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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. Take a look at http://www.knobcreekshoot.com/ I really must get round to visiting the place one day. All the best, John. </font>
  2. Not sure if this is true. I have always been under the impression that the .30-06 was substantially more powerful than .303. I'm trying to find the ballistics of each but without the actual grain weight of the bullets used at the time it's kind of pointless.
  3. Hi Crank_GS, I am in Chicago also, my Dad lives in Griffith, IN. It's about 30 miles southeast, just over the border. Anyway in Central Park there they have an Easy-8 Sherman with the 76mm gun on it. I keep meaning to take some pics and post em here but never do. I was familiar with a couple that you posted but not all of them, thanks! [ April 20, 2004, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  4. My Grandfather was in the Merrill's Maruaders for the entire campaign they fought in the India/China/Burma theater. Even though I wouldn't use it in the game it's really cool seeing his unit patch (I have his original patch at home actually) in my favorite game for the first time. Thanks for that!
  5. I'm one of those that barely ever plays the AI anymore, although I have a few times with CMAK since it's new and all. Also I NEVER play quick battles. I think I have played two in my whole CM experience. So that leaves scenarios and almost always PBEM. I have two regular opponents, one in Sweden and one in Canada! I'm a Yank so CM you could say brings the world together with war! Kind of ironic in my opinion that I have made friends worldwide by beating the crap out of each other! I love to play tcp/ip when I have the time as it is very time intensive. Being able to fight out an engagement in one sitting is very nerve wracking, tension filled, and always satisfying! No better way to play in my opinion and it's definately my favorite it's just that you do need to set aside a block of hours if you are playing that way. As an aside, I played "Our Backs to the Volga" (CMBB) tcp/ip over a week long period, every night, for a grand total of 15+ hours! Still one of my favorite scenarios of all time.
  6. Yes! Because as people have pointed out, the US paras were withdrawn from Italy to participate in the Normandy Invasion. Read: No US paras in Italy after 5/44. CMAK only covers Africa, Italy and Crete. You can't use the Airborne after 5/44, not in this theater.
  7. Great topic! My maternal Grandfather was a Merrill's Marauder that fought in the Burma/China/India theater. He fought on Guadalcanal before volunteering to be part of the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) later to be known as Merrill's Marauders. He too received a couple of Bronze Stars a purple heart and a Presidential Unit Citation. These guys went through absolute hell, and this was after his time on Guadalcanal. Every single Marauder had to be evacuated by the end of their mission due to combat casualties, malaria and dysentary. Everyone. Today's Rangers trace their unit lineage back to the Marauders. Here is a link if anyone is interested. http://www.marauder.org/ My father's older half-brother was a bombadier on a B-25 in Europe, mostly flying supplies in to the French underground. Never dropped a bomb though! [ January 09, 2004, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  8. Great topic! My maternal Grandfather was a Merrill's Marauder that fought in the Burma/China/India theater. He fought on Guadalcanal before volunteering to be part of the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) later to be known as Merrill's Marauders. He too received a couple of Bronze Stars a purple heart and a Presidential Unit Citation. These guys went through absolute hell, and this was after his time on Guadalcanal. Every single Marauder had to be evacuated by the end of their mission due to combat casualties, malaria and dysentary. Everyone. Today's Rangers trace their unit lineage back to the Marauders. Here is a link if anyone is interested. http://www.marauder.org/ My father's older half-brother was a bombadier on a B-25 in Europe, mostly flying supplies in to the French underground. Never dropped a bomb though! [ January 09, 2004, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  9. Great topic! My maternal Grandfather was a Merrill's Marauder that fought in the Burma/China/India theater. He fought on Guadalcanal before volunteering to be part of the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) later to be known as Merrill's Marauders. He too received a couple of Bronze Stars a purple heart and a Presidential Unit Citation. These guys went through absolute hell, and this was after his time on Guadalcanal. Every single Marauder had to be evacuated by the end of their mission due to combat casualties, malaria and dysentary. Everyone. Today's Rangers trace their unit lineage back to the Marauders. Here is a link if anyone is interested. http://www.marauder.org/ My father's older half-brother was a bombadier on a B-25 in Europe, mostly flying supplies in to the French underground. Never dropped a bomb though! [ January 09, 2004, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  10. Hi all, I actually have the mod saved on my home computer so can't send it right now seeing I'm at work (and using my time wisely, I might add) but will email it off to whoever wants it when I get home! It does work for all versions of the game, BO, BB, and AK. You just have to fiddle around and decide which color you like for which side.
  11. Yep, Very nicely done indeed. The only things I have changed so far are the flags and the tracers. I just like to have different colored tracers for the Axis and Allies, makes it easier to see incoming and outgoing. Although I am sure I will be tempted by any uni's AndrewTF has for release as they are always top notch.
  12. Yep, Very nicely done indeed. The only things I have changed so far are the flags and the tracers. I just like to have different colored tracers for the Axis and Allies, makes it easier to see incoming and outgoing. Although I am sure I will be tempted by any uni's AndrewTF has for release as they are always top notch.
  13. Yep, Came home and had a nice surprise in the mailbox today. I didn't think it would be til next week either seeing I received a shipping confirmation email just today. I figured that meant they had just shipped it today but lo and behold it is HERE!
  14. I would have to agree with Kingfish. Even though Our backs to the Volga looks daunting in size, it is also one of the top 5 scenarios I have ever played as well. And definately play against a human and not the AI. Your tactics will change turn by turn. If you really want to experience the block to block fighting in Stalingrad and the carnage associated with it definately play this one! Put it at the top of your list. It's big to be sure but you will never be bored or overwhelmed with the constantly changing situations. Some turns I would spend 45 minutes or more plotting, thinking, maneuvering and replotting. Never once was I bored and it is a total nailbiter to the bitter end. Definately one of the greatest scenarios I ever played. It just absolutely "feels" like Stalingrad. There is no other way to describe it. BTW, I played this one tcp/ip with an opponent over several nights, a couple hours a night and in the end I think it took about 16-17 hours to finish. Massive yes, but a hell of alot of fun. [ October 31, 2003, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  15. rune, ok, this time i should be able to make it as well, practice isn't til later. just email me your address again please? LD
  16. No problem you guys. Glad to be a help to all my fellow CMers. Glad you are enjoying them as well! The do look cool regardless of the small technicalities. As Andrew said, much better than running around freezing!
  17. No prob you guys. Let me dig for it and I will email it to both of you!
  18. He did do an early mouse gray one, but I remember him saying it wasn't historically correct. I have it anyway though of course. If it's an Andrew mod I have it. I could probably email you the zip of it if you would like. I keep all my mod zips on a disc. Maybe he is working on something new?? Hopefully??
  19. I totally agree that CMAK won't make CMBB obsolete. I do look forward to playing in the desert and using the Allies again, but the Eastern Front is just so huge with so many variables I don't see how I could stop playing it. I agree with MikeyD when he said, "I envision CMBB and CMAK being a single vast 3 gig game of unprecedented scope." That's my take exactly.
  20. hey rune, can you email me your address again? also what is your favorite beer? i'll pick up a 6 for you for your hospitality. LD
  21. There is a version of the Library specifically made for play against the AI in the Stalingrad pack. It's a very fun scenario! Enjoy.
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