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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "If you don't give them a pause they go to ground." I presume you do not mean that they HIDE? I guess I hadn't picked up the subtlety of "going to ground" vs HIDE. Interesting stuff. Will have to try the above suggestions.
  2. You should be able to use the FACE command to orient your pixeltruppen to face the desired direction at each waypoint. I can't see why bother using the "Indefinite PAUSE" since since there is no command delays to start em up again.
  3. In RL one has other people to help out. If you're the CO or BN Co you'll have staff. Staff is what play aids simulate. Once again, when one wants to have fun playing a game why make things more complex just to give yourself a headache. That's why I found IRON level to be a joke. Every time you deselect everything you see all your units. So, what's the point? (Well, yes I understand that it increases the C&C complexity.) Or, is the concept that if you do not have a photographic memory, you have no business playing this game?
  4. I'd like to have a copy too please as I have CMBB < > CMAK map conversions I would love to try. (I recall that the process is not perfect and that some terrain features/buildings often change.)
  5. So I just ended the game at 3 mins overtime. You have nice ambushes and minefields etc. But, I felt rushed thru the whole thing and had lots of casualties thru being careless as I felt there was no way I could be careful as normal in the time constraints. To be fair the game went 3 mins+ overtime, when I hit QUIT. But, the briefing should tell one that one has extra time. I did feel that given the scale of the opposition it is just weird not to have mortars and chopper support at least. Why have a fire support vehicle??? I get the feeling that this scenario was for RT players, as in WEGO, one could lose a lot to mines or "impossible to spot" ambushes in one minute. So maybe another user warning? But, if one had another 10-15 mins, I think it would work better. Hope you can do more work on this. Thanks for the chance to test.
  6. I remember how much FUN it is to demo charge or flame an enemy unit in CM1. In fact am still doing that in current CM1 games. Awesome.
  7. I am always amazed that you take the time and trouble to respond to stuff like this, Steve. 99%+ of us here are big fans and will buy your game(s) whether they come out next week or next year. So I hope you can take some time to relax and conserve your energies for the important tasks.
  8. That's really good news if the Assault Command will work better (ie not both teams getting suppressed if one team does) in the next patch. Thank you Steve!
  9. Maybe it's caused by an electronic signal from BFC to remind us it's time for us to send them more money? (I use direct debit heh.)
  10. That's good to know. Thanks. Wish that sort of info was in the manual... Presumably then one can detonate an IED with direct fire with an HE chucker? However, aside from those IED taxis, I didn't realize that one could SEE an IED in the first place? (Or am I confused with mines, which I know you can never see until they blow someone up?) I vaguely recall that one can destroy minefields with heavy arty, but maybe I am confused with CM1.
  11. It is a beautiful map. Congratulations. I only hope it's available for others to do a vs AI version. (I find H2H just too slow, and the AI is quite challenging if your goal is to minimize casualties.)
  12. Being hull-down is about having the bottom half of your tank hidden by a slope in front of you. Getting a feel for when your tank will be hull-down comes from experience. But, generally, if you only have the turret above the slope immediately in front of you, you should be hull-down and only the armor on the turret can be seen and fired at - usually making you much harder to hit and kill. When you are hull-down and use the LOS or TARGET line to anyplace, you will see a text appear over your tanks that says "Hull Down" or somesuch.
  13. IIRC If you afterwards order the vehicle to move, the troops may run to the original position of the vehicle, and only then try and find where it's gone to. IIRC (again) make waypoints for the vehicle to move to first, THEN place a waypoint for the troops on the vehicle so they will run to where the vehicle will end up.
  14. Don't forget to also climb into an empty 50 gallon drum being beaten by your mates with baseball bats and having dirt, heated nails and CS gas dumped on you. Yeah, there has always is a bit of a "controversy" about whether CM is a game for enjoyment or a highly realistic sim that can be used for training. I have realized there will never be a resolution of this discussion.
  15. I have died and been reincarnated a couple of times while waiting for CMBN. However, this time I am a Gerbil and am concerned that it will be hard to play CMBN without opposable thumbs. Can anyone help delay the release date so that I can complete my next reincarnation cycle and come back as a human? Thank you...
  16. If you are a brand newbie I suggest you take a look at the VERY USEFUL TACTICAL FACTS, GENERALS TIPS and OBSCURE TACTICAL FACTS threads at Band of Brothers: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/forums/6/History-Tactics-Discussion Also, keep your tanks hull down.
  17. Rake: Yeah, I have a 25' HDMI cable standing by as well. But, I'll need a more powerful laptop. Can't be moving my very heavy duty desktop to the LR. Already put me in the hospital when I tried getting it out of the box.
  18. Ok, in case e-mail is wanky, here it is again: So here are initial comments re my WEGO test. 1) Map much better. But, it still limits one to two/three obvious options. A) Straight thru the crossroads; Flank around the right; C) Both. I chose both. Native forces supported by one US platoon via the crossroads (so they’d have Javelin support), and most of the recon, the 2nd platoon and Company guys via the “ford.” 2) Briefing still needs work. It’s just too vague. Take a look at other scenarios by Paper Tiger etc. 3) You give us Fire Support AFV but no arty or air. That just doesn’t “feel right.” We all know that US won’t go anywhere without air and/or arty unless it’s an emergency. The briefing needs to set the scene – like in a movie – to explain why this situation has occurred. Generally, while I have been careless and in a hurry to get thru the scenario and get you comments (so I have taken unnecessary casualties), up to turn 20 it seems a bit too easy to take the crossroads and reach the ford. My technique is to hunt forward as many inf units with binoculars as I can and watch. As a result I found many of the ambushers including the BMP and the IED guy and killed em easily with mass AFV fire. The Recoilless on the roof took out a couple BTR's but as I said I was rushing a bit and not being as careful as usual. The right flank is a bit boring. Suggest one or two snipers/light recon enemy in the eastern forests b4 one reaches the ford. So far, I think this could be a really superior scenario, but needs a bit more work. Have taken crossroads. and am about to start N to main objective. A few native troop casualties, but maybe only one US. (It took me a while to realize there were mines heh.) Will send another report when have completed the last 20 mins. Best… Tony
  19. Yes, but one of the innovative features in CM2 is that you get to use the old WW2 Soviet tactic of walking your guys into unknown ground until someone gets blowed up.
  20. With things heating up in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, etc etc there would be a huge revival of interest in new CMSF scenarios. Suddenly, the concept is not merely hypothetical. I can't think of any other computer game that can cover the current events. Prior and during the Gulf War, DoD even brushed off old cardboard games like GULF STRIKE to help plan things. (Of course that game was strategic-operational and I think did also deal with logistics.)
  21. I think you are supposed to throw them down from a high building on top of a passing enemy tank (heh).
  22. AFAIK even Engineers can only "find" minefields when they walk thru one that blows up. Then they can mark the minefield, but no removal in CM2 as engineers could in CM1 cos it' was deemed by the grognard milpros as "unrealistic."
  23. Have been thinking same thing - although my plan is to attach it to a large monitor and keyboard etc when at home or office, so that way I don't need desktops as well.
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