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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Since the command attributes of units change (almost always worse) when leaders are casualties, maybe the crews could automatically become much worse after bailing.
  2. Very interesting and edicational posts Jason. Thanks...
  3. I recall in CM1 vehicles had a "Center of Spot" (and height etc didn't matter), but I though that in CM2 they act like realistic objects as in WYSIWYG. Are CM2 trees not modeled in detail so one can hit branches etc?
  4. So, in the game, does the XO or 2IC take over and provide command benefit when a platoon HQ or Co HQ is KIA? In all the years I have played CM2, I can't recall ever seeing this happen.
  5. If it's vs AI, I would be honored to give it a shot (as it were).
  6. I hope modders stop using .brz folders as one usually wants to unpack to check which mod one may want and/or rename them. There are so many of some mods that would replace each other - like helmets - that one needs to rename so they all appear.
  7. Always nice to have new CMSF mods. I just hope that the mods we have will work with CMSF2.
  8. Are we certain that the older mods still work with the updated game?? I know many do not. It's a biatch trying to figure out which do and which should be deleted.
  9. What is it zipped in? I don't have it...
  10. "...gather the most...polite, and friendly gamers..." Well, let's not go overboard...
  11. Uh thanks for the updated info: "Tecumseh was a Native American leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy which opposed the United States during Tecumseh's War and the War of 1812. Tecumseh has become an iconic folk hero in American, Aboriginal and Canadian history. He is immortalized as the inventor of the snowblower." Off to report update to wiki... Thank goodness for the internet. One learns so many useful things.
  12. Tecumseh was a Native American leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy which opposed the United States during Tecumseh's War and the War of 1812. Tecumseh has become an iconic folk hero in American, Aboriginal and Canadian history. (Thanks to Wikileaks of somesuch heh...)
  13. Check out A HELLUVA ROAD OPENING. You will probably enjoy that as well. Similarish situation, but with US, Germans, and ANA forces vs Taliban. And more interesting challenges.
  14. "Just now in a game I'm moving a 251/2 so that the ammo is nearer the mortar. Will it drive into trouble ... can't tell." Don't want to belabor the point, but in RL mortars should also be way back out of harm's way. A transport halftrack is not supposed to be used differently than a truck. I agree that in the rather small CM2 scenarios that's harder. But, generally mortars can be left in their safe set-up areas as there is rarely any safer place to move em. Depends on individual situation of course.
  15. There have definitely been terrain mods for that. But, you'd have to search through CMMODS and/or the Repository here for 5-12 years ago.
  16. "Um, that's exactly why I DO want to check LoS from a particular vehicle. To make sure I'm keeping it out of trouble." I reckon it would just be too tempting to use em in a recon role. Trucks shouldn't be anywhere near the front line to begin with. If you're using em as if they were AFV's, they are already way too close.
  17. So, for max coverage, with a third in recon teams, you would break quite a few squads into two recon teams (probably of 2 and 3 men each IIRC) and have the rest of each squad stay back in cover? Once you have the lay of the land, do you bring back the recon teams and reconstitute the fragmented squads before attacking? Or, do you leave recon where they are and bring up the larger squad "core" teams and attack as is?
  18. Thank you for those very helpful advice posts about the concept of Recon. A couple points regarding Recon in the CM games: "The defenders do not have enough forces to be strong everywhere. You have the strength advantage..." Not true in many vs AI games where the human player is very often outnumbered by the defenders - I have experienced attacks at 1:2 and even 1:3 IIRC. I like the idea of the "fast recon" but its success depends on the designer. Some designers give the attacker hundreds of yards to traverse before you get to enemy positions. Others have your units entering a kill zone within a few meters (if you are not already in enemy LOS in your set-up positions - which also happens). Assuming one is not receiving fire immediately, my SOP has been a combination of QUICK (a couple dozen meters) and HUNT (min move possible) moves with 20-30 seconds pause before every HUNT waypoint. In the game you don't want to run your recon literally to death without the support units seeing what killed em. "Recon Pull" - In (my) CM games a "net" of recon units spread all over the map is what seems to work best. However, I never had the balls to use as much as a third of my units like Bil does. I am too worried about diluting my attacking force into teams all over the map - especially if the recon will get sniped and so lose men all over the place. I may have two out of every three squads contribute a 2-man scout team each - so six scouts for a company of 3 platoons. When Bil says "one third" does that mean every squad of every platoon contributes one or two recon teams? It makes sense in the game. Not sure if it's realistic though.
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