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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. While CM2 is truly wonderful at level 1, my understanding is that most players play from level 3 and higher - some even using the top-down 6+ levels. From those higher levels a well-modded CM1 compares quite well to CM2. That was what I thought the poster was referring to.
  2. "...a bunch of Hueys flying in, bullets pinging off of their sides as they drop troops into a hot LZ." The very existence of aircraft that fly would make this a different game from the CM series. However, I would love to see aircraft as flavor objects in all CM2 games.
  3. Not sure why SS didn't have the above as I have all those campaigns and they should have been uploaded. If you send me your address I can send you Crossroads.
  4. This BMD mod looks very weird. Can this be correct coloring??
  5. Quite so... So, the discussion could be whether this is the end of AFV's? (At least when both side have this sort of drone tech.)
  6. I thought that for very short distances a support weapon like MG can be moved without disassembly - ie ready to fire again quickly.
  7. Yeah, we got that Michael... I like your out of the box thinking though...
  8. Did anyone see the programmed Drone ballet by hundreds of the blighters at Winter Olympics or Las Vegas?? We're not talking sending out a couple, but hundreds of weaponized drones in a highly coordinated manner - some could be EW jammers, some attack craft etc. Right now it's a race to see whether drones can be made effective faster than anti-drone tech (ie just like every other arms race).
  9. It's out and getting poor rating by Rotten Tomatoes unfortunately. A CMSF scenario would be much better.
  10. While many designers like to have one do a general advance across the whole "front" that seems to be lazy design. In these cases it is generally best to concentrate all forces on one flank and overwhelm the defender there. That's maybe "gamey" since the designer may not be able to program the AI to effectively displace its units or deploy mobile reserves to a critical place. Maybe the new triggers that designers can use make the AI-side behavior seem more "sensible"? However, the best designers create maps/situation where one cannot easily/successfully use gamey tactics like edge crawling etc.
  11. With the MG (and ATG) examples, it has been common in my experience that one can set up the weapon at a hedge/bocage or in a building window which by eyeballing should give a wonderful unrestricted view. But, one then frustratingly discovers that while the target can be seen by a crewmember, the gunner/gun cannot see the target and consequently the main weapon cannot fire. And of course there is no way to persuade the gunner to move that MG a few inches to see and target what the crewmember sees.
  12. +10 But, it seems that we have to hope that modders do a job on CMFI to give us that experience. There is a basic DAK/North Afrika mod out there, but very few vehicles are suitable apparently. Could try adding to the "official Wish List" that BF creates more models in their future CMFI expansion that would be suitable for use by DAK/NA modders (even if BF didn't create a final product). But the era would be 1940-42 - earlier than current CMFI. Certainly, if BF sold that DAK/NA expansion as a module, I would pay quite a bit for it. Hope many others would as well.
  13. Am curious. In CM1 if the transporting vehicle slowed down appreciably during movement (eg a tight turn), the passengers would dismount if the passengers' next waypoint was fairly close to where the vehicle was slowed. Not sure if that still happens in CM2.
  14. Ever since CM1 it seems that strange things happen at very long range (1000m+). It was common to have much larger CM1 maps compared to CM2 and I recall that (eg) in CM1 the dreaded 88m was useless when used at the sort of long ranges that it was deployed at historically. Am wondering if this is still the situation in CM2.
  15. I hear that IanL doesn't have my full collection. I know I uploaded all my CM2 scenarios and campaigns some months ago to someone who requested. Can't recall who that was if not Ian. But, they are definitely out there and available. Hope that "someone" can make themselves known to you. If not, if you or someone want to set up a dropbox or similar I can upload them again. My campaign folder is something like 700MB.
  16. Am wondering that when both sides have precision arty and plentiful drones, all vehicular ground combat will cease to exist (all vehicles being KO'd quickly). With ground vehicles ceasing to exist, the only remaining "safe" way to deliver payload will be from an aircraft or drone missile. Good for air force funding maybe?
  17. Hoping I can find it on Netflix or similar.
  18. It would be very useful to have a command that would move the unit a few inches so that the MAIN WEAPON could target the enemy that one of the non-gunner crew is spotting. Yes, it could make the situation worse by exposing a tank, but one would have to consider that risk when one issued the "MOVE MAIN WEAPON TO TARGET" order. Most of the time this issue arises with MG's and moving them a few inches is unlikely to create problems.
  19. If you issue a DISMOUNT order you do not have to issue a PAUSE command to the transporting vehicle - vehicle will automatically wait while passengers dismount, then move.
  20. Wow. That must have been a fun model to radio control. Maybe make a model of an IED next?
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