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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Course not, Luke. That would make as much sense as snippity complaints when people ask questions on these forums when instead they could spend an hour or two trying to find the answer in the manual - ignoring the fact that the manual could be wrong. So, QED it's best to ask for info on these forums as some bright spark wil know the correct answer without all the frustration. Win-win... As a CM Tester plz let us know the answer to this 66mm puzzle...
  2. So, still not 66mm per what the HQ is supposed to be carrying?? Not that it really matters in a game. But am curious now... Any other clarification?
  3. Yes, I KNEW I shoulda copied the dam file. Grr.. Will try and replicate - it only occurred in CMBS - haven't seen it in any WW2 title.
  4. Absolutely on "the money". You can't beat self-interest and the Russian oligarchs have a much too comfortable set-up to want to threaten their own lifestyles and families. (Go watch "Meet The Russians" depicting their lives in London on Brit TV.) And on the whole we can probably include Iran in the "safe through selfish self-interest" column. It's the nutjobs mentioned earlier that comprise the existential threats. Also, nukes are not the only threat or the most likely. A chem-bio attack is far more achievable by small or non-state nutjob actors and as a result is arguably by far the more likely In the next decade.
  5. Mines... Phew.. You are so melodramatic John. The tire obviously just had a puncture. I've had flat tires that look worse than that. Esp if you run on em for a bit down the M1.
  6. You never heard of the paperless society? Seriously tho'... you'd end up with another thick manual of notes on the original manual - and then most of that would get forgotten. Then one has to make notes about notes etc. = fulltime job, and it's already close to being a fulltime job just keeping up with CM2 and all the patches, upgrades and mods etc. One solution is to hire a PA to do all the grunt work freeing one up to actually have fun playing the game rather than spending all our time reading manuals and making copious notes (as we did in the good old cardboard wargame days). Cardboard wargaming imploded in the 80's due to the increasing complexity of the games which required more and more study of the rules which meant one played less and less - and many eventually just gave up. History has a habit of repeating itself. Just hope it doesn't happen here.
  7. Yes, really nice to see long LOS for a change.
  8. "...many people in Poland are convinced NOONE in NATO except USA would ever react in other way than starting immediate de-escalating negotiations." Not 100% sure I understand what you meant. But, if you imply that if one side always wants to de-escalate whenever the other side is psychopathic enough to threaten nuclear war, then that means concessions by the "de-escalating" side and the aggressive side essentially wins - then yes, that's about right and hence the dilemma with North Korea with tacit approval and support from China. I chatted with an ambassador to N. Korea a few years ago about why the US was providing enormous aid to North Korea and of course the thinking at the time was that it would eventually civilize/soften the North Korean regime. Now we see how well that appeasement theory worked out.
  9. "Manual in error...!!!" We have sarcastic discussions about people not bothering to read the manual. I knew there was a good reason why most folks prefer to simply ask here on these forums for accurate and up to date info. Thank you...
  10. What is the 66mm HE carried by platoon HQ's and what is it used for? I thought they might have been rifle grenades, but the manual says those are 22mm.
  11. Have you seen an issue I encountered in CMBS: An FO is waiting for offboard arty spotting rounds, but I was able to immediately select a 2nd offboard arty unit and deploy a 2nd strike. When I went back to the first arty piece than then the 2nd again, I could not access the 2nd one this time (that's they way I think it should work). However, by exiting the arty system and reselecting the same FO currently engaged in spotting rounds, I was again able to immediately select a 2nd offboard arty unit for targeting. (Not sure if CMBS now allows one FO to select multiple arty strikes.)
  12. With NATO/US troops in those countries that would quickly lead to all-out war and that means thermo-nuclear. If Russia is convinced that nuclear war will result, its leaders, who have comfortable lives and families, will be less likely to risk it. No worries... So, the only real question is whether the US/Western Europe can maintain the credible threat of certain nuclear war to save the Baltics and/or Poland. Far better to put the current issues with Russia on temporary stasis and deal with the serous global threat from the China-North Korea axis (which also threatens Russia). The North Korea-China axis is the only enemy with nuclear weapons and strategic ICBM capability which enjoys regularly threatening our Allies in Asia as well as US interests in the area and indeed the US homeland itself with destruction. And yes, we should also cooperate with whomever has capability to destroy the threat of Islamic terrorism. We need employ the philosophy that "the enemy of our enemy" is our friend. Deal with East Europe issues economically after the most important problems are solved.
  13. Noticed that several times while an FO was spotting for one (indirect) strike, I was able to click on a 2nd arty piece and set a target for that as well. When I went out of this window and tried again, I was not able to select the 2nd arty piece. But, if I deselected the FO and then reselected him I was again able to give orders to a 2nd arty piece. Bug or new feature?
  14. If your wide angle setting is "on" you may want to turn it off ("C" IIRC) as the wide-angle effect is pronounced.
  15. "My order to "Freeze" was unnecessary. Nobody moved." Unlike what our guys do in the game.
  16. There are tons of mods and scenarios in the BF Repository and at CMMODS http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/ and other sites. If you use NVidia, I also would be interested in optimal settings.
  17. BTW: I have Taking it to the People v5 with me. I'll check for older versions on the main computer next week. Which version do you need?
  18. Hmm... can't see any of the pics. that's unusual...
  19. Of course one completely understands the passion vs Russia re their illegal land grab actions. But, many in the defense establishment have held for several decades that China is the primary threat and biggest potential enemy. While we're all wanking away at Russia, China is grabbing tens of thousands of square miles of international ocean in Asia that are actually vital to US and the world's trade by building artificial islands then militarizing them. In addition, China does nothing but snigger behind its hand at the problems North Korea is causing Japan, the US and Asia in general. But so far, China which is a real existential threat to the US (and the world) has had a free pass and all we talk about is Russia. Probably, the massive investment made in China by western corporations and the wealthy has completely distorted the discussion re what is a greater threat to world peace to the point that it's not rational. (And of course there is no CM2 Korea/Japan game, so that's another challenge, heh.)
  20. Am bothered that we are so critical of Syrians firing blindly into populated cities with this sort of ordinance. Where is the outrage for this?
  21. Yes, there are several sound mods that lower the bg noise to birdsong and even absolute silence. Check repository.
  22. I thought I had pretty much everything to do with CMSF, but am on a travel laptop. Main system may have Hammertime. Anyway, I Googled it and got it from FGM now. Thanks...
  23. What bugs me is the new tech coming out that requires me to learn a new complex OS just to do exactly what I was happily doing before. I love Win 7, does everything I need, but forced to learn Win 10 merely cos it's on all the new machines. Am neglecting my new state of the art $3,500 Win 10 gaming laptop which I paid IT to make look like Win 7 interface - and am using a couple of upgraded 6 year old machines with Win 7. Back to the OP - yes, ok, job done...
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