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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. But how would one simulate a SOP force escorting a diplomat and getting captured per real life?
  2. Yes, this should be sticky. Until the game accommodates large high res monitors this mod is almost essential.
  3. No harm in the option. But,I think CM1 showed that it would be unplayable for anything more than a squad, maybe a platoon if close together. The irony is that if you really want the experience go with a relatively simple 2D topdown map type game with icons for units. The positions are what they were last they reported. (Minute Man's ACW games were a bit like that.) Otherwise, you may as well get a first person shooter game (minus the wrist twitch excitement of course). I wonder why they don't make those... Oh yeah... no one would buy it.
  4. Looks like it's being remade on a shoestring budget as a Polish comedy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQJY1OA_IfA&feature=related At least we need not fear any resemblance to the great book heh.
  5. My dream is CM:Zombies. The Zombies can have AK's. Imagine "28 Days Later" or "Dawn of the Dead." ():
  6. Curious as to why East Front releases are to be in reverse chrono order.
  7. "Too Late The Hero" and "Play Dirty" both with Michael Caine. Bridge Over the River Kwai
  8. To add to the question, after CAS has been called, does the observer have to continue to have LOS to the target as in CM1 (arty)? I have called CAS and have had the impression in CMSF that the observer does not have to have eyes on the target after that. For that matter, ditto re an FO calling for arty?
  9. I'll be looking forward to the new version. I was really enjoying the first turns.
  10. That was actually very interesting and educational. Thanks. (And finally I have something to chat up birds with at cocktail parties.)
  11. I had the same problem. There is a mod that increases the briefings text size. I regret I don't recall where I got it, but there was a link here for it a couple months ago.
  12. April 15 would work for me as I'll be back in-country.
  13. That explains why your scenarios are so good. BTW: Did you ever get a chance to do a version of "Road Opening" that had a larger set-up zone so we didn't have to dance around with the Trucks and native troops to get the RPG's out to the US troops?
  14. Not sure why developers put so much effort into making terrain look gorgeous and realistic, and then some folks (in the minority if BoB survey anything to go by) want grid lines all over the place. No worries about it, but it's odd.
  15. Listen &^%$&, you *&^%^%*# ^%$&^ and &^%$&* or &^$&^&* on your*&%#%#%#. ...is what I am looking forward to. And it would be more realistic!
  16. "...downloaded a mod that toned the colours down and it looks so much better. You can have T-55s and T-62s dueling in CMSF too, but there aren't any modern ATGMs and such crap coming in the way...I love exciting tank battles that aren't "first shot 98% guaranteed hit 99% guaranteed kill!" I couldn't agree more with what Zeb said.
  17. "Final scene. 1959. The last survivor of the squad is reunited with his family at the brandenberg gate. Then they all go live in Seattle." Why such a depressing downer ending?
  18. So, for a small barrage rolling every minute, you only need 5 FO's. Problem solved.
  19. Have you tried sending a message direct to BF corporate?
  20. Someone will have a more detailed answer, but there is no external template. It is part of the editor. I am pretty sure it's explained (somewhere) in the manual. It may be that you write you three briefings in .txt and then when you LOAD BRIEFINGS you select each in the other instructed. (From my hazy memory.)
  21. Realistic doesn't make for fun/entertaining games. Not sure why all the emphasis on "realistic." 99.9% of the time realistic is very boring.
  22. Just a fantasy, but wouldn't be amazing to have a game series that could enable us to play any era between 1940 and 1945 with just about every nationality and the hundreds of varieties of infantry and vehicles from those dates? I know it's not ever going to happen. Oh, wait a minute...
  23. I linked up with all JOKER 3 forces between turns 25 and 18 when I guess the game was done and I cease-fired. But, that didn't improve my Tactical Defeat at turn 25 when one is "advised by the game" to CEASE FIRE. I had 1 KIA, and 16 WIA. I could have been slower and more careful. A few casualties were from impatience/carelessness and unnecessary. Several of the casualties were from set-up positions so also unnecessary imo. The rest were just luck/bad luck for the guys. On the whole I thought I did well, but it is a tough and grueling scenario and you can't get impatient or lazy. Ammo discipline was critical. I learned a whole lot and this will change my style of CMSF MOUT fighting. In particular: 1) You are much safer in the streets than moving through buildings so long as you bound with several teams. 2) Better to move QUICK in short bursts than HUNT. 3) Better to NOT have covered arcs. Use FACE command at waypoints. I had a great time with this, and appreciate the chance to take it for a test run. Thanks John.
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