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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. As always Andrew, totally lovely! Love those green soviet summer unis you are working on too!! They look amazing and I'm sure people will be stunned when they see em! Oh, and an early congrats on the new addition to the family!! [ April 25, 2003, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  2. Good eyes and a good graphics card! LOL. Nvidia GeForce4 Ti4400.
  3. LOL, No problem! Thanks man, your work is always appreciated! (even if a few pink spots show up now and then.)
  4. No, Not for the jgdpz, I'm talking about the ambush panzer IVH.
  5. Tracer, Hey, downloaded your converted PZIVH in the ambush pattern and noticed a bunch of pink in the rear wheel sprocket. Anything you can do to touch this up if it isn't too much trouble? Thanks in advance if you can!!
  6. Wow!! That looks great! Definately a keeper. I think it looks much better than the stock. Thanks!
  7. As usual, simply awesome. Expect nothing less from Andrew!
  8. Rune, Yep, I was planning on it! Will email you again for your address if it's still going on. Can't remember it exactly.
  9. Excellent!! Thanks Andrew, can't wait to see your treatment of 'em!! Keep up the good work!
  10. Thanks Andrew, Just grabbed your panzer crew unis. Yours are always the uni mods I use, have everything for CMBB and also CMBO. Top job!! Quick question, any word yet on Russian summer unis? You said awhile ago that you might have been working on a few and I've been patiently waiting to see what you come up with!
  11. Quick question, When I originally ordered, I ordered two, one for me and one for a friend. Does this mean that I will receive two replacements as well? Thanks again, you guys are tops.
  12. Always play designed scenarios!! Nothing else comes close. Death to Quick Battles!! I very very rarely if ever play QB's. I even love unbalanced scenarios. Gives more a flavor for the real war and makes you really think how you can succeed. Scenarios are the only way to go.
  13. OH!! That is beautiful!! Just what I always wanted!! Thanks, great work!
  14. To tell the truth, I used to love the small battles best but in the past 6 months or so I've come to change my tune. My favorite battles now are definately medium size combined arms. I love battles that involve 3-4 companies with support. These always seem to break down into 2-3 smaller "battles". Plus the maps almost always have plenty of room for manuever and tactical adjustment. Definately the most fun IMO. Like you said, I also agree that huge battles become very hard to manage with so many units running around. I did play one in the Stalingrad Pack though that was huge but was very engrossing and entertaining. It took over 17 hours though!! A good 2000-3000 pointer on a nice map is definately the way to go if you ask me! [ April 10, 2003, 11:29 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  15. Shatter, Ok, I'm sold. DL'ing all your PZIV's as I type. Nice job. How long til the options are out? I'm not big on recognition flags but would love some unit markings, kill rings, etc. Any idea on time? Thanks and nice job!!
  16. When is the deadline again? And is it the same deadline for AAR's? Been very busy and need to know how much time is left for writing them. Thanks!
  17. Not to be ultra critical or anything, just an observation, but there are dreaded pink spots in the screen shot even, on cmmods. Otherwise, it's interesting, very weathered I'd say! [ March 16, 2003, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
  18. thats a joke right? Iam just askin as iam doing a course in college about PC's </font>
  19. Update, Tourney II, Sec. 3. All battles complete! Now to get on the AAR's. Had a kinda strange finish to Rear Guard Action as well.
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