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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. It is. Apparently some European Distributor imported the European CDV version into the US and Canada and it was on the shelves in many CompUSA stores across the country. BFC is supposed to have exclusive distribution rights for everywhere but Europe. I am just curious as to what has been resolved so far.
  2. Just curious as to what has been resolved in the illegal imports that have been spotted all over the US and Canada.
  3. Awesome!! Your new different whitewash for the Soviets is right on! Keep up the good work and again, THANKS!!
  4. Mr. Spkr, It's coming, I'm thinking long and hard on the setup on this one, scares the bejesus out of me!
  5. I guess I better go ahead and BUMP before MG makes good on his threat to deface the whole forum with untold amounts of chucked TNT and hoardes of :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  6. Actually, I recall reading somewhere that they removed the lower brim as to keep it from catching up in the chute lines or something like that. Apparently there were problems with the lines catching underneath the brim etc. and possibly even throwing the helmet off when opening the chute. Don't take that for gospel though.
  7. I forgot to back up my clean tank tracks when i modded them to dusty. Can anyone please zip up the bmp's of the original clean tracks and email them to me? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  8. rune, hey, i ran by grizzlys today and checked out the parking lot. it is metered monday through saturday, free on sunday. cost is 25 cents for an hour up til i think 5pm, then free after that. street parking would probably not be too bad around there either. there are usually lots of spots on lincoln and the residential streets around it. just wanted to give you the heads up. also, i don't have a laptop, so would be relying on others.
  9. rune, no problem, i will run by there today and let you know!
  10. Anyone? Anyone? Is my 15+ hour battle the record then? I do find it amazing, the game length was 35+ turns and it took over 15 hours to play out those intense 35 minutes. One other note on "Our backs to the Volga" At one point in a desperate struggle for one of the factories, between my opponent and I, there were over 700 men absolutely mauling each other for over 20 minutes in a desperate struggle for control of a 60 x 100 square meter factory complex. In the end, combined casualties for both sides was over 1200! Brutal. Those kind of numbers are remniscent of the ACW, 1200 men falling in 35 min!!! [ January 07, 2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  11. Good Master Cheery, I do believe I am going to have to offer you a challenge soon. Seeing you are a Red loving TNT chucking commie bastard, I believe you might be in need of a few lessons provided by my glorious Wehrmacht. My boys drink TNT for breakfast, lunch and dinner then ask for another can for desert. A few cans lobbed my way by your men will only inspire and ingratiate my troops to your unstubborn generosity. I know you are involved in a few desperate struggles for respectability and I will humbly await my chance to drive you back to the bolshevik rat holes your men pour out of. Will have to be soon though, the ROW tourney will be commencing shortly and my schedule will fill up quick. Salute! Maggot. :mad: :mad:
  12. LOL, Isn't it: Prior Propper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance? Better get on a few scenarios with the allies, brush up on my russian, I'm only used to hearing them yelling in agony and disorganized retreat! As it goes anyway, I will probably win with the Soviets and lose my only battle with my Germans. [ January 06, 2003, 07:47 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  13. Hmmmm, I'm still definately in. My house is much too small for so many (i think i only own 4 chairs besides the couch) so that's out. Chief O'Neils?? Trying to think of someplace cool but not too crowded, so we can geek out in peace!
  14. What?!?! Do you all want the Good Master Cheery to chuck his TNT all over the forum?? :mad: :mad: :mad: BUMP [ January 06, 2003, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  15. Ugh, I'm allies on 4 of my 5 and I normally play nothing but axis. Oh well! Haven't played the allies once yet. Early exit for me! :mad:
  16. Hey Canon, Posted this in another thread but didn't think you saw it as the disappear so fast these days. Really like them! Decided to go with all your whitewash for my early Germans. The effect is really nice in the game. Thought they might be too bright or sharp at first but after installing the effect is subtle enough! Keep up the good work! Actually as an aside, I won't use the same whitewash for Soviet vehicles. Just looks too much like the Germans in my opinion. I would rather have two completely different looks. Thanks for your time and effort!! P.S. I personally am not into the aerial recognition flags at all, but that's just me. The victory flags are enough swastikas for me! Just MHO.
  17. Captitalistdoginchina, Hey no problem!! Thanks for taking the time and effort to design something so good! I forgot to mention in my review about the rough tiles on the map. They were indeed very effective. I totally understood what you were doing. Actually, we did play it over the net. LOL. We both have high speed cable connections but turns still took about a minute - minute and a half to process and download. Thanks again, the effort is always appreciated!
  18. A friend and I played the Stalingrad Pack Battle, Our Backs to the Volga, with no time limits for 15+ hours over a two week period. And it was a draw! :mad: One of the best scenarios I have ever played though, and certainly one of the largest.
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