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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. It's so long ago that I can't be 100% certain, but there have been many uniform mods for CMSF and I do think that woodland camo was made - altho maybe for US forces. Try Google. Sometimes that works to find obscure mods.
  2. Maybe depends on the range of engagement of the M5 3" ATG? Nearly all CM2 battles are short range knife fights so ATG's are seen quickly.
  3. JP: Using the TARGET function is exactly how one determines LOS. CM1 used to have a LOS command, but that was abandoned since TARGET fulfills the same function. (You don't have to actually target anything, just use the TARGET command to see what can or cannot be targeted - which is the same as what can be seen.) You can set multiple waypoint most places on the map, and it is then possible to use the TARGET command and see the LOS from each and every waypoint. The challenge is that while you may find great LOS from a waypoint, when you move an actual unit to that waypoint you will very often NOT have the LOS you thought you were going to have. Given that determining effective LOS is such a challenge you may well wonder what is the point of having the capability of checking LOS from every waypoint. But, that is how LOS sort of works in CM2 - and it is better than nothing.
  4. Enjoy reading about the history of the units you mod. Breathes life into your work. Thank you...
  5. Putting it on CMMODS would be very helpful as well.
  6. The critical point that most keep ignoring is that any future major war with a peer will involved cyberwar vs the civilian population and society in general. We're talking like the armchair Colonel Blimps preparing for WW1 in 1939. Winning a military battle is useless if you lose the war cos your nation's water supply and food supply system is sabotaged, your power grid is offline, bank accounts and savings are compromised so the financial system crashes etc. The only thing one can be sure of is that the next peer-peer war will be nothing like previous wars.
  7. I thought that was a helmet mod issue(??)
  8. SLOW is useful when getting an FO or sniper team into a good spotting position - or for avoiding being seen by known enemy which may be on the other side of a wall. Also, for moving a medic team into position to treat a WIA (who may be in enemy LOS) with a HIDE command. When sending out scout teams I may use a combination of QUICK between cover and HUNT thru cover so they don't run into an enemy. But, that's doable only when there is not much time pressure in a scenario. When there is time pressure I find one needs to run the scout teams until something shoot at them (and usually kills em). I hate that and it seems very unrealistic. That's why I favor longer scenarios which allow one to be careful with movement and economical with friendly casualties, and why often it's nice to give oneself extra time to finally see one's plan executed.
  9. They seem to work best when used as Wicky recommends. Keep em out of enemy sight all other times. The only other way to use em is if the enemy is suppressed and you can move the flamer close enuff to finally kill em. But, of course if they are already suppressed, you could probably just use more firepower or an assault to kill em.
  10. Can't recall the specific mission, but in general, the Russians do better when they do a lot of area fire as they advance. Remember that in this game bullets and shells carry on further than just where you target them. Even if you can't see a specific target, sending a lot of bullets and HE in the enemy units' general direction will suppress the yanks. The trick is to find places to locate your units where they can all concentrate fire at the desired target (or area) but where the enemy can only bring a part of his units to fire at your units. That's how one gets fire superiority. Do you have artillery? Russians usually or should have a lot or heavy stuff. Due to the usually lengthy time to call their big stuff, it's best used in prep fire. Also, SMOKE is your friend. Use it to blind the enemy as much as you can. Modern vehicles may see through smoke, but inf cannot.
  11. Re ammo expenditure, you'll get a feel for how much ammo your units will need through experience. It will all get easier with experience. Many of us players have been at it for years and we still learn new things. This is a complex and detailed game/simulation, so you shouldn't beat yourself up cos of errors. Play the tutorials and/or replay some of the simpler/smaller missions until they don't seem challenging. (It's recommended that you do NOT start one of the huge missions or a campaign until you get confident.) If you feel you cannot go on with a mission due to losses, you can always quit and start a saved game. (Save your games every 5 or 10 moves.)
  12. "All I am doing is responding to and agreeing with other posters who requested this feature earlier. If this is what other players are asking for should it not at least be put on the wish list is all we are saying." How come people don't read posts?
  13. Dunno why you are mad at me. All I am doing is responding to and agreeing with other posters who requested this feature earlier. If this is what other players are asking for should it not at least be put on the wish list is all we are saying.
  14. imo they are all useful in giving one the basics of how to conduct operations up to battalion level in CM2 or regimental level in CM1. So, if you have little/no understanding of how to conduct a military maneuver, they are well worth looking thru. There are even more useful videos available on uTube that give specific examples using the CM2 game. Just Google. However, one has to realize that for any game experience is required to understand and play the game system as all games have quirks, rationalizations, compromises to make the game playable.
  15. So, is it a programming problem to simply allow a one-button selection for extra time when the scenario "officially" ends? (As opposed to having to go into the editor etc?) There is a convenience/user friendly issue here as well. My philosophy is to make accomplishing things in a game as easy as possible/non-frustrating for the player. Just something to add to the wish list for CM3 if it won't happen in CM2.
  16. Don't get me wrong, I always play WEGO. This may be one of those scenarios where so many things can go wrong in a minute that it benefits from RT is all I wuz thinking.
  17. Well yeah... if you tell the player exactly what (s)he is about to experience that reduces the angst. But also it mitigates the psychological shock/horror/surprise effect that you seemed to want to induce(?). I like the concept of starting a scenario with a very nasty surprise as a psychological trick as an entertaining game design is an example of "applied psychology" - it will almost certainly make the player extra cautious - and you could assume/predict that in your design for how the oppo AI forces act vs how you can assume/predict how the human player will now act and react. People generally love horror films, so I hope you go ahead and make a really shocking surprise ambush on turn one and see how players react. All am saying is that you need to be cognizant that some may get upset. Treat it as an psych experiment...
  18. Assuming that there are no impractical programming problems, any game system should be about giving players choices. No one is preventing a player from ending a scenario "on time". But, for many of us we would like the choice of extra time - sometimes to execute our brilliant plans to conclusion, other times cos we are playing more carefully/slowly than the designer intended and we want to see if we can succeed while keeping friendly casualties low. To some that may seem "pointless", to others its "fun".
  19. That stop motion movie of yours is pretty good. Must have been a LOT of time consuming work!
  20. I forgot about the frequent bogging and several immobilizations. The good thing I learned too late was that the Panthers actually move pretty well offroad as do the halftracks. Everything else could get bogged and/or immobilized even on the road at times. I never found a good use for the infantry. They probably should be offloaded early before a "sniper" tank killer blows up their tank transport. The question then is whether to send the inf to the flanks or rush them up the road to spot the ambushing enemy tanks. My attack was called off with 30 minutes left on the clock after losing a Luchs to mines on the left flank and another Luchs plus 2(!) Panthers on the right (plus another two Luchs damaged) + the road attack bogged down in front of the first objective when three more Panthers plus a JgPzIV plus several halftracks were killed or immobilized. The inf had only just reached the first set of (deserted by now) enemy foxholes. The enemy arty was also nasty - killing another 75mm halftrack and several inf. Glad to hear that you succeeded in WEGO. This seemed like best played in RT so one could immediately react when an enemy starting pinking shells off one's armor. Too many times, I helplessly watched as a Panther would survive 3 hits only to be killed by the 4th in a WEGO minute.
  21. First check the hot keys and that you do not have objectives turned "off". Also, sometimes, if designers put an objective under a building it can be hard to see.
  22. Unfortunately ordinary folks now have the choice of being bankrupted by US medicine, or not getting sufficient timely tests for things like cancer and/or waiting too long for treatment in the NHS. Have been with my dying father and elderly mother in NHS hospitals where I witnessed the misery of non-emergency care... non-emergency patients brought in by ambulance and waiting on beds and stretchers in corridors etc. (Note that emergency NHS care seems mostly pretty good.) But, if I did not have great US insurance I'd head to Europe (probably France which is supposed to currently have the best medicine in the world) to get free EU treatment rather than be bankrupted in the US.
  23. There was a thread about this some months (years?) ago. Looks like a good movie.
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