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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. I love it gautrek. Keep it up. CMBB menu screens could definitely use a change. Im all for it.
  2. So........... will the ole sand in the ass crack be simulated in CRAK(err i mean CMAK)? Perhaps like vehicles that bog down.
  3. Very nice Andrew, as usual. Thanks alot, im off to dl it.
  4. Good lord almighty these look amazing! Definitely well worth the wait. Thanks so much Juju for your hard work. Im off to download.
  5. Translation: alot of fu**ing work. Which im sure is the reason he stopped making building mods awhile back. But is back for now. Impatiently looking forward to these. Thank you very much for your hard work JuJu. Its greatly appreciated. Looks like im gonna have a bit of a reunion with the SturmTiger to blow these big beautiful buildings sky high.
  6. Wow Andrew, as usual great job. Looking foward to the much needed SU76 mod. Any chance we can get a dirty version?
  7. Alright kool, the day has come. Thanks alot fellas.
  8. I think i checked those, im not sure though. I believe those are the small explosion wavs. Im gonna go check them just to make sure.
  9. Looks pretty kool Flesh. Are you taking pre-orders? Sign me up.
  10. Anybody know what wav file number is the one for when a AP round hits the ground? Its the same sound as when smoke arty hits the ground. Ive been changing most of the sounds in the game with all the kool sound mods thats been released. Problem is somewhere down the line some mod changed this to an explosion rather than the stock wav quieter thud sound. So now when a AP round misses its target or when smoke arty hits, it sounds like explosions. Not good. Been using Shatters wav map and the wav map provided by NightCrawler in his sound pack. But still can't find the wav file. I also got all of Oddball mods. My CMBB sounds SOOO much better now but this single wav file is bugging the hell out of me. Any help please.
  11. Since i got your attention here Oddball, can i get some quick help. How do i change the channel from 2 to your recemmended 1 channel. Im using DbPowerAmp Music Converter and all the other settings(default) are set to what you specified. Edit: Disregard this. Just found your updated readme in your FON Soundpack #3. I completely missed this. All is well now. [ July 04, 2003, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  12. Ahh ****, just found out what Oddball said a ways back about his FatherOfNone sound pack. Ah well, no biggie, thank god i didn't delete the mp3 version after i converted them to wav. Since it took me forever to dl them on my 56k modem.
  13. Just dled Oddball E8's FatherOfNone 1-10 Sound mods. Sounds much better but some of the sounds are very muffled. Whats the deal, they sound fine outside of the game but get muffled in game. Im assuming i converted some of them on the wrong frequency or something. :confused: Anybody know how i go about fixing them?
  14. What you do is you e-mail me your credit card number and expiration date, and then... </font>
  15. Hey Kingfish, any chance in hell i can get in on this? Haven't tried the Stalingrad pack yet. Would love a sample of it. Also, eagerly waiting for the Kursk pack. Can't get this stuff with the B&T site still down. Forgive me father for i have sinned, could you please bless my email inbox.
  16. Thanks Marcus, i appreciate it. I didn't have much luck using the search engine over there at CMMODS. I should have known to check MrNoobies extensive line of mods. Anyways, dling his mod right now. But do you where i can get John "Tiger" S. mod at from Sept. of last year? Been a fan of his mods for sometime now.
  17. Its not a bug. It looks that way because its not fully identified. I'll betcha a 1,000 bucks that it will be a AA vehicle.
  18. Anbody know, cause i can't find one. I checked CMMODS, CMHQ, and TomsCMHQ. Any help please. Has the KV-IS even been modded yet? Id be surprised if it hasn't.
  19. That looks damn good man. :eek: I'll be waiting on this one.
  20. Kiss your social life good bye. Oh, and always keep your new bible(manual) close by.
  21. If its even possible to mod. Is there a way to make more dirt get kicked up by gunfire? Similar to the way how Juju's explosion mod beefed up the fireworks. Also, how bout a fire and smoke mod? Or will the old CMBO mod work for CMBB? Since the fire and smoke don't look all that great in CMBB.
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