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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Xmas 2011 would be a great time to release.
  2. The no alpha channel pics show an interesting effect with bits missing. Can that be used and modded for the CM: Zombies version so many are calling for?
  3. I have Win 7 & and I know that the game saves to a virtual store location. I can see all the saved game files in the VS location, but the newly re-installed CMA just doesn't see em. Transferring them to a SAVED GAME folder in the game root dir doesn't help. (I don't recall if they were v1.0 games, but if so maybe v1.02 doesn't see em.) However, in addition, there are some newly downloaded scenarios (to the regular game location sub directory where all the original scenarios reside) that do not appear on the list eg: the new Poppy Fields Forever scenario I downloaded from Repository and placed in GAME FILES/SCENARIOS. Tried it twice and it doesn't show up in the game list.
  4. I had to reinstall and patch CMA to v1.02. Now, I find that it won't recognize any previously saved games. (In addition several downloaded scenarios also do not show up in the SCENARIOS list.) Any ideas?
  5. When I put this in my CMA scenarios folder it doesn't appear in the list in the game. (This is for CMA and not CMSF right?) Actually, now I looked, I also don't see "The Bear and the Wasps Nest" or "Outpost Assaulted." Anyone else having problem getting these scenarios to show up in the scenario list in the game? Mine is patched to v1.02.
  6. Am pretty sure that terrain bmps and many other bmps are interchangeable, but may need renumbering. You'll have to check the bmp maps (unless someone else here has a definitive answer).
  7. "Maybe CMSF also insulted Muslims, they got there ass kicked everywhere in the game... Wait, will CMBN insult germans?" LOL
  8. "Your Department of Defense maybe different though." Uh... yah... you think? Vinnart: Recon doesn't work in the CM series as it does in RL, I don't see why one should be restricted in using your sort of tactics. The CM series breaks down in all sorts of ways once under the microscope. (But, that doesn't mean it cannot be useful as a trainer in carefully defined educational situations.)
  9. Hmm... Thanks for the warning. Having to save and replay numerous times to figure out "the trick" to winning is what makes me hate most RL/FPS shooters.
  10. That is predicatable as there has always been a huge bias, fed by large defense cos, that denigrated any potential training tool that cost a few dozens of dollars to buy, or only a few hundred thousand to develop... in favor of the monstrosities that do exist that cost several millions to develop and require a cast of dozens or more highly paid contractor personnel to operate. While CM2 system is a game, there is clearly good training potential under strict instructor supervision - that is the key. Many cardboard games are valid under those parameters, but that is a HUGE threat to the large contractors and they have to lobbyists and clout to crush any trend in that direction.
  11. If BF promised to ship you a copy by next week, would you convert?
  12. I tell everyone that CM2 is an xnt game but you have to approach it as almost a completely new game system with many similarities to the CM1 interface and concepts. CM2 is a much more detailed and smaller scale version of CM1. Playing WEGO I find it takes a LOT more work, focus and time to play a typical CM2 scenario as the CM2 system is akin to flying a modern fighter jet vs the CM1 being like flying WW1/WW2 prop planes. CM2 is very unforgiving of mistakes and you can lose a game with one mistake. As such, CM2 is more of a simulation and CM1 is more of a game. CM2 scenarios are typically much smaller than CM1 scenarios. If you enjoyed the Operational feel of the huge CM1 scenarios and operations in which you could command regiments - even divisions theoretically, you will miss that element in CM2 as it's hard to control more than a battalion-sized task force (and hard on your computer system too). I enjoy CMSF and CMA very much. But, if you play with the object of minimal friendly casualties, I find the mental focus required to be mentally exhausting after a couple months and I have to return to CM1 for a couple months fun and R&R before I can face CM2 again. I consider the feeling of "burn-out" that CM2 provides is simply another "realistic" feature LOL.
  13. The recon jeep "trick" will of course not work against a decent human oppo, but since the majority of games are vs the AI which isn't that "realistic" either (I vaguely recall reading that the AI has more intel on you for example than it should in RL and may not even be quite as restricted in its C&C restrictions that a human is), it seems appropriate to discuss tactics that work when playing "the system." It is an entertainment game after all.
  14. What Vinnart said is also the best use of the fast Brit Jackals. I find doing large circles at FAST speed which get closer and closer to a suspected enemy tempts them to fire and expose themselves quite well.
  15. Be very conservative with your forces or you'll find you have to restart after doing 9 battles due to losses, and it is frustrating to have to replay battles.
  16. Sent you these first comments on looking at scenario: 1) Most curiously altho’ your Afghan troops are armed with AKM’s and RPK’s that require 7.62x39 ammo, there is actually very little of this ammo and tons of the useless 7.62x54 as well as 5.56. 2) Briefing should have a bit more intel re expected enemy forces as well as whether any friendly. 3) It’s odd that there appears to be no arty or air support for this sort of operation. 4) Am unclear why the troops are in the trucks when they have Strykers. Without air or arty one will need the Javelins and it’s a pain to have to load and unload all the infantry before starting play. Not sure why there are trucks either. (A better briefing could explain.) 5) The map is odd in that the swamp area to the NE is useless for LOS to the target, so why is that part of the map there at all? I’ll wait for your reply b4 playing. Cheers… Tony PS: If you don;t want me to post feedback here, just let me know.
  17. Thanks Akuma. I had to restart the campaign a long time ago due to excessive casualties. So, I must have been playing this campaign on and off for almost two years. (!) It's really great.
  18. "Complain about Lady GaGa??!!!" That's it, I'm not buying CM:BN!! Aw... Dang. I already paid for it... Looking forward to getting it for Xmas!!
  19. AkumaSD: How many scenarios are in Dina? I'm finishing the 10th scenario and am wondering how long this (otherwise xnt) road is?
  20. I do feel that this has been such a fascinating thread that for those who may have recently discovered it, much of the posts bear repeating.
  21. Your improvements sound terrific. Thanks for all your work.
  22. Hey Snake... Looking forward to the new version. But, still hoping you'll give us a bigger set-up area for A Helluva Road Opening so we can resupply the US troops with the trucks that are full of local troops.
  23. Road to Dinas is a classic Red vs Red campaign.
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