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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes, this has been raised many times b4. Hopefully, BF will get around to it in due course. There are several other interface-type and similar items that would greatly help speed up play, or make play easier. Selectable waypoint/lines for example - so one could select units by clicking on a line or waypoint. It was an invaluable feature of CM1 and really helped speed up gameplay especially on large maps.
  2. Great idea. But, image is extremely dark on my system - can't see anything. (I note that many pics on other threads seem to come out very dark.)
  3. The discussions would have been in these threads here. But, how to locate them easily, I have no idea...
  4. I think that some years ago other modders were doing similar interesting things in CMSF. Maybe try some of the old threads (from several year ago).
  5. I found that with the Brits one has to have arty and/or HMG's in support. The brit inf squads just can't go toe to toe...
  6. I am planning on getting a new system, but my philosophy has been to buy one generation away from "state of the art" since getting that last 10% performance can cost a great deal more. Also, I have learned that if you can't actually detect improvement in speed or visuals, then regardless of what the tech specs may show, it's not worth getting. So for now, I am still wondering if it's worth getting a vcard with more than 2GB VRam, or if getting a faster processor would be a better choice. (I am convinced that an SSD is the way to go for one's games.) What other items should I be considering when selecting components for a new machine?
  7. re video card RAM, I recall reading a year or two ago that anything much above 2GB is not used and more of a marketing gimmick. Has the tech changed to so that one actually sees a difference with 4GB+ VRam? I use a 30" widescreen monitor with something like 2700x1600 res but the (4 year old) vcard only has 2GB.
  8. Ok, so it will be useful to get a multicore (quad)... that's what I was wondering about.
  9. It depends if the module has an upgrade/patch. You guys need to check the version of your games on the opening screen.
  10. Wasn't complaining Oddball. I just wanted it clear to those (like me) who play vs AI.
  11. Oddball's point was that only about 140-150 IS-1's were ever built cos they had problems and production was switched to IS-2 quite quickly. They were far more numerous. However, wouldn't it be boring if scenarios reflected reality - ie: nearly all infantry based with little armor. Designers quite rightly focus on fun engagements - and that's why we used to see so many Puma's in CMBN even tho' they were also very rare.
  12. So what are the ideal machine specs than can speed up load times and also provide the best in-game play experience? I had thought that assuming one had a decent motherboard and video card it would simply be a question of having an SSD plus a lot of RAM. However, the above discussion makes it unclear. I know that CM only benefits from single core, so does having multiple cores actually slow the game down, or are multiple cores not the issue any more.
  13. Yes, I hope AT guns and some of the famous tank killers like the Nashorn and 88mm ATG's will come into their own one we get more 3K+ size/LOS maps etc. Right now they get spotted easily and rarely get off more than one shot b4 being targeted. I understand the need for house rules if one wants to simulate the Soviet style, including keeping their tanks buttoned up at all times. But, like trying to play on Iron with only using level one views etc etc... it's tough to keep oneself "honest". Also, German buttoned tanks seem to spot quite well. I get the feeling that Soviet buttoned tanks also seem to spot as well as the Germans. I may be wrong. Anyone know if the Russian's spotting ability of tanks has been degraded to simulate the enormous disparity in kills between the Germans and Soviets?
  14. If it wasn't for the greenery it could be North Africa. great pics.
  15. Mr. Buttar has also written another book called "Battleground Prussia - The Assault on Germany's Eastern Front 1944-45". May be worth a look as well. I thought maybe he was German. But, apparently he is a UK doctor, studied at Oxford, joined the British Army...
  16. Too suble and "artsy fartsy" for a wargame. I could see it framed on a wall, but not in a game. Beautiful work of course...
  17. "And then the increasingly daunting struggle to understand all the rules..." Oh yeah, I remember that too. Thank you God for computer games like CM!
  18. Wow, that asl map brings back memories. I think that was the first scenario I tried.
  19. Been reading Prit Buttar's "Between Giants" - a historical account of WW2 operations in the Baltics. The book is VERY detailed about operations and which units took part, so would be useful to designers. Altho' the maps are inadequate and one can get confused re what locations are being discussed. Re CM:RT the book is making a couple things really stand out for me. 1) Soviet doctrine had their tanks buttoned up and they seemed quite blind compared to the German policy of keeping CO head in open hatch. This contributed to the unequal tank casualties suffered by the Soviets. There was one fun story where a Russian tank parked next to a Tiger. The Tiger couldn't rotate its gun to fire as it hit the Russian turret! 2) ATG's (on both sides) seemed to do a LOT of damage, some killing a dozen or more tanks. They certainly didn't seem like the suicidal ones in CM where your ATG may get to fire once and then it's spotted and the next thing it's dead. (Maybe these actions took place a longer ranges than the typical CM map allows?) I do wonder if one can really simulate the Russian limitations in this game. We players can act like German tanks commanders and command Russian tanks far more effectively than historically accurate. We can also command our infantry in more effective ways. As I mentioned b4, trying to simulate the Russian approach may not be workable in this (or any) scenario if the design assumption is that we players will embue our Soviet units with German style command benefits. (And no I don't see any solution as it's hard to play a game and deliberately act "inefficiently".) Anyway... just a few thoughts. I recommend the book.
  20. I concur, am pretty sure my screens are force specific. Will pay more attention in future.
  21. I know what you mean. However, it seems counterintuitive, One would think that carefully entering a building, detecting an enemy and immediately stopping to open fire would be better than continuing to run in. However, I agree with you that in CM, running in does seem to work better.
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