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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Thanks for the manoeuvre (Brit spelling) support info. What still confuses me is that these support units seem to be equipped with the same rifles as the reg inf. Do they not have any special MG firepower etc?
  2. I was thinking that Support Formations are maybe supposed to focus on one aspect of a battle, and not (say) get involved in close range combat (or summat like that...)? In my games too many times all Brit inf units are used as interchangeable inf units, and it's unclear why one unit is a "support unit' when it seems to have basically the same weapons as a regular inf unit. And then IIRC there are "Maneuver Support" units. How are they used differently is what I am curious about.
  3. And the relatively simple way CC handled operational/strategic level is all one needs to add a great new dimension to the CM game.
  4. FWIW Fizou I use Aris terrain and vehicles but the newer uniform mods (like FJ) etc. You look like you're using translucent trees. What with all the new variants of CM2 maybe I'll have to remove all mods and put em back individually. No way of knowing otherwise what mods are even functioning any more.
  5. Great-looking pics as well. The terrain looks a bit washed out. But, it makes the uniforms look very good. Wish thre was a way to play with vid card settings to get a bit more color into the terrain, but keep the worn/washed out look of the uniforms and vehicles.
  6. I think the manual says that the game KIA icon represents seriously WIA as well as KIA.
  7. I have always wondered what are the real life organizational goals of the myriad "support" groups etc that the Brits/CW seem to have. Could you summarize the specialized units/formations in the game and explain how they are supposed to be used within the overall command. Thanks...
  8. Great news. Hope this works. Using the Tiller games seems to be a lot of extra work.
  9. Thanks. Good to know... I hear that a lot with Brits air support, but often they don't seem to see the target if it's area, only if it's a point target.
  10. '...getting my HQ crew into a radio equipped HT or jeep." Ah, brilliant. Thanks for the xnt tactic.
  11. Anyone remember the two Minuteman Games ACW games they put out a few years ago? Company went bust after that unfortunately. But, it was fun playing CM-like ACW. Problem was that the terrain tended to all look the same after a while and the challenges felt all similar due to there only being three types of units: infantry, artillery and cavalry. ACW/Napoleonics may be better as an operational or strategic game.
  12. That is amazing work. Where will it be available?
  13. Re future features I'd like to be able to resupply grenades as well as ammo. Never understood why the trucks don't automatically give grenades when you acquire ammo.
  14. That would be great as I have the DCS game. However, just haven't had time to load it as there's so many CM games to play(!) I also understand that the DCS learning curve is very steep.
  15. That is what so so important about "buddy aid". When you meet your maker and he asks "How many of your pixeltruppen did you save..." I want to have a good answer, know what I mean...
  16. I have the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS sitting around my office as yet unused. Is there a problem hooking it up re CM2? Or was the problem swapping one stick for another?
  17. There is a mod that made the icon size half-size. I have tried it but I can't remember the name. You'd have to search - maybe a year or more ago.
  18. Well, 2D maps are a bit different from 3D. It's when you get to ground level and spend most of your game time at level 1 or 2. (At least that's what I do.) The map making tech is not detailed enuff to make totally accurate replicas of RL, so am simply saying that putting effort into how the game maps "play" is more important than struggling to get a map to appear identical to a RL map.
  19. Good for CMA as well presumably? BTW: I thought one would only be able to use one arrow variant at a time. How do you use both "thick faded green arrow with thick bright yellow arrow" at the same time? (Or am I misunderstanding.)
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