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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Ok thanks. My question is: Despite the additional 15 min delay when you adjust, can you still order the adjusted bombardment on a location not in LOS of any spotter? If so, that 15 min wait could still be well worth it if it takes you 15 mins to get a recon unit into position to see if there are enemy positions at the new location. And after all, you could order a 5 minute pre-ordered bombardment delay and keep adjusting to buy extra time until you check the location for enemy positions. (Yes, it's all kinda gamey, I agree.)
  2. Based on the two pics above, Aris' terrain looks way better to me. In the game however, I tried switching between the mods and still have a hard time discerning the difference between the two sets of terrain graphics. However, I am sold on Aris' mods, so will use those. Thanks mate!
  3. Not sure if we're talking about the same thing. When I talk about units improving performance, I don't mean that an entire Company is automatically a higher experience level in the next battle of a campaign. What I would like to see is some probability of units at the smallest (usually squad) level gaining (or losing) experience between battles. Re "cookie-cutter"... Currently in CM2, while of course I see that units have different attributes, I find the actual effects of those attributes on the unit's performance in the game to be too subtle. So, what I mean is that compared to CM1 units I find the CM2 units to be much more similar to each other. In CM1, I regularly locate the best squads during setup and use them for special tasks as they perform appreciably (in game terms) better. I do not perceive performance differences so clearly with CM2 units regardless of the numerical attributes a CM2 unit may possess. I acknowledge that I do not know enuff to know if that subtlety better reflects reality. But, I do know that it works against game enjoyment re the CM2 numerical attributes giving CM2 units little or no discernibly different characteristics or "personalities". Although the concept of awarding promotions and medals is more controversial for a game like CM, it is not simply chrome. That feature in the Silent Hunter series of games helped one to care and identify with one's men (although I think those games allowed overuse of that feature).
  4. Questions for Aris: 1) Re your latest terrain mod versions. Do we now only need the two at CMMODS? ie: The basic Terrain .brz plus the "no-grid" .brz. So, can we can discard the three terrain mod folders you did a few days ago? 2) How would you compare your terrain mods with Vein's v2 "Terrain Desaturation" mod? (I tried em both and have a hard time seeing the difference. Am just curious what to look for...)
  5. "Fourthly; the units bought back had suffered reasonably substantial casualties in the Med, and had large injections of 'green' men before they saw combat again in Normandy." Earlier you correctly say we shouldn't be discussing things at the Divisional level. But is there evidence that they split up platoons and mixed everyone up at the individual soldier level? I would expect that one had a wide mix of experienced squads if not platoons and Green guys. CM1 depicted that rather well. And in any case, CMBN is NOT RL. It is a GAME designed for entertainment. The cookie-counter feel of all squads/platoons in CMBN works against one's efforts to ID with one's guys. Even so, the fact is that units DID improve during a campaign in RL. They did not come out of Normandy all the same level of experience. Not sure why this seems like a controversial concept.
  6. IIRC halftracks were simply for moving inf more safely than in the much less expensive trucks. Yes, they had 30 and 50 cal MG's as AAA (also used to to support the inf). But, I don't think they were ever intended to run alongside armor as in modern warfare like they were Bradleys etc.
  7. Those spaces could be used for streaming stock market prices? Porn?
  8. There appears to be little difference between WARRIOR and ELITE other than the advantage someone with a photographic memory would have. IRON introduces stringent C2 issues. But, as soon as you deselect any unit you get to see where all your units are anyhow. So, it always seemed like the mode for masochists who have the discipline never to deselect a unit (or who avoid looking at the screen at those times). From the manual: WARRIOR Warrior is similar to the Veteran setting but introduces more realistic time delays for a number of tasks and events. Hardcore players will favor this setting. The following special rules apply: - Enemies appear as generic “Enemy contacts” until they are positively identified by your forces on the battlefield - Treating wounded soldiers takes a realistic amount of time - Artillery and air support take a realistic amount of time to arrive ELITE Elite is IDENTICAL to Warrior with only one difference: - Enemy infantry icons are always the plain “soldier” type, regardless of their armament or function IRON Iron is an optional setting that goes even one step further than Elite, and introduces special restrictions on what the player can do and when. While even more realistic than the other settings, this option introduces a number of interface limitations which might put off the casual player, so it is strictly an optional choice. - Friendly units need to be spotted just like enemy units. If you have a friendly unit not in line of sight or in contact with another friendly unit, then the only way to find this unit is by either re-establishing contact with another friendly unit or by clicking through the chain...
  9. Ok thanks. Found it. CMMODS is strange in that new uploads don't appear where expected. I thought the latest uploads are always on top of the screen... apparently they are sometimes... and sometimes not...
  10. Esp when they figure out they're in Normandy and not the Riviera.
  11. Yes, "Hidden and Dangerous" was a more thoughtful FPS dealing with Brit Commandos iirc. Much more sneaking around and concealment than Rambo-esqe scenarios.
  12. Again, I agree with you Womble. Snipers and other troops with special training should be Crack or Elite imo. However, I got jumped on several times (by milpros I think) when I suggested exactly the same thing in other forums. So, there seems to be a bias somewhere against making certain troops function a lot better than others.
  13. I sometimes order a "preplanned" bombardment for the max 15 mins delay on suspected enemy strongpoints (that are not in LOS) and try to get recon into position to see if there is actually an enemy there. If not, I cancel the bombardment. But, I wonder if one can adjust a "preplanned" bombardment to another location where there is also no LOS, or does one revert back to having to have FO eyes on the target when one adjusts?
  14. Where is Die Letzte at CMMODS? I see Devil's Descent is a new CMBN upload at CMMODS, but nothing else...
  15. I think I am agreeing with you. A 9% thru 30%+ result for Elite is what I would like to see too. 9%-19% is too subtle when you consider one is mostly dealing with Green-Vet troops. That's only 9%-13%. Indistinguishable in the game.
  16. I would imagine there were hard core ubermen fanatics in the SS as there were in the NKVD. Regardless, the above briefing elicits an emotional response of some sort which is a lot more fun than the usual dry "just the facts, mam" briefings we tend to get.
  17. In game terms, I think the effects of the "worst" snipers vs the very best snipers is too subtle to get a feel for it in CMBN. I have the same issue with the C2 system. It's all understandable for a simulation intended for RL training. But, it's all too subtle for an entertainment game.
  18. Don't forget that your tanks have smoke rounds that are very useful to cover inf advances. Also re "I doubt I'll ever feel sufficiently competent to try RT." RT is the easy way to play as you can pause any time you want to adjust orders. Much harder to play WEGO, where you have to consider all options and issue orders that are good for 60 seconds. WEGO is played by professionals. Don't try try WEGO at home kids.
  19. All the German 8-wheeled recon vehicles were supposed to be able to do that. Doubt if it's so in the game however.
  20. Like in RL afaik, taking lots of losses whether WW2 or Vietnam led to a callous attitude by the survivor vets towards the newbies. I noticed that myself after the horrendous losses of "School of Hard Knocks" that it was easier to accept casualties after that.
  21. Good job on the bullet hole damage!
  22. The more recently created CMSF missions are much better designed as the designers had gained a lot of experience with the CM2 system.
  23. Now that is what I would like to see more of in the German briefings. Puts one in the right frame of mind - either cynical/ignoring the rant, or a true believer...
  24. In CMSF I experimented with how much I could shoot at a "preserve" building and still not lose points. I recall that with 20mm and less you could shoot for around 60+ seconds with no points loss. You'll have to experiment with CMBN.
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