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  1. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from Fizou in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Quick reminder to my fellow CMRT players, you can’t save a game and return to it later. So for the German defender with lots of fortifications and freedom to make their own defense setup. This can take awhile. So if you need a break, dinners ready, baby’s crying, etc, either leave the game running or alt-tab to minimize the game.
    Also completely ignore any tourney files that show up in your saved games & PBEM list. These will not get sent to your opponent. Only play the ones under PBEM ++ in Progress list. 
  2. Upvote
    MeatEtr got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Quick reminder to my fellow CMRT players, you can’t save a game and return to it later. So for the German defender with lots of fortifications and freedom to make their own defense setup. This can take awhile. So if you need a break, dinners ready, baby’s crying, etc, either leave the game running or alt-tab to minimize the game.
    Also completely ignore any tourney files that show up in your saved games & PBEM list. These will not get sent to your opponent. Only play the ones under PBEM ++ in Progress list. 
  3. Upvote
    MeatEtr got a reaction from George MC in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Quick reminder to my fellow CMRT players, you can’t save a game and return to it later. So for the German defender with lots of fortifications and freedom to make their own defense setup. This can take awhile. So if you need a break, dinners ready, baby’s crying, etc, either leave the game running or alt-tab to minimize the game.
    Also completely ignore any tourney files that show up in your saved games & PBEM list. These will not get sent to your opponent. Only play the ones under PBEM ++ in Progress list. 
  4. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from ratdeath in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Quick reminder to my fellow CMRT players, you can’t save a game and return to it later. So for the German defender with lots of fortifications and freedom to make their own defense setup. This can take awhile. So if you need a break, dinners ready, baby’s crying, etc, either leave the game running or alt-tab to minimize the game.
    Also completely ignore any tourney files that show up in your saved games & PBEM list. These will not get sent to your opponent. Only play the ones under PBEM ++ in Progress list. 
  5. Upvote
    MeatEtr got a reaction from George MC in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Yeah turn rate should be about the same from me too!

  6. Thanks
    MeatEtr got a reaction from BFCElvis in The first Battle for Normandy Tournament is ready for signups.   
    LETS ROCK! 😁

  7. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from BFCElvis in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Yeah turn rate should be about the same from me too!

  8. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to ratdeath in The first Red Thunder Tournament has been announced   
    Good luck I'll try to do at least 1-2 turns per day.
  9. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    True, but since we strive on this board to put something better than common misconceptions, his obvious silly post-Prussian biases he showed numerous times demand some reply. Since he likes to use very categorical judgments regarding nations of Central Europe (and anybody else too he considers untereuropeans) let's unpack "EU funded Polish armaments and that's all" argument:
    -Budget assets in PL for 2023 are 97 bln of zl. It raised dramatically compared to previous year where it was ca.65 bln. Obviously domestic assets.
    -Another ca.50 bln comes from Fund For Support of Military- a new entity outside of budget constrains created as consequence of Russian agression, including bank investments with state capital, obligations, off-sets with foreign contractors and similar. Significance of this entity will raise in next years. So it is chiefly financed due to debt on various state assets that Polish citizens will be paying off for decades; one may think of it as morgage on giant scale.
    - European Peace Facility alias EPF (which itself is made of various European assets and debts, including its Eastern members- there are dozens of initiatives there, like helping Nigerian Forces, that do not correspond to situation in UA too) is chief fund here; up to 3.6 bln of euro in 7 tranches were used to refurbish member's states assets given to Ukraine, and that includes ammo, trainings of UA soldiers and other things that directly do not increase our combat capabilities.
    Note: time was of essence then even more than money itself during crucial first year of the war; many western states behind the curtain put cross on Ukraine, so were clearly unwilling to give up their assets due to various subjective and objective reasons. Countries of Eastern Flank- chiefly Balts and PL- gave up up to 30% of their stuff. I is also not true it was all post-Soviet:we have new weapon systems given or sold on credit, like Krabs, Topaz, Piorun, Bohdana  etc. that blow Russians pretty nciely until today. This process left us (mind you- frontier countries) almost bare in various areas like artillery ammo in the face of revanchist Russia, that threatened daily and used hybrid warfare against PL and Lithuania. This situation should last up to circa 2027-30 when new assets should be here in appropriate numbers.
    So how much compensation PL gained from this fund? By march 2023  it was 300 mlns euro, with expectation for another 5-600 mlns according to PM words; let's believe him (I wouldn't and he almost surely infated this, but skip it for sake of argument), it should gave us 900 mln euro, or ca. 4,5 blns of zloty according to recent course*. In other words, EU help consist of maximum something like 3-4% of country total yearly military expeditures. Behold terrying Red Dragon!

    Overall entire argument "we give money so shut up" is, like everything that our dear @Aragorn2002 writes: a mix of power phantasies, personal biases, and lack of basic understanding of economy.
    *Note, that this includes training, ammo and accomodating UA soldiers (various estimates, but probably more than brigade size at any given time from late 2022) as well as running training grounds with allied soldiers, not solely new equipment. We can be sure there are also various long-term military deals being made in this extraordinary situation, but their overall quota is unknown for now.
    Now it is true that countries of Eastern Flank are main beneficiaries of the help- but it is also true they were main benefactors for UA in crucial time and hold the line against Russia, apart from UK and USA ofc. About other issues curcial to UA survival- like diplomatic offensive vs. doom and gloom of some western partners, only embassy working in Kyiv during hardest time, milions of refugees taken care off, unrelentless moral support for UA (still important and showed on the streets by people most interested here- Ukrainian civilians and veterans), chief hub for this entire tragedy and various other things I will not even speak of. But hey: Morawiecki provoked by Zelensky in UN said something stupid, over long-time difficult issue, in the middle of elections he soon nuanced anyway, western media outlets raised histeria to absurd levels and out of a sudden PL is "not reliable ally thinking only about themselves" versus Russia. I could punch curent government by hours if you like, but  let's try to keep proportions here, gentlemen.
  10. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to ratdeath in Cold War Grand Tournament signups are open   
    Maybe make the tournaments with 4 battles, the first battle can be something like moving a tank to a victory condition for 1-2 turns. Players that signed up but does not finish the pre-battle are booted from the tournament and hopefully we have less no show ups for the real battles... maybe  stupid idea!!
  11. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to MikeyD in What's your ETA?   
    This is going to be very random, but last night I was watching a Korean pop music video that just released. It ends with someone driving to a secluded spot. Through the car windshield you can see a distant mountain ridgeline. Suddenly it dawned on me that's the same mountain that's in CMFI mainland Italy! Of all the random places in all the world that they could have filmed, they picked a mountain pass through the Apennines opposite our CMFI mountain! That really tickled me.
    If you want to see the MV the title's at the bottom of the Youtube screenshot.

  12. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from Lethaface in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Thanks guys, some good hard fought battles. Shout out to all my opponents. I got lucky by having active players for all 3 rounds.
  13. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Teufel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    As Haiduk already has covered all the bases today I can just add this video to cap off todays updates.
    Vodka, Lada and Russians being Russians.
  14. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from laurent 22 in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Thanks guys, some good hard fought battles. Shout out to all my opponents. I got lucky by having active players for all 3 rounds.
  15. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to ALBY in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Congratulations to @MeatEtr for whoopin azz in another tournament. Good work commander!!
    I had three good tourney oppo and I appreciate all of them  but we do need a way to message during the game.  
    @BFCElvis these tournaments are excellent!  Thank you for all your hard work  
  16. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Fenris in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Was watching this time lapse and I wondered if it would be worth hitting all the repair equipment on the Kerch bridge with a couple of these missiles to slow down the repair process.  Too difficult or not worth the trouble/there are better targets?  Edit - answered my own question, it's not in range yet.
  17. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to laurent 22 in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Anodai was my opponent in round 2. Our pbem started late. Then he would send several turns/day, and sometimes he would go a week without giving any news.
    He is a good player, tactically aggressive. Beware he is without morale: I saw his guys take money and watches from the corpses of my poor murdered pixeltruppen, I have proof.
  18. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Lethaface in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Had some fun with these little scraps as well, we too were behind schedule mainly due to my agenda but we managed to finish the games just before the bell. 
    The oppo matching is more advanced than I was expecting ;-), given the positions I assumed a rematch against @MeatEtr but we have now been paired with the #3 and #4. Good for variety I guess.
    I have been coupled to Dawg327, not sure if he is on this forum. First file send and GL & HF!
  19. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to ALBY in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Elvis killed a guy !  You better lay low. 

  20. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to Lethaface in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    We are honored to be on his list; we will see to it his earthly remains will be handled with the respect they deserve after the battle finishes 😉.
  21. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to MrSpkr in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    I got a little lucky with artillery.  At about ten minutes left, I dropped a 120mm shell right in the middle of three suspected infantry units (sound contacts) that had been forming up for an assault.  That caused him to delay his final assault on the Syrian right until about the five minute mark, when he advanced infantry and Strykers. I happened to have exactly ONE RPG guy on the lee side in good enough morale  to defend against multiple vehicle contacts.  He hit the first Stryker to emerge from the smoke one (though he did not destroy it) just about the time my adjusted artillery really started pounding the position.  At the two minute mark, the Americans tried to rush the objective 1 reverse slope, but a nicely placed rocket from a team on a rooftop knocked out his lead vehicle on the left, causing the others to fall back.  My adjusted artillery fire began firing for effect, dropping shells on his men (and my own - I'm pretty sure that's how the platoon commander died).  The artillery and the (very light) small arms fire from the remnants of the Syrian infantry on the reverse slope convinced his troops to drop in place just outside the objective as time expired.
    The Syrian left (objective 2 reverse slope) was largely uneventful.  I was able to plink against his vehicles with some very accurate long range RPG shots, and had some fun with my tank ducking in and out of a hull down position to knock out his Strykers (until one of his Javelins nailed it.  He tried to rush the position in the last few minutes, but my infantry was in decent order and, backed by an unconventional truck, I was able to break his attack fairly easily.
    One lesson learned - I need to pay much more attention to the impact of slight terrain elevation changes on LOS.  I had a pair of ATGM units that were largely useless due to undulations in the terrain.  Had I placed them better, my tanks might have lasted longer because I would not have needed to expose them to enemy fire as often.  I also learned that, despite their having a 5200m maximum range, SAM units need to be much closer to the area under attack to be effective.  Mine were on a roof in the town.  They had a great view of the Longbow tearing up my vehicles and strafing my men, but did not fire a single shot.  ☹️
    I think the US had the tougher tactical problem than the Syrians.  The Syrians win or lose the game in the setup phase.  The US forces have to attack.  Had I played it, my plan for the US side was to move somewhat aggressively with my infantry units on the left while keeping the Strykers in hull down positions (as best as possible)to protect against incoming Syrian fire from reverse slope Objective 2, and play for time until teh Longbow arrived.  After that, I intended to try and inflict maximum casualties rather than seize objectives in the hopes of getting his men to surrender.  But, infantry attacking across open ground is risky.  It would have been interesting to play.
  22. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  23. Like
    MeatEtr got a reaction from sburke in New campaign - USMC Gung Ho! available   
    I remember that show, I recall it being better than expected. For anyone interested check it out here! Might have to rewatch this one.
  24. Upvote
    MeatEtr got a reaction from Lethaface in Join the Shock Force 2 Tournament now!   
    Yeah getting that same temp scoring glitch as we finished one game. Expecting it to fix itself when we finish the other game shortly.
    Looks like I might be knocking @Lethaface off his scoring pedestal! 😃
    By the way whats up with the leader board, that anodia player should be 3rd place with his 2830 pts. But he's at number 1?

  25. Like
    MeatEtr reacted to BlackMoria in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It looks like, from the dirt with a track pattern on it on the fore deck of the damaged tank, that another tank back into this vehicle, treads gained purchase and it back up onto the front deck of the damaged tank.  The rear deck of the backing up tank got under the barrel and the barrel acted like a massive pry bar, pulling the turret off to it current position.
    In other words, it was two leopards mating and it went horribly wrong.   😜
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