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Phantom Captain

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Everything posted by Phantom Captain

  1. VJ, Ready, haven't played cracking the egg yet either but I think that's a large one. On, getting beat by the AI, hasn't happened to me yet. I've won the few scenario's i've tried so far, and one operation. 3-0 on quick battles so far as well. Ready VJ?
  2. Ok, From what I remeber.(disclaimer) I played as the germans. This was a very hard and brutal slugfest. The map was superb but presented horrible difficulties for me at least. I too started with a rocket barrage on the village and I don't recall it being too successful. My AT support on the ridges behind me opened up too soon in retrospect, most were lost almost immediately with little damage done to the french. I may have scored one kill on a sherman but I don't quite remember. (finished this one about two months ago.) The ambush on the convoy was very successful for me though. I remember knocking almost all of it out, maybe leaving a halftrack or two to run the gauntlet. Otherwise, most were destroyed and my platoon handily suppressed and routed the french troops that cowered in the woods. Actually later this same platoon crossed back across the river and moved up into defensive positions in the town I held. Sorry don't remember place names at the moment. My assault on the hill in the middle was a disaster. I pounded the crest with mortar fire for a good three minutes I believe, yet when I did move in for the trek up the hill my men were routed and broken by air and mortar assault. Plus my opponent still had an mg or two that survived the bombardment. This shattered platoon slowly crawled and stumbled their way into the village to take up defensive positions in what little strength they had left. They would play a role later when the french tried to roll on the village with a sherman and a halftrack (greyhound possibly?). The surviving panzerschrek did manage to knock out the assaulting AFV, but ran out of ammo before the sherman closed. My assault on the village to the right was a very brutal violent slugfest with the french in town. It was very back and forth, my opponent even mortarted inside his perimeter when my reinforcements showed up and punched into the village. At battle end he still held the inside half of this small village while I held the map edge side. My men beat up and out of ammo could not continue the punch. I lost, final score was 48 to 40. I think this score did represent the awful slugfest that this one was. I liked the scenario because of the headache it gave me but don't think I would want to play this one again. It was just so much going on at once and as someone said earlier, one crisis after another. Very very challenging.
  3. And another thing I forgot to mention, Huge thanks to the scenario designers and beta testers as well. Without you guys it would be a hollow shell. Thanks for your time and the love you put into all you design for our fun! Another huge thanks to BFC for actually allowing the sneak peeks as well! No other company has ever treated all of us so well. Huge thanks to Rune again for hosting the sneak peeks and for all your work, time, love and energy devoted to this fine game. Finally, yes the voices are so amazing it's sick. I don't understand much of anything, a little german of course learned from CMBO, but the depth this brings is amazing. I love that all the native speakers are so impressed by the voice acting in the game. Just goes to show what a little effort and attention to detail can bring to such a fine game. I may not understand them but love the fact that what we are hearing is the real deal. I think last night was the first time I've ever heard Finnish! How cool is that?
  4. LOL @ VJ I feel for you man. Hopefully today will be your magic day.
  5. That is funny! Could be a new hobby mmm? Now if only you can get your hands on a T-34! Imagine explaining that one. "You are duck hunting with what?? Let me see your license." I don't know what size the actual contents of the canister would be though? Are they small caliber or more golfball size like civil war canister? Anyone know?
  6. And very deadly as you have recently found out. Watch a shot from your men's perspective. It's devastating.
  7. Ok, Well after playing all week I think I can finally come up for air to say a few words. Steve, Charles, Martin, Dan and Matt, you guys have totally outdone yourselves with this one. I am absolutely blown away. My overall impression is CMBB is so CM but not CM. There is no other way to describe it. It looks and feels like the old CM we all know and love but the improvements and gameplay are beyond belief. Someone was posting would CMBB be more fun. In a nutshell, yes a thousand times over. CMBO took my breath away and was all I ever hoped and dreamed for in computer wargame. CMBB blows it out of the water. So many different things and improvements I don't how to begin! The new armor penetration model is phenomenal and the addition of the death clock is superb. The level of tension and immersion as I watch my tanks pump round after round into an enemy AFV not knowing if he is dead or will shoot back is as close to being there as one could get. I'm totally loving using all the light armor and armored vehicles like never before in CMBO. Must admit I am a junkie for light armor, the Stuart is one of my all time favorites. People have also mentioned that the gameplay is slowed down. In my opinion it doesn't feel all that much different that CMBO. Maybe I just played slow to begin with. Anyhow, the level of tension and exhileration during a firefight has kept me on the edge of my seat chewing my fingernails. The fights I have been in so far have been swift and very violent. Way more so than CMBO. I guess what I am saying is this game really feels like the war in the east to me, at least to my understanding of it. The new MG properties: perfect. They too feel much more realistic. They are to be feared in CMBB the way it should be. And finally, the graphics are superb. The improved uniform detail for both sides blows me away. To see both decals on the german helmets in the early war later to be replaced by just the heer sticker in the later war is brilliant. Watching a T-34 getting frontally peppered by three 20mm's and a 37mm cannon and the amount of sparks dancing off the hull while hollow charge shells explode on impact all at the same time had my jaw hanging on my chest. The vehicles and doodads are also inspiring. Last night as I was viewing a map I noticed the snow covered grave markers behind a church in the driving snow and wind and was absolutely stunned. Matt, the sounds are awesome! I am so in awe at the immersion and depth these give to the game! The weapons are incredible and easily recognizable already. You hear the MG42 and duck right with your men. The ambient and immersion sounds are awesome. Bullets hitting the ground, dinging off of metal and plinking into the water is brilliant. Great job to all of you and a most heartfelt THANK YOU! This is the finest computer game I have ever played and is everything I always dreamed of in a wargame. I don't know how you all do it, but please, keep doing it! Looking forward to all you come up with next!
  8. leaving my office in ten minutes! home twenty minutes after that and am not moving from the spot once i'm settled.
  9. Got it in Chicago!!!! The Mailman came through today! See previous post. Goodbye life!
  10. Nothing in Chicago yet. And with my luck, sheesh, I hadn't recieved any mail all last week. None. Not even junk mail. I had to call the post office to figure out what was going on and they assured me that all my mail would be delivered today. Yeah right. I'm gonna die if everyone gets it today and I don't cuz the PO can't figure out there job. I even told them I was expecting a very important priority package today that contained expensive computer software. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
  11. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but.... I'm actually finding it hard to get into a CMBO battle now. It just seems so anti-climatic. Never thought it would happen and I'm sure I will play more once I have CMBB but I just can't think of anything else. To think, and of course it's only logical, that the only thing to make me stop my CMBO addiction is CMBB. And I don't even have it yet. Thanks BFC. It's like methodone to a heroin addict I guess. Please FIX or do somefink.
  12. LOL, Thanks Madmatt! Good to know. One more weekend with the girl before I go into my anti-social hole. Better use it to my advantage cuz I feel that I will be quite unavailable for the next few weekends.
  13. I'm in Chicago and the post office here is just stellar. Usually though my orders from BFC take 2-3 days to arrive. BFC isn't saying anything so I'm hoping it did ship early. BFC, please SAY or do somefink!
  14. I know, it's sick. I haven't had such anticipation for anything in a long time. I'm one of those secret mailbox checkers as well. Everyday I go home and hope! lol. Haven't whined or complained one iota, but inside I'm going crazy. Kinda freaks me out!
  15. How can I now? I'm gonna have to keep running home every hour to check my mailbox now. Can any other US players confirm when they get it? Would love to know if it's coming this week or next. Never thought the anticipation for a game would ruin me like this.
  16. VJ, Nope, never posted a word in there. I do read it on occasion though. Camelot is a silly place.
  17. VJ, The first one, or coherent one should I say? No, I don't think that is applicable either, anyway, challenge accepted, I will let you know when I have it, hopefully Saturday (one can hope, can't one? Or two or three in your case). Whichever one of your personalities that is capable of fighting, let me know! Tangeant to Seanachai , I hate you just for your high falutian, condescending and patronizing correction of posters in this thread. How dare you hijack a thread just to plead for our undying everlasting hate you pompous pseudo-intellectual poseur. Everyone knows that quote is from Moby Dick. Do you really view us all as unwashed, illiterate scum? May you drown a thousand times in your own wallowing. Ah Bartleby, Ah Humanity. [ September 18, 2002, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: Lord Dragon ]
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