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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. No problem here. As an aside, all I could think after seeing that picture was if only they could have given it to all the soldiers fighting against the Germans, no-one would have a problem charging an mg nest!
  2. I think this will pretty much answer your question. http://members.aol.com/sturmpnzr/sturmi.html
  3. Wow!! Very nice! Already DL'ed it. Hey, maybe instead of making mods you could send me a turn?!?! Keep up the good work!
  4. I run at 1024 x 768. Now you make me want to check out the higher resolution. Never tried anything else as that is what my desktop is set to. I'm sure I could run it at a higher resolution as well, I'm on a P4 1.7, 512 RAM, GeForce ti4400 with 128. Also on a 19" KDS. Just too lazy to reset all my preferences I guess, maybe I'll give it a go to see if there really is such a difference. [ January 27, 2003, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  5. Like pudding through a straw as one poster previously said. My cable connection dropped it midway as well. Hey Mr.Noobie, Maybe break them up eh?
  6. Very Nice!!! It's in line after MrNoobie's SU pack.
  7. Hey VJ, I'll email it to you as soon as I get in DL'ed. Taking a long time for me too even on my cable which gets 2 megs a sec. After that it's on it's way!
  8. Thanks Steve! I would hate to deprive everyone of our joint AAR/sing-along (as you aptly put it)little poem before it's even finished!
  9. Scroll down the forum topic page 'til you find those entitled Opponent Finder Forums. Both PBEM and TCP/IP are offered there.
  10. Treeburst155, Kingfish, ScottB, et al, As Spanish Bombs did, I too will offer my withdrawal if that is what it takes to keep the tournament going for everyone else. I sincerely hope it doesn't come down to that as I know that neither he nor I would compromise the tourney and everyone's hard work in any way. Hopefully everyone can trust us and take us at our word. I would hate to be thought of as a cheater or ruin my integrity for future tournaments. Thanks, LD
  11. I got a cd from rune but haven't opened one of them yet. Nor would I look at a tourney scenario. Didn't even realize tourney scenarios were on there actually. So no worries there. Hope this all settles down and we can continue. I believe it was only I and Spanish Bombs who are in the tourney and received the cd. So if you all can trust us we should go on. I'm not the cheating type anyway and wouldn't want to know my opponents forces, etc. Takes the fun out of it in my opinion. [ January 26, 2003, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  12. Hey rune, Thanks again for setting that up! And huge thanks for the "evil" scenario disc, just checked em out, there's tons on there! Had a great time as with the previous preview get-together. And yes you all, I'm engaged in a battle still with the famous JasonC. Oh, BTW, everyone forgot about bringing cameras so no pics. Sorry! It's always great to meet other CMers in the flesh. P.S. Only downside was having to endure the Blackhawks getting whipped. C'est la vie. Nothing changes. [ January 25, 2003, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  13. LOL, Ummm...no. She moved back to New York.
  14. Yep, I should be there between 11:30-12:00.
  15. What time is everyone thinking of showing up?
  16. Ok, don't want to start any political discussions at all, I refuse to get involved, LOL. Michael, too funny, I bet you are right. Bumped though cuz I want to know! (About the imports that is) [ January 15, 2003, 09:42 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  17. Brightblade, Sturm died an honarable death as well! That's all one can do sometimes. Although his was against overwhelming odds.
  18. Hey Michael, Why did they do that anyway? Was it for placing foliage etc. in the helmet? Place to hold their smokes? P.S. Would love double decal SS helmets as well! [ January 15, 2003, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  19. High General of the Ministry of Idiocy Asscroft could possibly be the worst thing that ever happened to this country. Seig Heil! Not that I have any strong feelings about him or anything. :mad: But I'm still curious what's going on with the imports. [ January 15, 2003, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
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