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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Once again, Andrew's uniform mods = automatic download. The goggles look kool, thanks for the mods.
  2. .....and a happy new year to the best online community. ***Shameless confession*** My hidden agenda for this thread: To put BFC into a happy holiday mood in order for the possibility of them to toss us a CMX engine rewrite bone. Well, its not exactly hidden anymore.
  3. WOW, Andrew is Santa Claus this year. But you forgot to say "Ho Ho Ho". Thanks so much for these great looking uniforms.
  4. Ok, i'll try this thread with my question. P.S. Yeah i agree with everybody else here. We need some kind of campaign system in the big ole engine rewrite.
  5. Hmm, am i missing something here, QB's with no flags. Everytime i try and load up a flagless map into QB, it automatically places flags. Am i doing something wrong? :confused:
  6. **Bump** This deserves it. Some great looking Tigers.
  7. Having some kind of internet security or pop-up blockers can give you problems. If you have any try disabling them.
  8. Hmmm, not a bad idea. I can see some sort of a 2vs2 possibility, no more than that. For instance, like 1000pt QB 2vs2, 2 allied, and 2 axis, split the pts 500 a piece. In this case, each guy would have command of about 1 coy with 1 or 2 AFV's. Now for the hard part, coordinating maneuvers together. I can see it now, "You SOB, why didn't you tell me there was a enemy tank in that area". Or "Man, im just glad your taking the shellacking from the enemy arty".
  9. They do work great. But i gotta warn you fellas about using these virtual cd-rom programs. In case your not aware this. Some games simply won't boot up if they detect any of these installed on your hard drive. I know my Op FlashPoint wouldn't work when i had Daemon Tools installed. Also, recently with the 1.5 patch for Raven Shield they implemented this "no boot up" thing if any was detected. But i guess if all your gonna play is CM games then im sure you'll be alright. Just remember though, if you ever get a game that won't boot up, it might be because of the virtual cd-rom program. Just wanted to warn you. Good luck with using them.
  10. Ok, thanks for the info fellas. I just did this and CMBO/BB work fine. No problems at all and i surprisingly didn't have to change the shortcuts.
  11. Was just wondering if it would be safe to just simply click and drag the CMBB/BO folder over to the Battlefront folder? For a nice and neat "all my CM's in 1 folder" thing. Im assuming it would work all fine and dandy. But i wanted to post first just to make sure. Has anybody done this yet? Any problems with it?
  12. Simply put, do replays only for experimentation/training and not to beat the odds, or to cheat. (to win a tank duel or find out enemy locations then go back)
  13. Hehe, yeah, those big boy tanks aren't very reliable. Thanks for the info.
  14. Great job MikeyD. I had no idea the Elephant TD was in CMAK. What region, year and months does it appear?
  15. This is great news. They look amazing, thanks alot Marco and Gordon. This is like throwing a piece of meat to a pit of crocs. Let the feeding frenzy begin. *Edit* Forgot to thank Marco. Sorry Marco. [ December 16, 2003, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  16. Not to hijack the thread or anything. But does anybody know if Tanks A Lot amazing concrete/wooden bunker mod works with CMAK? The stock graphics are incredibly dull compared to his masterpiece. Hmmm, i guess i could dl his mod again and check the bmps to see if they match. *Edit* Well thats that. Answered my own question. They do match. [ December 16, 2003, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  17. Id love to have this for CMBB. oops :confused: [ December 13, 2003, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  18. Good question. 'fraid I don't know the answer to that. Have to try it I suppose. </font>
  19. Also, if you ever come across a scenario that you wish was longer or you think it should have been made longer. Then just load it up in the scenario editor and adjust the turn length. Although keep in mind that some scenarios are meant to be short in length due to balancing issues.
  20. Ah ha, forgot to disable Norton. Works fine now. Remember folks, don't forget(like i did) to disable any pop-up/spam blocker.
  21. This is great news that the CMAK section is up. But im having the same problem as others. Click on login, my login info pops up, click ok, then the screen just reloads back to the same page. As if i didn't login.
  22. Yeah, that guy is awesome. Thanks for the link.
  23. Is this modeled in any of the CM games? I know the odds of it actually happening would be in the extreme. I guess the only way to tell is if anybody has seen MG fire give a casualty to a buttoned up tank. Does anybody know if its even possible?
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