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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. Hmmm, Yeah, I have some stuff. '03 Springfield .30-06, Thompson M1, Enfield .303, M1 carbine, American, Russian and German helmets, various flags and banners, Japanese bayonet brought home by my Grandfather along with his medals and unit patches and pins. He was one of Merrill's Marauder's and also fought on Guadalcanal.
  2. Ok, ok, Shift-v makes them invisible I should say, not disappear. Shift-v again brings them back. It is a sort of jedi mind trick.
  3. Yes! Hit shift-v, all the vehicles disappear! Voila!
  4. Try using area fire directly in front or around the pillbox. That should prove it's the TacAI. Using area fire, they should shoot and continue to shoot at the area. Target a few of them on the pillbox and a few around or in front of the pillbox with area fire. If I'm correct, the MGs that are targeted on the pillbox will fire one burst and stop due to the TacAI and it's decision to halt fire due to lack of damage, while the area fire MG's will continue to fire. Also, remember the ammo count is not an actual bullet count. One quick burst off an MG shouldn't deplete your ammo even if they do it three turns in a row. Let me know what happens. I'm curious now myself. [ November 24, 2002, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  5. 0every other chat program you use, you type a nice big 0 before typing your message. 0like this!
  6. That's definately the TacAI cancelling your order. Even twelve HMG's won't hurt a wooden MG bunker at that range.
  7. Not a bug. My bet would be that TacAI decided that your shots would do little or no damage and decided to cancel the fire order and save ammo. MGs against a bunker would have very little chance of doing anything I would imagine. What was your range to bunker? [ November 23, 2002, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  8. "We commandeer young men to drop fire on people from the sky, but won't allow them to write f**k on their airplanes because it's obscene." Col. Kurtz, Apocolypse Now. or something like that. just had to throw that in there.
  9. Tips, Most don't trash talk around here, it's immature. Let your game do the talking for you. I have quite a feeling that you are going to be regularly trounced for your first few months of playing. You should read the boards for awhile, notice how the regulars act toward each other and try to do the same before you come on demanding things and talking about how great you are with this game before you even own it. I'm sure there are quite a few that would love to give you an introduction to our little world and then we will see how far the trash talking goes. It's not an easy game as you will learn soon enough. Just my $.02
  10. I would love that one as well! Please send it to me when you can! Great work!
  11. I had a Panzer III rocketed, hit and immobolized. On the second pass of the plane the crew decided to bail their sitting duck target. Seems pretty effective to me!
  12. I think then I will stick with the yellow-green for the Soviets. Michael, thanks for the link. Very interesting site! Maybe someone from BFC is in the know? I mean you guys are super-accurate with details so maybe the orange and yellow are correct then?
  13. VJ, Yeah, possibly in a bit, I've been home sick with the flu for two days, ugh. Just laying around the house again today, might get up enough mental energy for it in little while. You around all day?
  14. Michael, I was thinking that it probably wouldn't be documented anywhere and the only knowing answer would be from eye witness accounts. Not an easy subject to find info on.
  15. Ok, This may be stupid but.... Downloaded Capt. Wacky's Tracer Mods and I was curious if anyone knows what actual color the two sides used historically? Were the German tracers orange and Russian yellow? Were they intermixed? Does anyone care or is there any historical reference to this? I am picky for historical accuracy and this is totally minor but thought it would be cool to put the right color with the right side. BTW, I'm using Capt's red orange tracers for the Germans and yellow green for the Russians now. They look great! Thanks Capt. Wacky!
  16. I had a Panzer III rocketed by the Red Air Force and immobolized. The crew on the next turn seeing the plane coming back for another pass and realizing they were a sitting duck, promptly ditched. Totally cool. They saved their skins too!
  17. Involved in another tooth and nail tcp/ip struggle at the moment and it hit me: The losses that I take and consider acceptable in achieving my objectives are now far higher than what was considered in CMBO. Great job BFC. [ October 12, 2002, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  18. Yes, had my german infantry moving across a dry wheatfield on a windy day when a few were launched my direction. Quite effective in an anti-infantry role when used that way as opposed to anti-tank. Give it a try!
  19. Regular Tiger does nicely too. Those 88's do reach out and touch someone.
  20. Just played it tcp/ip as the Finns double blind and won a total victory! Thanks Rune, cool scenario. Very interesting tactically. Loved the Finns, they were tough! Makes me think toothpicks may be enough for em!
  21. I lucked out I guess. Chose this one at random to play tcp/ip and my opponent and myself wanted to try a stalingrad scenario. Sucks it didn't work out for you, for me it truly was one the funnest battles I have ever played. I only lost one of my panzer III's during the entire battle. And that was to the russian air power. Another was immobolized but had full view across the entire square. One of the coolest things that happened was after my HQ tank was strafed and immobilized, the crew deciding against sitting in a large metal target and ditched out to find cover in the nearby rubble. The realism is astounding. I would have done the same thing seeing that plane circling back for another run. I secretely congratulated them on getting out and couldn't even be PO'd that they didn't stick around manning their weapons.
  22. Spoiler * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Just finished playing this one TCP/IP and must say this is one of the funnest CM experiences I've ever had. Also this was definately some of the most fierce, brutal and violent combat I have ever experienced in the CM world. It completely felt like the fighting in Stalingrad. After playing a week now I have to say how annoying those ATR's are. They constantly have me biting my nails praying for my crews not to be slowly picked off. They harrassed me from across the square almost the entire battle. The scariest thing was the Red Air Force attack. My god! Didn't see that coming. The new air effects are totally amazing. Seeing my panzer III's get rocketed was breathtaking, and nerve racking. I achieved a minor victory as the germans. The pioneers were the key. I moved my rifle platoons in two groups to move in a classic pincher move. After getting into place I waited til the pioneers came up, blew the mines by the rubble and wire by Pavlov's house. That opened the door and I punched on in. Here was some of the most brutal combat ever. The firefight that ensued between the russians in the rubble and the building and my assaulting pioneers `and two platoons of rifle infantry was something to behold. It was fierce, short and totally violent. Amazing. My attack on the other side didn't fair as well, my opponent was dug in well on that side. Tried to break through and roll the panzers up to support but that is when the friendly russian air power blew in and ended that plan. Turned into a plinking match across the mines and open ground leading into the 13th Gds HQ. All in all one of my favorite battles. Thanks! [ October 01, 2002, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  23. check the tech support forum, you should still be able to get up and running, BFC made the missing files available for download. don't give up yet!
  24. VJ Going to the Hawks vs. RedWings game tonight (go Hawks!) but will be on later if you are up for it. Should be around 8-9p your time. LD
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