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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Re the question re WEGO, I tested in WEGO as that's how I play anything larger than a platoon engagement, and I thought this was eminently suitable for WEGO. One just needs to predict what may happen during 60 secs and plan waypoints and pauses accordingly. My only comment to LLF was that the set-up positions needed tweaking as one could lose a lot in turn one, and immediately reinforcements arrived, since they were stuck for a minute in WEGO. I think he has tweaked that so am looking forward to trying this scenario again.
  2. I simply copied over my CM1 games via a flashcard to a new Win 7 machine and they play fine.
  3. I see I have to d/l and install FRAPS. That's a problem for me. I absolutely hate to d/l and install anything on my gaming machine other than games (and anti-virus/firewall stuff). After having older machines get screwed up from d/l's I swore no more of that. So my game machine is completely clean of extras. So long as everything runs great I see no reason for tech tweaking or worrying about fps. If I had problems I would d/l and run tests. Maybe running FRAPS and other stuff is why you're having issues?
  4. I have never bothered to look at my fps. How does one find that?
  5. "try going in from 2 (or more directions)? " You mean in addition to the east and the west edge advances?
  6. One could examine the terrain more knowledgeably in CM1. I find the CM2 terrain is just too tricky - much harder to figure it out than in CM2. It's hard to know if your guys are in cover or not since there are no tree bases. As you mention, there are so many gamey aspects to CM - cos it IS a game and NOT an accurate sim of RL. As a WEGO player, before I realized one could see LOS from each waypoint, I would waste many minutes moving units a few feet this way or that way to get LOS which common sense and viewing from level 1 would suggest would be no problem. In RL, my guys would easily have found LOS. So, it's one of those things that helps overcome the lack of AI "common sense." In terms of gameyness, I am far more bothered by the fact that artillery is completely fudged, that highly-trained Snipers and Recon function no better re spotting or hiding etc than regular troops, and vehicles with telescoping arms for missiles, get KIA fast since the system treats them like any other vehicle etc etc...
  7. In RL you have a much better idea of what you can see and what you can shoot at when from any point that you are at. It's hard to know that in a game. So, I interprete it as an "evening out" of the inherent problems that being in a game creates vs RL. It's like giving the AI extra info to make it a better oppo. Esp in high cover arfeas like woods, it would take forever to find good LOS positions without the tool. So, it's rather essential for WEGO.
  8. The above link (in your first msg) doesn't work. No biggy...
  9. I am so surprised that these high power machines are having any problems. I have a 2.9GHz with 64 bit Win 7 and 6 GB Ram. The only really hot component is a 295 nVidia card. I run at 2880x1800 with max quality settings and no problems. There HAS to be something weird going on with your systems.
  10. Plz let us know when the new version is available.
  11. Thanks LLF. Those are very useful hints. As I always use covered arcs I have never used the FACE command to enhance the effects of cover (or for any reason actually). I didn't realize that the FACE command had real value. I also hadn't noticed the differences between the "pointed wall" feature and an entryway. They looked equally as bad to me. It was also a surprise to realize that whether the troops are facing the "stub" or "angle" also makes a difference. This is a prime example of how knowing/understanding the CMSF game system, and how the AI treats positioning and facing, makes a huge difference in one's ability to play well. It's why I think it's important to have a useful manual that explains some of this - esp for noobies, but even for players like me (who think they are experienced). Just as with CM1 there is always something new to learn... Just having to learn to play without covered arcs is a strange feeling. Am looking forwards to playing the updated version.
  12. Blackcat: I completely agree with your assessment. (Altho" I still find the CMSF AI challenging if you play to avoid friendly casualties.)
  13. I got about halfway timewise, but one of my rescue KG's had lost so much that I thought it better to stop and report to LLF my reactions so far. It's a really xnt scenario, but certain initial set-up positions and reinforcement locations caused me immediate casualties. I play WEGO, so that was tough to avoid. Especially if you share my habit of stopping to give medic aid to WIA. That cost me a few more men. The hardest challenge for me was advancing up streets where you couldn't dart into buildings and find covered routes and better positions to fire from (because the buildings do not have doors to each other, and high walls stop one moving from building to building). You HAVE to use the roads. This is what makes this scenario very unique as I had never encountered that in other scenarios. I am very much hoping that LLF does an updated version based on all testers' feedback, as I really want to try again. But, I need a little time to forget what happened so I am not just playing "to get it right this time cos I know what to expect." Hopefully, there are several enemy set-up and movement plans to make replayability high.
  14. There may also be a difference re what one sees and how the computer calculates the result. I have seen troops seeming to have no LOS to an enemy, but they fire regardless, and can cause casualties.
  15. I have a lot of mods that do the same thing, so am not sure which are the active ones. My understanding is that the mod with the later alphabetical name will be used by the system. Is that correct? If, so, can one tell simply from the name. So, will a mod called "Zebra's..." take precedence over a mod named "Alpha's..."?
  16. I agree about the LAV-like Mobile Gun Platform. 10 rounds of HE or thereabouts? It does seen incredibly low. I wonder if in RL they have a resupply vehicle nearby. Obviously, they are not meant for armored conflict but only as HE support.
  17. War in Russia brings back fond memories... Glad he's still developing. I'd buy War in the East, but then I would be absorbed by that and would miss the CM:BO release (heh).
  18. ...the song of songs of the desert warrior was neither hot nor sweet. The song was considered a march song and march music was out of fashion. The song was based on a poem written by Hans Leip around the time of World War I. The poem was put to music by Norbert Schultze in 1938 That song was Lili Marlen. To some Lili Marlen is a street walker. To other's she is one's true love. To every soldier in the desert, be he Desert Rat or Afrika Korps, she was the woman he left behind. Indeed, the song Lili Marlen is often called the Anthem of the Desert Warrior. Neither the Nazi leaders or the Allied Command embraced the song, officially. In fact both tried to ban the song at one time or another. But in the end, the emotions of the average soldier, German, French, British, American, and every other nationality that served in the North African desert looked upon the song as "their song". In fact the British actually took the German song and had it translated for their troops. But even with the English versions being played, the warriors of the desert always looked upon the original "auf Deutsche" version to be theirs. Below you will see the lyrics in German, a 1944 English translation, and the last a version written by a member of the SAS. In 1939 Lale Andersen recorded the song under protest, not wanting to be associated with a "march" song. Joseph Goebbels hated the song and promptly banned it from play but it eventually made the air ways and by the time Rommel landed in North Africa the song was being played over Radio Belgrade in Nazi occupied Yugoslavia. Rommel liked it and asked for it to be played more often. It became a hit. Lale Andersen, Vera Lynn, and Anne Shelton would all later produce wartime English versions. German versions were also recorded by Willi Fritch and Mimi Thoma Eventually Marlene Dietrich, a former German star who came to Hollywood to escape the Nazis recorded it in English for the Americans. She also recorded the song in German. Those who did not already know the song, knew it once Dietrich sang it. http://blindkat.hegewisch.net/lrdg/lrdglilimarlene.html
  19. If you think about it, the entire CM1 series was free... for some people. They could copy unlimited copies and get the .exe file that enabled one to play without an original disc in the drive. BFC could have brilliantly planned that in order to maximize their market - the one that enjoys playing realistic wargames. So, having proven themselves with an outstanding product like CM1, and created a loyal/fanatical/addicted fan base which desperately wants more product, it only makes sense to now charge "real" money for new product which now cannot be pirated. I doubt if BFC would lose a significant number of customers if they doubled their price or more for a game. It's a good bet they'd probably make a lot more money.
  20. For big issues like that you have constitutional/ACLU-like lawyers who tend to jump in.
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