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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Hmmm... I should try headphones. Then I won't be able to hear the wife screaming at me to shut the stupid game off! However, when wearing headphones, don't you find it harder to spot the wife creeping up on you with a kitchen knife?
  2. Some of the most fun scenarios feature mixed nationality forces as you get to see the strengths and weaknesses of each nation's weapons systems.
  3. "BF has removed the plane's shadow..." Never thought of that. But, you are right, it did make a difference in immersion. Wonder why shadows aren't put back.
  4. "I wonder if there's a logic setting which would disable the audio feed once the camera is no longer over a friendly unit or blob thereof? I think it should be doable and would make a worthwhile restriction on exaggerated target detection and ID capabilities. By no means is this statement confined to mortars, either." Wouldn't that make the game go silent when not near a friendly?
  5. For a second I thought the couple on the right in the 2nd pic were Russian inf crew. Must be the helmet shape and uniform color.
  6. Doesn't that simulate rangefinders and experienced ears who put the info together from different vantage points?
  7. You guys do know that all this footage has been on utube for a while in separate videos. someone just edited it all together to make a "story".
  8. Any chance some kind soul could make that into a .wav as a CM mod?
  9. I like what you are trying to with this mod. But, I felt the sounds were a bit dull... as if one was a distance away. Close up one would hear crisp "cracks" of bullets whizzing by one's ear. If that was a MG42 firing, it didn't have the dreaded "zipper" sound, more a fast "budda, budda, budda" of a different weapon (but maybe it wasn't a MG42).
  10. "f***ed up the weapon names in CMSF" I saw there was a thread elsewhere about changing uniform filenames so that one could still use older patch uniform mods with the newer CMBN/CMFI patches. Unfortunately, many of us lesser talents are scared to touch or mod anything. I find CM2 quite intimidating.
  11. I agree re the seemingly unending patches. While I buy all the modules in order to support BFC (and keep patching), I am primarily trying to play CMSF and CMA until the WW2 series gets closer to its "final" patched version. Otherwise, it's like always playing a BETA version and I want to play the "glorious full version" (and I hate replaying old scenarios). The videos make GUSTAV look very promising. I like the "shading" option that desaturates the colors. I find that without a lot of tweaking of my NVidia controls, the colors look unrealistically vibrant and bright. Oh and btw, nothing indiscreet about my training injuries. The problem is that I still push to the limit and as one ages, that injury hurdle gets lower. Training with a bunch of beautiful girls in their 20's doesn't help. But, I can still keep up with them, and in one instance am still faster.
  12. Yeah, I have never seen those squad window graphics ever b4 either. Can't decide if they are useful/an improvement or not.
  13. IIRC nothing will delete or change a covered arc in CM1 unless the player does it. Units may however fire outside of the covered arc based on the game AI.
  14. It just occurred to me that the originators of the "Cyberwar" idea for CMSF may have a point if they were actually referring to EW (Electronic Warfare) and ECM (Electronic Counter Measures). Having worked with "Cyberwar" concepts now for many years, I forget that the vast majority of folks do not understand what Cyberwar actually entails, and in this instance I think that EW and ECM is what the original posters actually meant to discuss. EW and ECM may well be good additions to CMSF2 as they are (mostly) a tactical weapon. "Cyberwar" is more of a strategic weapon and is akin to the gamechanging "nuke" of the 21st century, making previous weapons systems obsolete in a major war between sophisticated opponents. What is scary is that "sophisticated oppo" could include bright computer geeks as well as a nation state. As a result I predict that a very nasty cyberattack is FAR more likely to occur in the forseeable future that any nuke exchange. But, EW and ECM are very likely to be experienced in a conflict between sophisticated oppos such as NATO vs Russia/Ukraine etc as (IIRC) is proposed in CMSF2.
  15. Looks amazing. Hard to believe the level of detail you have worked at.
  16. Eh?? I love realism. That's mostly brown, right?
  17. Completed this with a minor win. Fun, but seemed way too short. *****SPOILERS****** It is a very short scenario, so little time for finesse. I tried to use the choppers to take out the bunkers, but found the helicopter support pretty useless for that. The AVS grenade launchers did the job much quicker and easily. They also took out the technicals easily. I thought I was smart to move off the road cross country. But, ran into mines that immobilized all but 3 AFV's. The functioning vehicles had three teams of marines plus, fortunately, the AT teams, the MMG's and HQ. I used their grenade launchers to make a hole in the wall of the compound and all entered thru there. The vehicles did a good job of killing any enemy in the buildings and the inf entered and hunted around mostly with little opposition. The AT teams KO'd at least one technical. The problem is what to do with the majority of the inf in the immobilized vehicles. I tried dismounting them, hoping it was an AT minefield, but all those inf were suppressed and WIA by the mines. So, basically one can easily win this scenario with three vehicles, three teams (one platoon) plus the MMG's and AT teams. Everyone else is superfluous. Wish one had more time to do this scenario carefully.
  18. Thanks... I keep thinking that ZA Toolbar is dead and buried, but the dam thing keeps coming back to life! I found these instructions seem to work best: "1. Go to Start, type in msconfig and press enter. 2. In System Configuration Box select service menu, look for entry "ZoneAlarm Toolbar IswSvc" and untick. 3. Then select startup menu from System Configuration box look for entry "ZoneAlarm Browser Security" and untick. 4. Press OK, restart computer and CMSF patched post v121 should work."
  19. That sounds like a good idea. Set-up, esp with large scenarios takes much longer than needed.
  20. Just completed it after months away from CMFI. Really enjoyed Aris' scenario, but was surprised to get a US Total Victory as it was a bloodbath with most of my tanks KO'd and a third inf casualties. I thought I was doing ok until the last 25 minutes, when one gets into the town and casualties skyrocketed. I guess I can't get used to that after CMSF and CMA. I felt I deserved a loss or a draw at best. (PS: I never found a use for the mortars and I don't think I used em at all.) Anyway, highly recommended scenario.
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