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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Damn, this looks great, as usual. So how's that Brummbar coming along?
  2. Basically whenever you find yourself thinking, "Damn, it's taking a long time to kill this unit!" or "Wow, I can't seem to pin that unit down for an assualt!". Odds are your up against some fanatics. Scenario designers can increase or decrease the chances of units of becoming fanatical in the editor. It's not all that rare either, I run into it about every other couple games or so. I swear though, they seem to live longer too, they soak up loads of ammo sometimes. Maybe some kind of a survival bonus, I don't know.
  3. Thanks for reminding us of 7 month old news. Where would we all be without you? For all the shock force info you could dream of, "click here". Or you could click on the forum link above this one called "CM: Shock Force". :eek:
  4. **Bump** Figured since I missed this thread, others might have missed it as well.
  5. This just in, some new news. "There is no news."
  6. I agree, the music is a joke, it's just plain lame in this context. Hell, what's next, Pantera's "F*cking Hostile" song tagged on to some combat footage. The actual video isn't too bad. Thanks for posting it.
  7. IIRC I tried to register to this site about a year ago. I guess I couldn't then since it wasn't public until now. It certainly still looks like a kool CM site and hangout. I'll be sure to head on over to register sometime.
  8. Sounds like a great catch, good going. She have any sisters?
  9. Well, personally, my arm gets tired sieg-heilling every time I press go. ESPECIALLY on 40+ turn maps. I come here to rest my arm before going down to the basement and goose-stepping for a couple hours naked, in boots,a german helmet, and a swastika arm-band. </font>
  10. Just imagining a poor d*ckhead yelling "Heil Hitler" in front of his computer screen each turn makes laugh to tears ! LOL </font>
  11. Your joking right? But to answer your question, yes, of course. But remember now, just because a scenario is poorly balanced in favor of a side doesn't necessarily make the scenario or the designer a nazi fan boy or a communist. No need to start threads about it just because 1 guy said this in another thread. I know of a pro-nazi scenario where the briefing states you must give the nazi salute at the end of your orders briefing. Then, right before you click "GO" you must sign off a loud "heil hitler". [ April 12, 2006, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  12. Just downloaded this mission pack the other day and played the first one. Not bad at all, I enjoyed it, looking forward to the other scenarios. I've probably played as the Hungarians only a few times, so this is a welcomed breath of fresh air. Thanks fellas, nice job.
  13. Nicely done once again. Now all the Stuart variants are looking spiffy. I agree with an early post, you should be working with BFC. As for what's next from you, who knows? Except you right? But I've said before and I'll say it again. Well, not really say it again, but show you. Sorry couldn't resist.
  14. Don't be discouraged man, people just don't play winter battles nearly as much as normal weather battles. I just dled them and took a look myself, the quality is sure as hell not the reason for so little dls. You did a very nice job with the WW look and I love the dirty ness of them as well. Normally I, as I'm sure others do, only dl mods that are currently needed in a battle. So I hunt down mods for things I notice like the obvious stock graphics(plain looking) or in this case, a tank that hasn't been WW.
  15. Just wanted to give a heads-up to those interested. The release date has been announced for this Tuesday the 14th(On Steam). They expect the boxed version to be in stores about 1-2 weeks after. There's been all kinds of media/previews/videos posted. Head on over to this thread in the general forum to check it out, theres links galore in it. I figured there's some of you that never bother with the GF and just check the CMBB forum.
  16. Never heard of this modder MikeyD, I see he does such amateur work too. He must be new to modding CMAK. Who the hell in their right mind would want his mods in their game. P.S. The D man rocks, love your work!
  17. Glad to listen. It's nice to hear the details and TLC that go into the maps. It's so much better importing maps and not using the QB generated ones. Sorry to hear about your HD crashing on you. They seem to do it at the worst of times.
  18. Thanks alot Ike. I played your other maps from your previous mappack and thought they were nicely done.
  19. Oops, I stand corrected, sorry about that. Btw, now that i accidently got your attention gautrek, thanks for all your effort/mods. It's much appreciated.
  20. Sure, I'll sell you my copy for the low-down dirt-cheap price of $379.99, whatya say? That's a helluva bargain. :eek: Here's a sample: Seriously though, not even sure how many of dogs excellent panther pack I have left in CMBB. Looking at the pic, I think the tank with "111" on the side turret is the only panther left from that pack. I got Gurra's Panthers and some others, not sure which ones. Check out Zim's hosted mods, if you haven't already. That's where you find Gurra's panthers at and some other very nice mods.
  21. Yup, it's always the fine print that get's you in the end.
  22. MeatEtr

    Public Beta

    and the wait continues..........
  23. There's a very extensive interview from Game Informer, which i believe answers your question. It also has some nice screenshots in there. Also, there's a TWL(TeamWarfare League) 2 part interview also availbable which might answer some more questions. It's actaully a much smaller interview, don't know why there's 2 parts. Nonetheless, here's Part 1 and the other Part 2. And if that's no enough then check out the Computer Gaming World article available.
  24. Well, I've been playing RO since it's very first beta 1.0 release on UT2k3 and have never witnessed the scene you describe. I'm not calling you a liar, I just haven't seen it after playing the game for hundreds of hours. Now of course I've seen situations in all games, including RO, where both sides, for one reason or another, decide to play defensively. It's simply just the ebb and flow of players(noobs or vets) coming to the server.
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