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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. I disagree. Scripted AI is way too easy to beat, once you see which plan it uses. A more flexible attack/defense strategy is a lot harder to counter - one reason a human opponent will always be tougher than the computer. Some of the best games have been ruined by an AI that plays the same way every time, regardless of what opposition it faces. Should the AI use generalized plans? Certainly. It's also (probably) easier to code. But it needs to be flexible, too. For example, in your #03 above, if the axis gets AA tech, and is shooting down a bomber (damage of 5 or more) every other turn, it should "rethink" the bomber strategy.
  2. I had distain for him, but it got lost in the last move. Damn shipping companies!
  3. No wonder the porn sites are so slow. You'd better take a break, and let the blisters heal!
  4. I'm supposed to wear clothes? Now you tell me. (Hope that leaves you with a nice mental image to fall asleep to...)
  5. Mommy, the bad men are talking about the Boogy man. Please make them stop...
  6. I wouldn't be holding your breath if I was you. I've been waiting for the forum members to subsidise my holiday to the US for years. They're a bunch of tight bastages!!! :mad: </font>
  7. The root beer ones were the best. They were only around for about 3 years, in the early 60's. I remember having them when I was young.
  8. My mother cans tomatoes. Although no sticks are involved, she does scald them with boiling water to take the skins off. Does that count? I have often heard her sing when she does this, too.
  9. Sorry, posted that one out of order. It was meant to be a reply to daleem's "Incidentally - if I owe anyone else turns or setups or returned setups, poke me about it!" post. I was too late. Too Late Leete. Story of my life.
  10. Check out the last two pages of the "I don't know what to say" thread, in the General Chaos forum. Locked, toward the bottom of the page.
  11. I've felt that way for the last year or so, but (usually) held my tongue. You'll note how I often get in little barbs, but nothing he could point to and "take to the admins". He's been getting progressively more grating. Biggest understatement of the entire time I've been here. You know, he never would have really taken that bet. He'd have found some way of weaseling out of it. This place is where he can strut and act all important. I think that is one reason he is so socially stunted; if he acts like that in public (and I bet he does), most people would just tune him out entirely. Nothing more annoying than someone who knows it all. It's just too bad he had to sacrifice himself in doing so. Mensch and I playtested some scenarios he had made, and we also played some "be as gamey as you can" type stuff way back in the CMBO days. I remember those times as being some of the most fun playing that I've ever had. I've missed his weird posts, too. Unfortunately, he isn't the type to come crawling back to beg forgivness. I hope he signs up for Gyrene's place, and continues to post there.
  12. Well, it finally happened. Our very own Mensch has gone off the deep end (railing against dullard dorosh of all things; talk about lost causes), and gotten himself banned. We should all bow our heads in sorrow. One of the great ones is with us no more. And sombody smack that smug cannuck up side the head with the brick.
  13. What? And let you be the only one whoring yourself out? Boo has already admitted he's cheap...
  14. Face it, Boo. You have been outclassed by a waffler. We should revoke your kniggithood.
  15. And since she married you, she only gets to visit climax once a year, and has to be with her relatives to do it. Why is that so surprising? I suppose your mistress is from Frigid, ND?
  16. So, that would make him "Old Fowl E", right? OFE for short, which sounded out is Oaf-y. It fits.
  17. Is the affinity for fox urine only a symptom or the root cause? And just why does he have roots, anyway?
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