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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. It's an obvious idea, but just in case... make sure you have something plugged into your machines audio output socket. For some reason CM games do not start without that.
  2. Just to check... Is this exactly the same as the campaign of the same name released in 6/20/2015?
  3. Ok I found the CMSF2 full installer. However, I see there are two full CMSF2 installers. One is dated 1/30/23, the 2nd is dated 2/3/23. I got the 2/3/23 version. The 1/30/23 is also needed or should be deleted?
  4. Hi George... Maybe I missed it as it's not exactly easy to see what each purchase is. Will take another look. However, the question remains why are all the other CM2 games on one page, and CMSF2 is not with them??
  5. All the other full installers are on one page. How to locate the CMSF2 full installer? Thanks...
  6. New uniform mods are always appreciated. Did wonder if the color intensity should be toned down a bit. The yellow and blue look like fluorescent tapes used in training so one wants to be seen.
  7. It's the best method, and it supports BF as they get 100% of the money.
  8. It's very possible that CM2 game does not model the effect of fatigue as well as it should. My SOP is to treat my guys as I would in RL. So, no forcing them into fatigue or exhaustion (unless absolutely necessary). Doing medic care whenever possible etc.
  9. Agreed. I use that tactic as well. Generally, that works best for tanks as inf can lie down when resting and that changes the LOS. I forgot the incredible detail of CM realism. Need a command to shut windows! Yes.
  10. Maybe cos I play single player campaigns... but since most of us play vs the AI we should confirm that CF always takes place immediately. It's common to CF in campaigns when objectives have been achieved. Have never experienced CF taking longer.
  11. CF should be immediate, so Brille is correct - unless there is a new bug.
  12. For those who want to confirm that "oddities" (I try to avoid calling them bugs as that seems to upset certain folks) have been fixed here is the list I made a couple years ago: Note: Some of the items are only pertinent to modern titles and other items are relevant to all titles. Re CMSF2 (so far):1) Spotting issues. A two man scout team with no binoculars can spot enemy units at close to 3,000 meters much better than an FO (with super dooper optics tech) or an HQ with binocs. Folks have opined that it's because one of the riflemen has a "Thermal Imager" attached to his rifle and that is why they spot so well. However, if that is accurately simulated in CM2 then why don't all RL units have thermal imagers and scrap the expensive and heavy laser designators and other high-tech optics that seem so inferior in the game? 2) Related to item 1) Once can have a scout team, an FO, an HQ, a Jav team etc all in the same location, literally lying on top of each other. The scout team sees an enemy units - but even after many minutes the other teams cannot see it - they do not communicate. There is something wrong with the C2 system. Again... apologists say that in RL they often cannot see what their buddy can see. However, since the Thermal Imager is so much more effective, wouldn't they simply borrow the rifle with the Thermal Imager so they could see for themselves and then line up their super dooper optical gear on the target so they could finally see it? 3) The M1046 TOW Humvee crew can dismount and take the TOW launcher and missile with them. According to the UI it takes something like 1.7 minutes to deploy the TOW and a lot longer to pack up. But it never seems to deploy. 4) Related to item 2) It is very very hard to use any vehicle mounted ATGM in CM2 as "hull-down" doesn't mean that only the vehicle optics on the roof are exposed. Instead the top of the vehicle is exposed and can be easily seen and fired at and destroyed. Without being able to dismount the TOW in this example, it's usually suicidal to attempt to fire the TOW even from a hull-down position. (Not sure if this has been fixed in CMCW.) 5) Same is true for the M707 Humvee and other "Arty Spotting vehicles" with Laser and other high tech on the roof. All of these cannot be safely used in CM2 "hull-down" as they can be easily seen and destroyed. 6) The M1114 AGL (Automatic Grenade Launcher) Humvee crew can dismount with the AGL. However, it must be a spare from the trunk as an AGL remains mounted on the Humvee and can be crewed and operated by another crew or inf team. Is it correct that the M1114 carries two AGL's? (Note that the crew of the M1114 with the 50 cal can also dismount and operate it, but in this case the Humvee no longer has the 50 cal mounted.) 7) UK HQ's in CMSF2 cannot spot for arty or air. Heavy arty falling on top of enemy troops often doesn't incapacitate them. While it's true that shrapnel may miss, the shock wave of a large explosion alone is usually deadly as it can liquefy one's innards. 9) Some vehicles carry ammo that seems to be available for resupply. But, the crew cannot ACQUIRE any, and/or neither can any other unit mount the vehicle to ACQUIRE any. Eg: The M1046 TOW Humvee) have quantities of regular ammo eg: 5.56mm etc. But it seems impossible to acquire any of it. The crew cannot acquire it, and if you dismount em and mount an inf team, they also cannot acquire any ammo. 10) LOS/LOF issues. While CM2 is supposed to be WYSIWYG it often doesn't work that way. One can get down to level one and eyeball a situation. But, what one sees from a location often is not what a unit will see at that same location. Eg: The AI can see pixel-wide gaps in what human examination considers completely blocked LOS. A related issue is that one can eyeball a situation like a road in town and there is no obstruction down a street to target a building. But one finds that when one places a unit in that location, it cannot see or shoot at the building. 11) Another LOS/LOF issue. Frequently we find that a crew served weapon can see and target an enemy only to discover that it's only the 3rd ammo loader who can see the enemy, not the main gun/gunner. However, it is usually impossible to move the MG or gun a few inches to a position where it can see and fire the primary weapon at the enemy. 12) Finding Hulldown positions is often problematic. Some folks seem to like the "Hulldown Assist routine" available in the game. But, often it simply leave the vehicle with no LOS to the desired target and one has to waste another turn (in WEGO obviously) manually moving the waypoints to get a hull-down position. So, one may as well do it manually from the start. The additional problem is that it is common that vehicles go from having "No LOS' to "Partial Hull Down" with no "Hulldown" option being able to be located in between. One can spend many minutes dicking around with moving waypoints the shortest possible distance in this, that or the other direction to find a hull-done position (relative to the desired target), but one can only find either "No LOS" or "Partial Hulldown" positions. It's unclear if this is an issue with the map, (maybe the terrain is strange), or the LOS routine. 13) Some vehicles like Bradleys when targeted vs a building don't use the desired weapon - their cannon - but instead fire their missiles - which often makes no sense. (Target Light makes em use their MG's.) BMP's are similar vs buildings: Sometimes they use their ATGM's, sometimes their cannon, and sometimes their MG - even if one orders TARGET LIGHT. There is no indication as to why the AI chooses a particular weapons system. 14) SMOKE and buildings... Smoke acts as if there are no obstructions or walls and will drift through a building as it is made of wire. This is actually very helpful when one is attempting to assault a multi-room building. But, doesn't reflect RL. 15) When one orders a SMOKE artillery strike and run out of SMOKE, the battery obviously still has all its HE rounds. However, if you first order HE, when all shells are gone the battery has no SMOKE rounds left - they seem to have been used up as HE. 16) Some SNIPER teams in CMSF2 carry 50 cal rounds, even though they possess no weapon that can use 50 cal rounds. 17) Park your vehicle directly behind a small tree and any enemy fire that comes from that direction will hit the apparently indestructible tree and the vehicle may be 100% unaffected. Unless the enemy gun moves, it can exhaust all its ammo in this way. AI controlled guns especially can be made useless by this trick. 18) Attempting to resupply a squad one may split off a two-man team to mount a vehicle, get the ammo, then debark and run to where its squad is. That takes two turns. However, the teams may not recombine. A turn later when one again moves both parts of the squad to the same spot, they may still not recombine. To get the teams to recombine one has to split the larger squad team into two and then move all three teams to the same spot. Only then will the teams recombine to the full squad and complete ammo resupply. 19) Heavy HE barrage does not seem to damage vehicle/armor subsystems as much as expected. 20) Some vehicles like the WW2 era 8 wheeled German Rad recon vehicles are supposed to be able to move as fast in reverse as forwards, but in the game move in reverse much slower. In the game, it may be that all reverse speeds are identical or % of the forward speed. 21) Crewing oddities. BMP's usually benefit re spotting from an extra man or two in the vehicle in addition to the crew in addition to enabling the vehicle to "Open Up". A BMP cannot "open up" if it only carries its 2-man crew. If the BMP has lost a crewman, and there are no other inf being carried, it cannot TARGET - it becomes merely a transport vehicle. However, sometimes, leaving an extra two-man team in the BMP will enable it to "open up" and TARGET and other times it won't. Adding a two man crew from another vehicle to the BMP will still not enable this BMP to TARGET anything and the BMP still cannot "open up". The extra crew are treated as mere passengers. It's all irregular and unpredictable. 22) Guns in CM2 aim for the center of mass. So, even when at short range, the gun will aim for the hull even though it may have more chance of killing or damaging the target by aiming at a different part. If the turret is less well armored than (say) the hull that can mean that a hull-down tank may be more vulnerable than out in the open, as the turret will be the target. 23) Tanks can spot inf ridiculously quickly given what we know of tank's poor vision when buttoned up, or in poor visibility, like in smoke etc. Eg: Have experienced buttoned-up T-34's spotting inf HIDING 100 meters away in a blizzard - in seconds. 24) Inf is unable to detect a tank that is a few meters away on the other side of a wall, or in poor visibility. *************** It would be much appreciated if folks can confirm which items have been addressed, so they can be removed from this list. Thank you in advance. If you have encountered new issues, feel free to add your own observations here as it is helpful to BF to have all these issues listed in one place.
  13. Either way, one has always been able to mount any inf unit on a 251/1 and recrew it. One has to bailout/dismount the crew sometimes to make room for a larger inf unit in order to let that inf unit ACQUIRE ammo. In that situation, a couple of those inf men become crew. You can then dismount that inf unit leaving the 215/1 empty and "dismounted" and can then remount the original crew, OR... one can mount any other leg unit to become the new crew. Am happy to send my saved game file via e-mail (it's only 3MB) and any one can check this out for themselves. What we have here is a bug. And thank you to Brille for testing and confirming this. As I do not recall experiencing this bug in earlier plays of any campaigns, this certainly suggests that the bug has been introduced by an update. The same applies to the 251/17 where I first noticed the bug. ************ NOTE: Having played a lot of the modern titles I have experienced that in certain modern CM2 games, vehicles come with dedicated crew. So, even though those vehicles carry spare ammo that appear to be acquirable by an inf passenger. The problem with this scenario is that if one dismounts the crew either one is unable to mount an inf unit, or... the inf unit can mount but the vehicle is still is still labeled "dismounted" and the inf unit cannot ACQUIRE any of the spare ammo. Mentioned this bug years ago. Not sure if it was ever addressed. Another "interesting phenomenon" I found in CMBS some years ago was that if one dismounts the HUMVEE TOW vehicle, the leg crew have a TOW launcher, but there remains a TOW launcher on the HUMVEE. I found that by mounting a small inf unit onto the HUMVEE one now has a vehicle TOW launcher as well as a leg TOW launcher. Not sure if that reflects RL that the HUMVEE carries two TOW launchers or if this is another bug - and do not recall ever getting a response or explanation when this was first noted. If it's a bug, hopefully it has been fixed by now.
  14. What makes these pics stand out are the detail of the close-up faces - esp pic #1 - very realistic.
  15. Appreciate you taking the time to examine the file. To reiterate: The entire FO unit was KIA in a previous mission. ie: Nobody survived. "... the campaign designer (says) that there are no reinforcements..." Fair enuff... If there are no reinforcements/replacements, then there should be no FO unit returning in subsequent missions. That would make sense. However, the FO unit does return. You can't have it both ways. Either there are no replacements in which case why does the FO unit return at all? Or... the system is supposed to replace FO's that can be used as spotters since it is hard to continue a campaign without them.
  16. Never heard that b4 as am sure I have bailed out HT's b4 with no problem recrewing. Usually it's to make more space in a low capacity HT so that an inf unit can board to acquire ammo. That inf that is acquiring ammo is also able to crew the vehicle. Chuck may be confusing tanks wit HT's. But, will check... Actually, it's puzzling that folks prefer to endlessly discuss this rather than powering up a game and trying it for themselves. Sometimes I wonder how many people are actually playing the game. Only 2 people have asked for my saved files.
  17. You are confusing tanks with HT's. You are correct that it is not possible to switch tanks crews. One should however, be able to mount any inf units into an uncrewed 251/1 and they should crew it. Not sure why this is controversial. Re GeorgeMC's point, the FO was KIA in the previous mission. Therefore he should not have been returned at all. IIRC someplace reading that if an FO is returned it is functional. There is no point returning a unit that is useless in a game whether a vehicle that cannot be crewed or a unit that cannot function. If I had experienced the above is in the many campaigns I have played over the years, I would have reported them. Since I don't recall ever being faced with similar problems b4, am increasingly convinced that there are bugs in the campaign system that have been introduced via updates.
  18. Thank you for your comments. I thought about the other bizarre bug re the HT's that cannot be re-crewed. Have played almost entirely campaigns (and CMRT in particular) for thousands of hours either as playtester or for fun in the last decade and I cannot recall either the HT issue nor the FO issue occurring before. IIRC the KIA FO's return in later missions completely capable. Otherwise it could break the campaign making it impossible to continue - after you may have spent dozens or hundreds of hours playing another 6+ missions only to get stopped because you needed the FO. Who wants to replay 6 big missions just to save the FO? One has to think about this re what makes a good game and a good experience for the customer. There is nothing one can do with a FO that cannot spot... other than use him for suicidal recon missions. It's ridiculous to make a game that deliberately frustrates a player who is trying to get entertainment value from the product. Suspect that bugs have been introduced with the last update(s). I get the impression that many well-meaning folks who refuse to believe CM is riddled with bugs do not actually play the game that much, certainly not campaigns, and therefore are not that familiar with the game - esp campaigns. Campaigns are where many features of CM2 are stressed and can come undone, eg: the C2 system. This doesn't mean the game is not enjoyable or fun. But, I've never had rose-colored glasses.
  19. It is strange that it hasn't been noticed b4. I wonder if one of the updates has introduced new bugs like this. Thank you for taking the time to confirm things.
  20. Thank you for all your work. Hope that you eventually put em all together in a campaign.
  21. Far enuff... However, doesn't that make the game more unrealistic as (am assuming) that a new FO would not be assigned who was unable to to call in arty. (Or are we saying that the screw-up is part of the game's realism?) In game terms it's just a frustration of having useless units arriving in future missions. And this seems to be a cumulative problem... as in the campaign I am playing, the number of uncrewed HT's that cannot be crewed by anyone grew from mission to mission. Of course am defining "bug" as anything that makes the game seem ridiculous. And that has to be a programming/software issue, no? Either way, thank you for taking a look and confirming the HT bug. Added to the list.
  22. Thanks for looking at the file. No Zugs were completely wiped out. I can't recall exactly, but I think the rest of the ZUG appears in Mission 6 - but with 2-man crews. The set-up turn started with the HQ already mounted in the 251/1. But the vehicle was still listed as "dismounted". Other than the 251/1's that carry the HMG's - which only ever have 1 crew - all the other 251/1's have 2 crew members and IIRC casualties amongst those crews seem to be replaced between missions. The issue is what is the point in the game of having units appear in subsequent missions that are useless. Even with the FO that cannot call in arty. What to do with him? Send him on suicide recon mission? Is that what happens in RL? In a game, what is the point of loading up the campaign missions with useless units? I do recall that the FO unit was completely KIA in Mission 5. So... the campaign game system has brought back a one-man FO that is useless. That is a bug in the campaign game system. Does this ruin the game? Of course not. It's still very enjoyable. Am simply pointing out that the CM2 system is an inexpensive "Commercial Off The Shelf" entertainment game that quite understandably has flaws that hopefully are in a list somewhere to be fixed. Elsewhere I made a list of over 20 similar issues. I thought that would be helpful. But, some folks are so embedded in the idea that CM2 is a flawless and accurate simulation of RL that it cannot be criticized or improved. Perhaps they are worried about their govt contract customers looking too closely. Who knows...
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