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Rocky Balboa

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Everything posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. 15 was my count as well but I wont quibble over 1 body more or less
  2. While we have this engagement under the microscope, here are some more questions. 1. Which pak made the shot? Was it a Pak38/50 or a pak40/75. 2. What are the chances that a single HE or AP round (baring a catastrophic) hit would kill all occupants? 3. How many confirmed casualties from the single shot?
  3. I don't think the AAR said how many rounds where fired before a hit was scored and I must confess I've been somewhat spoiled by playing blue in CMSF where if you spot it you can normally kill it with one shot. Maybe Jon S or Elvis can shed some light on mid 20th century gunnery accuracies as it relates to CMBN.
  4. I think not.... dismounts in tall grass = descent concealment if stationary. A 2.5 - 3 Ton Truck moving in tall grass = BAT
  5. Yep the zookas should work great against the Frenchy's and hopefully against the rear or flanks of the IV's and V's. Does anyone know if rifle grenades will be used by the US troops?
  6. There may be some tweaks here or there but by all indications the interface / camera controls will be almost exactly the same as CMSF
  7. Of course the guys playing the game have the best view point on this but from the spectators seats it looked like Elvis made 2 key blunders which led to most of his casualties. 1. He moved too recklessly into the forest on hill 154 and essentially walked into a heavily entrenched German ambush. 2. In a rush to secure his advance on hill 144 he allowed a good portion of his engineers to be taken out by a single AP round.
  8. I have a few battles I'm looking at creating that involved these vehicles on or around d+9. What are the chances we might see them for the kitchen sink "Battle Pack" module? Just getting my requests in ....
  9. I don't think Elmar was talking about BFC but other forum users that use the "BFC has spoken" argument to shut down discussion. Yes Steve has expressed his very strong views on the subject and it is their neck on the line, but these forums are used for discussion and I see no problem in players letting BFC know how they feel on the subject in a respectful fashion. Yes it is great to have BFC involved in the forums to the extent that they are, and even more reason why we should have reasonable discourse. I know there are many pitfalls and a lot of work involved in building a dynamic campaign system, but if done correctly, it could be a great feature for the game. Does it need to happen before they release CMBN? Absolutely not... Will it generate revenue on its on if released as a separate module? Absolutely ... Will the revenue exceed the cost of development? BFC is the only ones that can answer this question , However I don't see how they can answer it truthfully if we don't make our opinions known... Years ago BTS had a dream of creating a game called CMBO and there were many pitfalls, problems and risks involved in making that dream a reality. Ultimately its their neck and their choice but players should still be able to express their opions in a respectful way. If there are potential problems with a dynamic campaign system then lets discuss them. Of course there are compromises that will need to be made but we can't get to that point unless we can have respectful discussion.
  10. I tend to focus on the dozen or so positive revues rather than the one negative. I do find it humorous that he claims it has "non-standard" controls.... When CMBO was released there were no "standard controls" for tactical squad based games/simulations. One could argue that there still isn't even today.
  11. Along similar lines ... One can purchase the fore mentioned CMBO at this site... http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/combat_mission_beyond_overlord No idea why there is no CMBB or CMAK to be purchased there? Perhaps our hosts could shed some light on this question .
  12. I would like to hear from Jon S on this as well, but I suspect he divided his assets so as to cover all ave's of approach. Careful terrain analysis might have shown a suitable location for both but sometimes this comes at the cost of decreased mobility....
  13. Wow was I way out in left field ... I'm still playing in the CMx1 world
  14. Its my understanding that once a unit is in the surrender state, there is nothing you can do with it. You can not move it, you must move friendlies close enough to rescue them. See this post by JonS http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1228741&postcount=49
  15. I think it's safe to say that operations as they were designed in CMx1 will not make a return, however the very generic term Operation(s) can be made to apply to any multi-battle system that might be designed in the future.
  16. LT Dyke indeed .... but to be honest, I’ve made that same mistake countless times with CMSF, believing in the invulnerability of my troops one moment only to see them laying dead in the street the next. This to is the reason why I choose WEGO for most battles and certainly for one of this size. There is really only so much you can think of when playing RT and using a quick or fast move when hunt or assault would have been better suited is just one example. Of course in RL an inept commander in this situation would be saved by his well train and experienced NCO’s . LT Dyke: Sgt get your men into those woods quickly, were too exposed on this wood line ... Sgt: LT, your crazy!! we go charging into those woods I’ll lose half my squad ..... Sgt: Ok Pvt. Tube Guy, you’ve got the point !! Tube Guy: WTF!!! Why is it always me?
  17. I agree it looks like thick woods will be something to be avoided while on the attack. From the defenders stand point, there appears to be a sweet spot within the thick foliage that allows the defender to spot & target infantry while remaining hidden and untouchable to heavy armor/MG direct fires from the wood line. Perhaps as in RL, the attacker can move slower and use some form of bounding overwatch to limit exposure but just from this battle it looks like a good dug in defender in heavy woods will be a very tricky nut to crack. And of course this is as it should be.
  18. I have some questions for Elvis or JonS that may or may not be covered by NDA: How do you currently "rescue" surrendering troops in the game? Is there a command that you must issue to cause this to happen or does this happen automatically when non- surrendering troops are close enough? Also does the morale and or C2 of the rescuing troops play a part in the success of this rescue attempt?
  19. I think the AAR reflected quite well how CMx2 handles this. In the face of considerable casualties Elvis had troops surrendering quite often. In fact as Elvis admits he was constantly having to rally(rescue) these broken(surrendering) troops to get them going again. I also think that Armor close by should itself help to rally(rescue), broken(surrendering) troops. There should be no need to dismount crews to rally(rescue) them. Btw as you can tell, I don't care for the terms surrender & rescued at this point maybe calling them broken & rallied and a different animation to show that. After the troops are broken(surrendering) if they aren't rallied(rescued) then they assume a surrender posture and put their hands up.
  20. I probably did 10,000 myself .... Thank you sir - may I have another !!!
  21. I want to extend my thanks to JonS as well for his exceptional ability to tell a story with pictures. The effort you took in putting together this AAR/DAR was much appreciated by this reader. Huzzah ... Did I spell that correctly? Now to BF if your reading this, where are the videos?
  22. *golf clap* My thanks to you Elvis for providing this DAR/AAR, I know it took a lot of extra effort to put together the screens for us poor CM deprived blokes and that effort is much appreciated...
  23. I'm as anxious to play CMBN as anyone but BF released CMSF before it was ready and they took mucho heat for it, I don't think they want a repeat of that episode. It can be argued that releasing CMSF was necessary in 07 but its certainly not necessary now. Give it to us when you feel its ready guys ....
  24. Well to be fair, the US was allowed to manufacture war materials unmolested for the most part. They did have some problems getting those materials into theater. The Germans had to endure constant (day and night) harassment of their manufacturing capability as well as harassment transporting them to the front. Had the war in the air been even a stalemate, I'd wager the outcome could have been far different.
  25. Well I agree this would be nice as well. Seems to me that one way to handle this within the UI is to change the list that displays when you press the acquire button. Currently the list is a simple pick list. Changing the list to a pick list with a check box beside each item would allow you to either drop or acquire each item. If the box is checked next to the item then the unit is already carrying it. Un-checking the box drops the item and checking the box picks it up.
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