in the unlucky half, hoping to get it in todays (always late) mail.
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