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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. The current scenarios and campaigns are a bit repetitive. "Inf attacking a hillside, or desperately defending a hillside..." The demo scenario is still my favorite... wish there were more like that.
  2. could also ask at BoB (Band of Brothers) site...
  3. Sent you up to 38 mins to go. Will try and finish this week. But, WEGO takes time as I have to see the action from all forces perspective.
  4. "And all this after so much fighting to make CM2 more "realistic." Not sure what the point was if this is what players look forward to... <sigh>" Guys, it doesn't bother me at all. I just find it ironic after all the emphasis on "realistic" etc. Personally, I would LOVE to see CMSF:Zombies with MOUT battles vs brain eating dead. On another note, after 6 months of intense discussion on CM:BN I feel I have been playing the game for months! Getting burned out. When will CMSF2 come out?
  5. to the main CMAK folder (where the .exe file lives). BTW: What does 1.04 give one over 1.03?
  6. "And you can even pit the Wehrmacht against the SS, or Yanks against the Limeys, or Yanks and Landsers against the fearsome SS-British tag team... well, it's doubtful if anyone would try that, but it is doable. Just like in CMSF you can put together a mother of all battles with US Army, US Marines, Brits, Germans, Dutch, Canadians and of course Syrian Army and unconventional forces split evenly between the two sides." And all this after so much fighting to make CM2 more "realistic." Not sure what the point was if this is what players look forward to... <sigh>
  7. "I've come to really appreciate the US Army's usual insistence on clean, simple, uniformity of its forces. It's tidy. Compare this to the Germans which looks like they took 10 guys with ADD, put them into a room, and said "create as many formational variations as you like". The only problem is the uniformity of all units and formations (as in CMSF). In CM1 I enjoyed the massive variety of inf and vehicles - esp on the German side. Modern stuff seems very cookie-cutter and hence less interesting. Am hoping for more variety/eccentricity in the WW2 iteration of CM2.
  8. This and many other questions re how the CM2 system handles these features require testing to get data. We simply don't have the same extensive data as we had for CM1 which was tested by players extensively. Not sure why so few tests have been done on the CM2 system.
  9. Just so long as we all understand that CMSF arty does NOT function as in RL. Need to be clear if we are talking arty in the CMSF game vs in RL. IIRC CMSF arty landing on (or above re airburst) a building roof (only) is not that effective vs troops on the roof (contradicting RL and commonsense). It IS however, effective vs troops on the ground floor and around the building. (Unless this has been patched and I didn't notice.)
  10. I don't think the morale rating changes. It simply affects the speed of recovery. The experience level CAN change if a crack leader of a unit is shot, and the next in command has lower experience.
  11. I vaguely recall that in CM1 the power of your computer may limit map size. When I got a more powerful computer it seemed like my maps were able to be bigger. Same in CM2?? But, I may simply be getting Alzeimers.
  12. Isn't the 1.04 patch simply re the new licensing/Win 7 issues? I wasn't aware it improved the game in any way. But, plz let us know...
  13. Is this the one with the three-legged thingies?
  14. The AFV needs to have a ringer in it like a phone, so you can call...
  15. I will always be happy to playtest for you LLF. You have my address. Thank you.
  16. "a PC is the sum of its parts. Many PCs appeared to have balls, but their subsystems were utter crap. Since a PC is only as good as its weakest link, many PCs that appeared to be good actually had significant bottlenecks." Good point.
  17. I know that I have seen in CMSF guys moving QUICK and when confronted by enemy shooting as they advanced. Almost looked like QUICK became ASSAULT.
  18. Re the question re WEGO, I tested in WEGO as that's how I play anything larger than a platoon engagement, and I thought this was eminently suitable for WEGO. One just needs to predict what may happen during 60 secs and plan waypoints and pauses accordingly. My only comment to LLF was that the set-up positions needed tweaking as one could lose a lot in turn one, and immediately reinforcements arrived, since they were stuck for a minute in WEGO. I think he has tweaked that so am looking forward to trying this scenario again.
  19. I simply copied over my CM1 games via a flashcard to a new Win 7 machine and they play fine.
  20. I see I have to d/l and install FRAPS. That's a problem for me. I absolutely hate to d/l and install anything on my gaming machine other than games (and anti-virus/firewall stuff). After having older machines get screwed up from d/l's I swore no more of that. So my game machine is completely clean of extras. So long as everything runs great I see no reason for tech tweaking or worrying about fps. If I had problems I would d/l and run tests. Maybe running FRAPS and other stuff is why you're having issues?
  21. I have never bothered to look at my fps. How does one find that?
  22. "try going in from 2 (or more directions)? " You mean in addition to the east and the west edge advances?
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