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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. IIRC only squads with 10-11+ members can be split into 3 teams. Nearly all the NATO squads one sees in CM cannot be split into 3 teams. Which is what makes the Ukrainian 7-man squads squads so interesting and versatile. I only wish someone would explain the rationale behind not allowing NATO and other 7-9 man squads to split into 3 teams.
  2. Excellent. My family comes from there so hope I can investigate the real places.
  3. Totally agree. However, the most "inconvenient" thing for folks like me is having to wait months for a STEAM update when it's already available on the BF site.
  4. Most people don't know what they want until you sell em... Marketing is key.
  5. Yes, me 2. Most, (but not all) CMSF1 mods work in CMSF2. I am about to travel abroad so busy packing. If you have a dropbox, I can try and upload some folders b4 I leave. But most should be on Booties CMMODS/FGM site.
  6. You are doing Aris proud. Quietly giving us an entire snowy set of vehicles. Much appreciated.
  7. I use a hodgepodge of "Mord's Mixed combatants", "Syrian Realism mod", "unconventional", "ISIS fighters", "Talibans" etc. From what I see on the news, the uncon forces feature a complete hodgepodge of what they wear as well.
  8. Yeah... That's what I do every year or two as sometimes updates do strange things. So easy. In all other issues, gamers want things yesterday. With Steam users, they seem happy to wait for weeks/months to get what BF purchasers get immediately. Weird. Plus I like that BF gets 100% of my money.
  9. Many years since I played it. But, re the briefing etc. list what units are depicted in the game. Then one can find the relevant mod. Hopefully all works with CMSF2 engine.
  10. Just curious... With all the problems people are having with Steam, why not just buy the games direct from BF and get updates as soon as they come out instead of waiting for weeks? Normally, folks here are very impatient. But, Steam seems to get a "get out of jail free" card.
  11. Yes, a problem with all titles. In CMBS the Ukrainian 7 man squad can be split into 3 elements: 2 x 2 man teams and 1 x 3 man team. This gives much more flexibility. Cannot understand if BF is saying that it is unrealistic for NATO forces to split into three teams or...?
  12. I used to playtest for Joe when we worked on wargames for DoD. But, no have not tested or played this design.
  13. Do you have a "Animated Text" UI mod? We see this sort of thing when an older "Animated Text" mod conflicts.
  14. Interesting analysis and info. Thank you. The issue is not just about Taiwan itself, but the way China is trying to control the entire S. China Sea through which over 90% of the world's shipping passes. (Also, China claiming all rights to fishing and minerals right up to the 12 mile limits of many SE Asian nations.) All of this due to China lying about the peaceful purposes of the artificial islands it created and claiming "would never be militarized". Ships can go a longer way round avoiding Chinese dominated areas, but that is like saying that "it is not important who controls the Suez canal" cos ships can always go "the long way round".
  15. Also: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/9487/millennium-wars-ukraine Millennium Wars by Joe Miranda.
  16. Huh? On my keyboard, W-key moves the "camera" forwards. "X-key" is zoom in and "Z-key"is zoom out. "C-key" gives an instant wide angle view.
  17. IIRC I played this with little trouble. The successful tactic is to locate the enemy positions with carefully moving inf scouts (even sound contacts are accurate in CM) and then find the furthest away location (ie: safest) to use all 4 SPW's to fire at suspected or known enemy postions for a few minutes.
  18. Not being able to attain LOS when there are no apparent obstructions is normal for the CM system. One just has to live with its limitations/bizarre features. Have often called CM - "The game of acquiring LOS".
  19. Since no one else responded. Am not an expert but there seems to be a mod to extend scenarios, but not campaigns IIRC. More knowledgeable folks than me can tell you how to add time. The easy solution is to try another campaign. Eg: The campaigns and scenarios by GeorgeMC are large and allow a lot of time to do tings "properly".
  20. These are all maps to go in QUICK BATTLES folder (no scenarios)?
  21. Great job. Since one cannot use em all at the same time, the hard part is deciding which uniform to use lol.
  22. Been enjoying one of your scenarios in "Die Kunst..." After playing a lot of WW2 as well as CMBS and CMCW, suddenly CMSF2 seems easy lol. But, maybe CMSF2 engine and features makes CMSF1 scenarios seem easy.
  23. I knew the Buddhist chanting would work.
  24. Paper Tiger was gone a long time as well. Don't you burn out, Phil.
  25. Over the years too many great modders and designers have been lost to burn-out. Take a break and as people said, "have some fun". Play something else. Give it a few months, and the mojo will return.
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