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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Wax Berli's beard. That should be good for some choice words.
  2. Voluptuous? Isn't that just another word for blubber butt? I'll be 44 this fall. Having a baby in the house sometimes makes me feel young, and at other times like I have one foot in the grave.
  3. I never played Sir James Boggs, and so never had contact with him except through this forum. However, he was one of us, and that gives him a special position in the grand scheme of things. May your heaven be all you ever dreamed, and more than you could ever hope to have. R.I.P. Sir Kniggit.
  4. If you were truly evil, you'd send Seanachai a scenario that would drive hime to stop drinking. Now, that would be something.
  5. I can say with authority, gained through experience, that Boo is completely wrong. As usual. I grew up within a stone's throw of a large Catholic school/monastery. Mercy High School. Although it's possible they were just taking mercy on us, the frequency of their charity was admirable. Catholic girls often would try to outdo each other in order to live up to the reputation. Hoever, it was the general consensus that "4th base" was a definite no-no. However, just about anything else was fair game. I learned more at that high school than I did at my own. Maybe, Boo, you are thinking of your own stilted youth?
  6. I guess that means no campaign to have gnomes exterminated from the face of the earth? No euthanasia programs for short, pudgy, self-absorbed elves? Damn, I guess I shouldn't have started that thread on the other forum. Nah. P.S. If you think there is even the remotest chance my wife is a virgin, you are deluded. I believe the phrase "randy as a goat" is applicable.
  7. Not until I get the AAR of the last one. Seanie, babe. I Don't object to your ascension. Just to you. Ascend all you want, shorty.
  8. Hey, it takes a lot of effort to be completely unprincipaled. If you aren't careful, one slips in, and the whole thing just doesn't work. It's those general ones that are the worst.
  9. I object. Just on general principals. Not that I really have any, I just heard that it's the thing to say. Exactly what I object to is an entirely different matter.
  10. How on earth do you have fake sex with a girl? </font>
  11. I've got plans (in .pdf format) for a sten MkII. The thing is so cheesy, it's amazing it doesn't blow up on the first shot. Except for the barrel/receiver, it's almost entirely sheet metal, and could be made by anyone who can form and weld.
  12. Hell, I can pee at least half that distance. Trust me, you don't want to be within range, especially if I've eaten asparagus. I have a Marlin carbine, 9mm, in an aftermarket "bullpup" stock. Essentially a SMG. With open sights at 75 yards I can hit a plate sized target about 7 out of ten times, with fairly rapid semi-auto fire (not full auto). I have never been in the military, so maybe that doesn't count.
  13. Yeah, he's such a meanie! (can you shoot him in the knee?)
  14. Drama Queen! Ya gotta admit, it was a pretty decent parody from an outsider's point of view.
  15. Then why are you asking such a stupid question? Oh, it's you. Carry on, Chowderhead.
  16. Glad to see you still have faith in miracles. Glad to see we still have hope for miracles ourselves. P.S. Boo, go polish a rock. Like your head.
  17. You're a tad late. Elvis already did. You can find it easily; the title sucks even more than usual.
  18. Oh man, that's maybe the saddest thing I've seen on the internet. Ever. I have to admit the part about Slappy flying was pretty darned funny though.</font>
  19. Correction: wannabe grog. He wouldn't last ten minutes debating on this forum.
  20. Ain't technology grand? Nice to hear. Everyone should take this moment to fill out their organ donor card. Here in NYS, it's as simple as checking a box and signing on the back of your driver's license.
  21. Even if there were no written orders, his lack of orders to the contrary (he most certainly was at least aware of it) is implied endorsement. Irving is a crackpot.
  22. Your wife has been saying it for years. [serious]Hey, stick to the no smoking thing. The first week is the roughest (third day for me), and even weeks later you will still get nic-fits.[/serious] Besides, we want to be the ones directly responsible for your death, not some heart attack. That's just so blase.
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