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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Thank god someone else posted here at last. It was so embarrassing to see my name here for so many months under IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.
  2. Ah what a great painter Hitler was... An entire house in a day, and TWO COATS! (credit to The Producers) Seriously tho' Hitler had good evidence that GB and France were weak. They didn't do anything when he invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia...
  3. And for gawd's sake make sure you have the correct batteries for the night vision equipment!
  4. Haven't even started the Dutch Camp. yet, so I guess I will wait for a fix. But, I will probably stay bolshie with my Canucks and see how far I can persevere.
  5. You raise 2 issues. 1) The infallibility of govt/military forces, and 2) One's attitude when playing a game like CMSF. 1) Experience in life (or reading a book or two written by grunts) shows that snafus are the norm. In this case, the RL situation might have been that they brought the charges, but someone forgot the fuses. 2) Yes, this is still annoying in a game. However, in RL you have to go with what you've got. In the above situation, I am sure that the Canadians would not have sat around whinging about it and refused to attack. Now, stoopid things happen when elite troops are involved (see Bravo Two Zero account below). Just imagine how the amount of stoopid things happening when the troops are of lesser quality. However, yes, this is a game, and it's nice when everything is perfect. So, it's just an attitude issue. If I had known at the start that the game was flawed I would have waited for the bugfix. However, I found it very enjoyable trying to figure out how to accomplish my objectives even with the less-than-fatal omission of charges. In any case, I can wait for the fix now. Your reaction simply reminded me of certain girlfriends who... well never mind... BRAVO TWO ZERO SAS FIASCO: Soon after the patrol landed on Iraqi soil, Lane discovered that they had communication problems and could not receive messages on the patrol's radio. McNab later claimed that the patrol had been issued with incorrect radio frequencies,[53] however a 2002 BBC report discovered that there was no error with the frequencies because the patrol's transmissions had been noted in the SAS daily record log.[54] Ratcliffe lays the blame for the faulty radios on McNab as, being the patrol commander, it was his job to make sure the patrol's equipment was working.[55] [edit] Emergency pickup The British standard operating procedures (SOP) state that in the case of an emergency or no radio contact the patrol should return to their original infiltration point, where a helicopter would land briefly every 24 hours. This plan was complicated by the incorrect location of the initial landing site, the patrol reached the designated emergency pickup point, but the helicopter never appeared. Ratcliffe later revealed that this was due to an illness suffered by the pilot, while en route, necessitating his abandoning his mission on this occasion.
  6. My dark side just enjoys being the object of so much hate... Muahahahaa..aa..aarg <cough> <cough>
  7. Actually Steve the real problem is finding 24 players willing to go H2H in one game lol. You did such a great job with the AI that even after 3 years I still find it quite challenging enough, thank you.
  8. "In real life you would check and re-check your equipment. If you forgot your charges that would be a huge mistake, second only to forgetting your main weapon. And if you forgot your radio you’d be fired and sent to the quartermasters shop." You obviously know nothing of real life my young fellow. Just one teeny example: The SAS unit that went out in the 91 war with the wrong batteries. Now this is the elite, and just about everything went wrong for them. **** happens in RL all the time. If you read ANY books on the infantryman's experience written by the grunt himself, the stories are full of unbelievable military snafus. The real mystery is why some wargamers exhibit breakdown when everything doesn't go perfectly in their little pixel worlds.
  9. Oooops, well, I am playing the Canadian Campaign and while I wondered why the engineers had no satchell charges, I simply assumed it was a fu by HQ quartermaster (ie deliberate design choice, since I know Paper Tiger never makes mistakes). So, I just try and accomplish the mission with what I got. Not doing too badly with the first mission. Maybe charges are essential in later scenarios, but not for the first one. It's funny that "realism" is such a big thing for everyone, but as soon as there is one problem that may make life harder, we hear all this screaming. RL is about regular screw-ups, but tough luck... you have to keep fighting anyway. No redo's in RL.
  10. Nevermind, I see this cartoon already featured here elsewhere.
  11. Senior Smack: Haven't received anything in e-mail, is there someplace else I need to look for your file?
  12. That's what I was hoping NATO would be about, but it just adds NATO to Syria.
  13. Thanks for the clarification. I have all the CMSF mods as well as CMA. Was curious as to the reason why the same scenario cannot be played on either game.
  14. You illustrate perfectly the quandary that BFC is in when they have others clamoring for release of CM:N "regardless of liddle cute bugs"... Depending on the bug it can take many man-days/weeks to fix. No game ever gets released without bugs getting discovered. There has to be some other older scenario or campaign that you haven't played to take your mind off this till it's fixed.
  15. I am good for Blue or Red vs AI if you want more testers.
  16. This is GREAT chick pick up material! Thanks... (heh)
  17. A brief discussion of the different doctrines of the different nationalities would also be great. I keep asking "why do these guy have this sort of load-out or numbers?" There must be a logical reason for the squad sizes and weapons, and why when certain vehicles dismount, they leave a driver but noone to man the HMG... It makes no logical (common)sense. But, some great military committee must have had a reason.
  18. I want to play Forging Steel so bad. But, now I have CMA and NATO... Have to get BFC to sloooow down their releases. 2012 for CM:N?
  19. If you know where the enemy is that's great. But, a bit gamey...
  20. Wonderful work. Looking forward to more from you.
  21. "CMA is only a standalone game. Scenarios are only done for it and it alone, with its CM A Editor. CMSF Base Game, MARINES, UK and NATO (with Patch V 1.30) loaded, scenarios can be played with either one." To clarify: You are saying that CMA scenarios cannot be played using CMSF. However, CMSF scenarios CAN be played using CMA?
  22. (From WeBOB) http://hipsterhitler.com/2010/08/ironic-invasion/
  23. "the linked ammo bar correspond to 7.62x39 AND 7.62x54R ammo" That is useful to know. But, are you sure this is correct?
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