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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. After JOKER 3 was hoping that amazing map would be seen in other scenarios. Just curious...
  2. Re Engineers and mines... Can they do anything more other than "Mark Mines?" Any way they can clear mines (like in CM1)?
  3. If the system doesn't recognize the file, that should prevent it being loaded. Personally, I find it easier to create extra mod folders to store mods I am not using in the Z folder, and to keep a BU folder of all mods in case I mistakenly delete one. The other "fun" thing to do sometimes is to use the Mod Tools' RezExplode to open up the .brz files and mix and match to get a desired mod effect from two or more mods (say) of uniforms.
  4. Do I need to d/l and run both patches, or only the latest one?
  5. Ok, I will try to not rant on about the XO's no more. However, am looking forward to CM: LOGISTICS REMF module to give em something to do.
  6. So, it really does make sense to keep recon troops light and ammo-deprived if they have to do a lot of crawling etc? It's great to know this sort of thing - but only if the ammo weight has a NOTICEABLE effect in the game. Unfortunately, many really interesting effects (how experience affects sniper accuracy, effects of a superior quality HQ etc.) are so subtle that it's hard, maybe impossible to notice any effect in the game (ie outside of doing specific tests). The subtllty may be realistic. But, it would help the game if these effects were a bit more noticeable.
  7. Hope the Russian Front module has female soldiers (to keep things "realistic" of course).
  8. I know that folder or file "ZZ" will load after "Z". But, how are mod files handled within folders when in combination? Eg: One has a ZZ folder that is loaded after the Z folder. However, the Z folder has one or more files in it labeled ZZZ. Does the ZZZ file inside the Z folder get loaded last (and is seen in the game), even though the ZZ folder would be loaded last? This issue came up with as I was trying to use UI mods from "JUJU's tweaked UI", "MB interface" and "Bill's Improved Rank and Insignia" mods together. And it's hard to get the desired mod to appear in the game. Thanks...
  9. I never even thought about the issues that Womble raised. Dam, there are some crafty, gamey bastids out there! Ideally, I suppose it would be nice if there were a toggle for things like that since many of us play vs the AI, I am less concerned about that sort of sneaky behavior by the AI. It is frustrating to not be able to mount (non-sexually of course) certain vehicles.
  10. Not sure why you are looking at "mainstream press" reviews since this is not a mainstream game like Call of Duty etc. However, a simple Google wll give you many reviews from wargamer sources. And as everyone else has said, there is an xnt free demo to d/l and play. So, what are you waiting for?
  11. Thanks for the mag info JasonC. And yes, ammo supply is one of the weird items in all CM2 games. One often spends the first minutes of setup simply loading up ammo to pretty ridiculous levels. Fortunately, all CM2 troops seem to be professional weightlifters and there are little if any negative repercussions from carrying 300+ rounds of 45 for the Tommy (or massive amounts of ammo for any other guns for that matter) heh.
  12. Re XO's I thought that we/this game was all about trying to be realistic. Is it realistic to use XO's for recon, medics, suicide missions etc? If it is/was I stand corrected. My point is that we use medics ALL the time, and so the game would benefit from having em. So if there is a (programming workload) choice to be made, I hope that in the future BF will reduce the plethora of HQ units that cannot be used in a "realistic" manner in the game.
  13. There was an earlier post someplace that such a bullet would go thru about 25cm/10" of reinforced concrete. Pretty amazing. You'd think you'd be safe behind that. Probably been watching too many TV/movie firefights where people are safe behind one row of bricks.
  14. "I am too old and spaztic to play RT..." I agree... Um, I mean, I am too...
  15. Nice AAR. I was surprised that any mortar or arty other than super heavy would neutralize a bunker (so I have never even tried). I probably would have hoped that the airstrike would do that. Is that a CMA bunker phenomenon, or are bunkers in CMSF and CMBN also vulnerable to mortars? (Also, would 60mm or 81mm have any effect?)
  16. I agree with CPT Mike. There are an overwhelming number of choices for versions and scenarios right now. It's the "strange/weird phenomena" which could be bugs or deliberate design abstractions that are confusing as natch they are not explained in the still fairly inadequate (altho' CMBN's is a big improvement) manuals.
  17. +1 to interest... Am enjoying CMBN right now. But, am developing a real hankering to get back to modern combat again. And the Brits are fun as they don't have the "overwhelming firepower" that one tends to see in US scenarios. One has to fight much smarter as the Brits.
  18. Just curious... I have seen different sizes of Tommy Gun mags. How many rounds typically? 24? 30?
  19. "I use them as streetsweepers to take care of casualties my troops do not have time to deal with." We all do. That's why it would be great if BF got rid of the Byzantine collection of excess HQ's and gave us Medic Corpsmen who we would actually use all the time.
  20. mjkerner: Was that "Mad Minute Games'" two Civil War games (b4 they went bust)? Yes, I really liked the forests becoming translucent/transparent as one got closer. They did it right. But, I know I had a CM1 mod that removed the lower tree branches/undergrowth so one could see ones troops in woods fairly easily without having to turn the trees off, so one could still enjoy the feel of being in trees (branches above you). (LOS was still bad for the troops, it was simply easier to see where your own guys were.)
  21. I remember in CM1 someone created a StarWars Trooper mod for the SS and a gay leather biker mod as well IIRC. Good times...
  22. Lets All Fight: If you ever get a "Best of..." mod compilation, please let us take a look at it. Fuser: I also prefer having the mods separately (the way you do em). What I do is unzip each of your zipped mods and create a new folder to put each in separately called the same as your zipped file (I hate .brz files as it takes so long to explode and look and compare etc etc...) It would be helpful if you already had the mod in a regular folder and then zip it so we don't have to create our own folders for every d/l and unzip. (But, that's just me being lazy...) In CM1 it was easy to mix and match mods. The brz files make the process a lot longer.
  23. I play WEGO and 30 teams is only 10 squads equivalent, so... Since the head wound graphic is simply under the helmet, then you could do a mod with the brains exposed, or a half empty skull? (You can tell I am getting excited about "CM Zombie Strike".)
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