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Rocky Balboa

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Everything posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. Already been done and I doubt seriously if BF could do a better job of it (wego and PBEM might be an interesting approach). With that said, I doubt seriously that the other guys could do WWII and modern warfare any better than BF does.
  2. I hope "on screen ant-aircraft fire" means that players will actually see (Guns pointed skyward tracers arching in the sky) and hear the flak guns firing in the distance.
  3. The first 2 modules will only contain stuff that appeared in Normandy during the summer of 44. You may see additional stuff in later modules that will let you do what your looking to do.
  4. I can possibly see the slow command paired with the hunt behavior but quick and fast seems counter intuitive. Since units moving quickly or running will be less likely to spot a stationary or hidden enemy before they themselves are spotted, I think the hunt behavior is not needed but the Tac AI kicks in at this point and they find the best cover available if fired upon or if possible, continue moving toward their objective.
  5. When using the Move, Quick and Fast commands the unit will attempt to keep moving until it reaches its destination. If fired upon they might return fire and if suppressed or pinned by incoming fire then they will die in place or seek the closest cover. These commands are normally used when not under direct enemy observation however it is always a good idea to have support units providing area fire on known/suspected enemy locations or in over watch which can quickly suppress any incoming fire. The assault command causes a squad to split itself into 2 teams so that one team is advancing while the other team is in over watch. Again the tactical purpose of this command is to limit the number men exposed to fire while assaulting a known or suspected enemy position. Using the hunt command allows a unit to move forward cautiously. When an enemy unit/position is spotted the hunting unit halts immediately and engages if possible. Here's how the CMSF manual describes each of the movement commands http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_flippingbook&book_id=2&Itemid=223
  6. Let me start by saying I think the came is really looking fantastic and I don't want this request to delay the release of CMBN by even 1 second but I was thinking that you guys might consider adding a few place holder graphics for flavor objects. This will allow the modders to add flavor objects without having to overlay the ones that are currently in the game.
  7. Yeah played that one quite a bit as well and cut my teeth playing Grigsby's stuff on the Apple IIe. I suspect War in the East will just be a rehash but brought up to run and look better with current tech.
  8. Flavor Objects??? Does this mean dead cows are back on the table? Here let me help you out with that Seriously, thanks for all your hard work, the game looks awesome so far and I'm sure the foxholes and trenches will look the same... Now its time to pester Steve for some more screen shots
  9. Yes mate you'll be in mine as well. We may fail to realize it at times but there is a higher power above governments and principalities. The one we should turn to first during times both good and bad is Jesus Christ. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
  10. Classic!!! Steve, You see what you've reduced us to don't ya? In the absence of a game to mod we are modding your swag for you. Hows that for desperate?
  11. +1 for swag!!! I also want a LT Dyke killed tube guy T-Shirt
  12. Please don't wake up refresh monkey until your absolutely certain.
  13. Yes, if that's the trade-off that must be made then IMO FOW defenses are preferable to more realistic terrain modeling. I do remember someone saying during the AAR that the earth pimple look was still being worked on . Do the best you can with them and let the modders do the rest.
  14. In CMSF this was true and most outcomes are predictable because of the lethality of the weapon systems. However I suspect in CMBN even though all conditions are the same you will see more variability in the outcome.
  15. You are a cruel an heartless bloke .... You know that don't ya?
  16. Yep I thought the same but to be fair we have been sitting around twiddling our thumbs for so long that pretty much any question they could have come with has already been asked and answered.
  17. My guess for release will be April-May 2011 with pre-orders starting in March. If its any later than this then I may not survive the wait ... Just sayin ...
  18. Wow, I'm just really blown away by the attention to detail you guys are showing. The anticipation is almost too much to endure ....
  19. Hard to tell from static screen shots but it looks like the running animations are much improved from CMSF which looks unnatural to me. Great work guys, I can't wait to put CMBN through its paces ...
  20. You don't have to read a book to understand the basic elements. But if your interested in delving deeper into or becoming better at it then yes there are books, the net, these forums and as was pointed out (by MikeyD) in the post this, the game itself (CMSF) is and excellent teacher. Anyone who has played CMx1, TOW, ASL, CC, SP or any number of tactical level games and enjoyed them will have no problems understanding basic tactical concepts and should have no problems making the move to CMBN. The UI is different and will take some learning but as stated earlier it's very easy to pick up on and its basically the same UI that's used in CMSF so again there should be no problems, just download the CMSF demo and see for yourself. "BUT I DON"T LIKE POST WWII CONTENT !!" That's ok you don't have to, the demo has a training scenario that will get you familiar with all the basic commands so its all good and the best part is that no one will know if you decide to play CMSF and find out that you actually like it.
  21. Sorry I missed that other tread, thanks for the heads up
  22. Kudos to all the beta testers that are hosting previews of CMBN. I was wondering if one or some of you beta testers might be willing to host a WebEx preview of the game. There are several free conferencing packages available if cost is an issue. Some forum members (myself included) might even be willing to pay a modest price to attend the preview.
  23. I don't think anyone can argue that a well made in game tutorial is preferable to a printed walk through. Given the time and resources I'm sure that BFG would love to create such a thing but I'm personally not willing to wait another 3 months or longer just to have a basic in game tutorial. Also keep in mind that as features are added or changed (something that BFG is very consistent about) then the tutorial(s) will need to be updated as well. As someone mentioned earlier, if you want to learn the UI mechanics and basic tactics, you can download the CMSF demo now and play it. Yes CMSF uses modern troops and equipment but basic small unit tactics haven't really changed that much in 69 years and there are also some excellent player made videos and well written tutorials for CMSF. Of course BFG or one of the beta testers would need to verify this but the biggest differences between CMSF and CMBN will be as follows. Range, accuracy and overall lethality of the modern day weapon systems. temperate(CMBN) vs Open desert(CMSF) terrain Command and Control is easier to maintain for blue forces in CMSF If you never played CMx1 and your only knowledge of tactical warfare is "call of duty" or "company of heroes" then you've got a little more to learn but to be honest, an in game tutorial wont make that much of a difference for you anyway other than to help you learn the interface which you can do now with the CMSF demo. In short, learn to play CMSF and you will have no problem learning getting into CMBN when it ships.
  24. I would think basements and some kind of abstracted sewer movement system would be desirable especially when they get around to creating CMEF (EF=Eastern Front). Defenders in Stalingrad used sewers to great effect...
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