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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Wonderful video of what MOUT is like - probably best I have seen. But, has this been broadcast on CNN? All I see I on CNN is them going on about Trump seemingly 24 hours a day - like nothing else is happening in the world.
  2. For an inf unit the only choice is TARGET or TARGET LIGHT. You can set an armor arc if you want any unit to only fire at armored (vehicular) units. The rest is up to the (AI) initiative of the unit.
  3. Discovered Philip K Dick when I was a teenager and his concepts blew my mind. Amazing that it took about 35 years for his ideas to become fairly common these days in movies and TV.
  4. amazing to think you did that 5 years ago... We while away lifetimes just on this one game system. But, for people wanting Pacific Theatre, this is 90% there. Just need to bring the uniforms and some of the buildings (and maybe the stone bunkers) up to latest version. The desert island terrain and wood bunkers look great. Maybe repost on CMBN forums and see if anyone else want to do the extra modding needed? BTW: What were the bridge sections stuck in the lagoon supposed to be modded as?
  5. Thanks... I'd forgotten ab9out that. Altho' that was US troops. Was hoping for Pakistan vs India or somesuch. (Otherwise, why was a Pakistan uniform mod made?)
  6. FWIW after doing some CMSF housecleaning was amazed to discover how many mod sets were created for CMSF to simulate the following forces or situations: AL NUSRA; FSA; A LIWA AL ISLAM; SAA; SYRIA; IRAQ; AFRICA; AFGHANISTAN; PAKISTAN(!); TWILIGHT 2000... Don't recall any scenarios for Pakistan. Anyone have any?
  7. AIW and Fulda Gap seem like by far the most obvious and popular CM2 choices for new titles. Since those aren't on the horizon I wouldn't think anything else has any chance at all. Actually am a bit surprised we've heard nothing from BF for a while. Is it just my impression or are the regular contributors and the rate of postings on these forums slowly melting away? Even the last mod posted to CMMODS was over a month ago. Hope all goes ok at BF and they are busy working on some lucrative govt contract.
  8. Sounds like the basis for a good alternative history book or TV series. Anyone seen "Man In The High Castle" where the Japanese have won the war and US is partitioned?
  9. It didn't seem to matter whether I simply put ZZZ's in front of the Pacific Folder and booted up, or if I removed my entire Z folder with its massive array of mods and only used the Pacific Island mods. What seems to work perfectly is the tropical sounds, birds etc; and the jungle foliage. Some of the buildings esp the 2-floor ones had bamboo walls. But other buildings (most of the smaller ones) had stone or brick walls as in Normandy. And all buildings still had the Normandy slate or tile roofs. In the lagoon it looked like there were a bunch of bridge elements. So, I guess that didn't work either. The US troops looked like Normandy, not Marines. From the Jap side, the wooden bunkers looked v good, but the stone ones looked like Normandy. The Jap floating icons looked v good. But, the uniforms and faces were still Brits. So... The mod works perfectly if one wanted a map that had only jungle and wooden bunkers but no buildings. Perhaps if you play Blue, the Brit unit uniforms would work for Imphal or Kohima or India... Maybe with the short pants and sleeves of the Afrika Korps mod. (Or am I getting confused with CM1?)
  10. Very, very interesting that you claim that. This is a shame since it's obvious I wasted all those man-days testing your designs and giving you a lot of feedback. Well... no good deed goes unpunished... Will be interesting to see if and what you actually complete...
  11. BTW: The jungle sound mod with tropical bird calls etc should be perfect for the tropical "African" mod pack for CMSF (re Operation BARRAS and KING COPPER MINES). (Least I hope it works in CMSF.)
  12. After testing 5 versions of one of your scenarios it was dismaying that you abandoned it and started something else that you wanted multiple testing on, and b4 that was completed you are on to something else etc etc. Doing multiple testing of scenarios that do not result in a completed project is one of the reasons I am burned out currently. I apologize if that is a harsh or inaccurate assessment. But, all I see on my HD are various "test" versions of scenarios that I spent a lot of time testing but which then seem to have been abandoned. I did mention to you that since there are so few of us interested in testing CMSF and CMA you need to ensure that you don't burn us out. In the meantime, I would love to play one of your completed scenarios to get back into the mood. Do you have one?
  13. Hmm... I thought the newer CM2 versions only messed with UI mods, not terrain and uniform mods. I will try em and see. Here's hoping for the best... Re "...give UnCons the ability to anti-buddy aid (finish-off) and retrieve weapons from fallen enemies." Maybe have "cutting off heads mod"? Also useful for SS troops vs enemy troops and uncon civilians? It's (nearly) always great to have extra features. And the above wouldn't bother me. But, need to consider that this feature could get "creatively misused" generating complaints (although on the bright side it could get CM2 featured on CNN).
  14. Does this include the bank heist scenario? You have started so many scenarios and now a campaign I am getting confused. In my scenarios folder I see several scenarios of yours that are "test" versions, but I don't seem to have anything that has been completed. Have you completed any scenarios?
  15. Ah, yes it is. If you cannot find it, send me you e-mail and I'll send you that scenario.
  16. Given a basic knowledge of human behavior wouldn't they be thrilled to be alive and out of it.
  17. This link may work: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=293
  18. There are many campaigns... First try rebooting and reloading the saved game. 2nd - add more memory(?)
  19. I'd forgotten about your Pacific Mod. Have now d/l'd and will give it a spin.
  20. Was that WEGO or RT? What level difficulty? Any restarts? When giving victory results it would be helpful if players gave this info at the same time as it can make a big difference.
  21. Hmm... Does no one know how to navigate their HD folder tree in Explorer any more? In the good old days we all had to do that. New tech tries to make things easy these days by dumbing things down and making everything in one's system opaque - but I find that makes things much more complex.
  22. "...maybe that is a good tactic vs the AI, but not sure that works for H2h play if you encounter it." Why would it male a difference if one has several human-controlled MG's firing vs AI-controlled MG's firing? Unless the AI doesn't use TARGET but only TARGET LIGHT(?).
  23. I am always impressed when anyone can find a use for a jeep-mounted 50 cal. Ideally one wants to be well over 500m from the enemy. On most CM2 maps that isn't possible and the jeep dies quickly if deployed as above.
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