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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Ooops. Thanks for catching that GAJ. I meant RT (Real Time) not RL.
  2. It makes sense that's what you do... Just to take your metaphors (or are they analogies?) a bit further. Would a dual-core be like a 2nd freeway (or an extra lane in the first freeway) that is dedicated to (say) trucks as opposed to (say) cars?
  3. Me confused (as usual)... What has headcount got to do with ROCQ? (Or, have I missed something rather critical about the ROCQ concept???)
  4. "Maybe it would help if we stopped calling it PBEM. Who is going to be emailing 50M files around? Not many. So it WILL BE "TCP" Quite correct imo. But, since many players like to have scenarios with more than a couple platoons and a vehicle or two (which is about all one can handle in RL unless one is a wrist twitch wizard), I wonder what are the implications for human-human play.
  5. I am traveling and haven't had access to my CM2 machine for a few weeks, but I recall that I didn't get fog effects cos I have Win 7 and an nVidia card. I wondered if there had been an updated driver to solve that.
  6. I will try that again. But am pretty sure that I did that months (years?) ago when you were helping me get the game running etc. (Thanks again for that btw.) At this point I am frightened of antogonising my new system as we have come to a sort of understanding and we have a truce in place.
  7. Hi Schrullenhaft. One thing I notcied is that even when I do select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR I find the same things happening (that is all saved games and the display size.txt file are still under virtualstore). I have given up trying to understand my system and we have come to a mutual apathy agreement that seems to work for us. Also, orwell... In order to SEE those files you may have to click on the button that REVEALS HIDDEN SYSTEM FILES (or somesuch). I am sure Schrullenhaft can tell you how to get there as I have long forgotten... being as I am the founding member of the "Illustrious Order of Luddites" when it comes to computer issues. Thanks for all your help, S.
  8. Re Ramadi, I am impressed at the small number of US considering the size of the area. And I thought that most CMSF scenarios were kinda BS (in order to make a balanced game) since the Blue forces are nearly always so outnumbered. I can't quite get my mind around what it must have felt like to look around at a few dozen mates and be told to go clear what looks like miles of treacherous city blocks.
  9. And yes, I don't want to be in the position of a naive recruit who "has to learn by experience." That experience is an entirely different role-playing game and there are games that have been like that. I assumed that we are supposed to be akin to an elite officer, who takes command and who can help our pixeltruppen "be all that they can be." To do that, I need to have all that info in my head from "experience." But, of course I don't have that RL experience. That is what the stats tables simulate imo. The stats tables represent/simulate OUR RL EXPERIENCE.
  10. Thanks PT. And I hope you are busy creating a whole bunch of your crack scenarios/camps. I think I am still playing thru at least 3 at the same time. I don't know how people played all the CMSF scenarios and campaigns so quickly. I figure it could easily take me a year or more before I run out of CMSF scenarios and have time for CM:BN.
  11. Question: Do you have Win 7? If so, you may have to also alter the display size.text file under the virtualstore folder tree.
  12. That's the problem. Without statistics one has no idea what worked or not. It would be great to know whether the way one is using (for example) snipers is effective or not.
  13. That does not seem to be mamy troops or support for such a large mission and area. Those numbers were historical?
  14. Does your update fix the fog problem with Win 7 and nVidia? (I find that worse than the flashing issue.)
  15. If you are trying to reduce the number of men in a squad, the only way is to select a % "Casualty" level in the settings screens.
  16. Hehe... We should make "Screw the Newbies" the motto at the top of BoB. And yes, it is a wonderful feature of CMBN that there are hardly any units lol.
  17. I process things visually, so you have enabled me to understand more in your post than I have ever before re how these issues interrelate. So, thank you, Dave... (Ever thought about writing manuals?)
  18. If you're looking for testers... I think my machine can handle it.
  19. "...what's wrong or difficult about learning from experience?" Absolutely nothing... So long as you have anal-retentive obsessive compulsive tendencies and are a total grog. (And I include myself in that description btw.) The question is how do you market outside of the few hundred nutters who are like that, in order to make some money? All the kids I know do not have that sort of focus and dedication to wargames. After a few minutes of "I don't understand anything in this game" they will move on. The great thing about CM1 is that it sucked you in... it made learning easy (comparatively to CMSF). There seems almost a vanity or arrogance about some of us "knowing" all this stuff and "screw everyone else if they don't like it." I don't see how we're going to have competitive competitions if newcomers have to spend ten years like many of us have spent learning the CM systems. It doesn't matter to me at all since I know how to play. I am genuinely concerned for newbies.
  20. You know, Elmar, it is pretty unique that the owners of a development house would take the time to respond to customers wishes at all. It's their necks on the line, not ours.
  21. Yes, great example of why the stats were so valuable in CM1. Oh well...
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