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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dfgardner: Well, I hate to do this, but one point of observation. In the environment of combat mission, ie, in contact with enemy forces, most jeeps would have the front windshield in the lowered position. Now, let the flames commence: :eek: <hr></blockquote> Take it up with BTS--it's their 3D model. I only paint 'em. The ultra-gamey Jeep MG has a lowered windshield, though.
  2. Wow, glad you all like it. I forgot to add a few notes to my original post, as last night I was not in my right mind, especially after a particularly nasty Pink Pixel Hunt. The pink pixels on the rear axle, as seen in the screenies, are gone! (see comment above). I noticed that there are two (2) pink spots on the front differential, and those need to go before I release it.The mod represents a Ford GPW Jeep, hence the logo stamped on the rear.I have a Mac, so I haven't set it up for CMMOS. I corresponded with Gordon earlier about winterizing the Jeep, so perhaps he would be kind enough to make it CMMOS compatible, too.I added random Brit & Can divisional markings. If someone wants to undertake doing additional variations let me know and we can work something out.A blank Jeep for your modding amusement will be included in the set. It's factory fresh: no dirt, insignia or divisional markings. This version only is to be considered mod freeware--you may do with it what you like, all I ask is that I get notified before you release it to the public.I'll see what I can do about Kilroy's missing hands. Jeep mod comes with one driver figure--additional action figures sold seperately. Should be sent to usual suspects tonight. [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: AndrewTF ] [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]</p>
  3. After much pain, several six-packs of beer, little sleep, and a lot of work, the Jeep mod is ready! There are several options included with the set, so pay attention, because I'm only explaining this once. Your new Jeep mod set will include textures for: American, British, and Canadian Jeeps, as well as one with British Airborne markings. All nationalities have optional filthy windshields, and the American Jeep has optional "Kilroy" grafitti. Also included is a spankin-new clean and unmarked generic Jeep for you to play around with if you are so inclined. Some more shots: Canadian. British Rear of Commonwealth Jeep. Note white-painted differential case to aid in blackout driving. I'll send them to Manx and Tom (the usual suspects) tomorrow morning. Uh, oh, yeah, I also did the Jeep MG, but when I loaded the textures my Graphics 4 resource file maxed out and all I got was a bizarre Frankenjeep. So no preview for that one I'm afraid. [edited for stupidity] [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]</p>
  4. Gyrene and rest right: Photoshop Best.
  5. Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Who woulda thunk that a Jeep mod would be so anticipated? Unfortunately I've been busy with the kind of work that actually pays money, so I haven't had a lot of time to work on mods this week. I have made proper US, UK, and Canadian versions of the mod, as well as refined the Jeep MG. 2 important questions: does anyone want a Free French version? Can anyone show me what a Polish Jeep whould have looked like? I'll make one of those too if anyone wants it.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by John Kettler: AndrewTF, What you've done is most impressive, but it seems to me you've invented a new physics. If not, barring deliberate obscuration, how is it that the windshield is opaque except for the wiper path, but the front of the vehicle and the hood are almost clean? My little Festiva is medium blue and isn't driven around much, yet within days rapidly becomes more brown than blue on all horizontal surfaces from just a little dust. If we take a jeep in the field for any length of time, which is only washed by rain or stream fordings, it'll easily be ten times worse, without factoring in mud. Have you ever seen a vehicle that's gone cross country through mud? The grunginess is hard to convey. The tires and wheel hubs would be almost unrecognizable, the wheel wells would be deeply caked, as would the fenders, especially behind the wheels; the front bumper, the radiator and much of the hood would be thick with directly deposited or splashed glop. I'm sure you've walked through mud so sticky it almost sucked your shoes off your feet. Now imagine what it'll do given all those surfaces and crannies to adhere to. Similarly, the rear spare's lower part would get a fair amount of splash on its underside, as would the back of the jeep, and general dirt on the top. Unless you've got a newish vehicle, all the exposed upper parts would have a certain amount of sun bleaching, over which all the dust and mud would go. I invite you to do a little field research and return with a realistically muddy jeep to go with your somewhat dusty current one. It shouldn't be that hard to find someone who goes four-wheeling. Everything you've done so far is a great improvement over what we had going in, but major possibilities exist to do some really great work which eclipses everything you've done so far. I hope this helps you in your valued mod endeavors. Regards, John Kettler<hr></blockquote> Um, well, they're not done yet. The dirty windshield is an experiment based on a suggestion from a forum member and fellow modder. I think it turned out pretty well, and yes, the front and hood area of the Jeep should be pretty dirty as well to go with the windshield but, well, I haven't finished it yet. The current versions are much grimier, and the release version will be grimier yet. Splattering it with too much mud would obliterate much of the detail. My aim with this one is to give it a pleasantly filthy, dried-mud and dust kind of look. Glad you like it otherwise. Currently I'm finishing up a few details, such as the suspension, and engaging in a furious pink pixel hunt.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AndrewTF: Ok, I have a good reference picture of the pedestal mount itself. Can anybody point me in the direction of a visual reference for the actual gun cradle mounting thingie (I'm not a military or gun guy so I'm unsure of the proper term) that allows for mounting the gun to the pedestal mount. Appreciate it! <hr></blockquote> Never mind, I figured it out on my own. :cool:
  8. Hey, I found a copy on my Mac here at work! Check your e-mail.
  9. You mean like this? It's hi-res, and you can D/L it from Tom's HQ and Manx's--I think they're available in the CMHQ interim staging area. The splinter mod is included in the set of Panzer crew uniforms. IIRC Scipio did a splinter set as well, and there might be a lo-res one on Michael Dorosh's Großdeutschland for CM site, but I'm not positive.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AndrewTF: Hey, does anyone have a decent photo of the mount for the .50 MG used in the Jeep? Any sort of references would be helpful. Post em here or e-mail em to me. Thanx<hr></blockquote> Ok, I have a good reference picture of the pedestal mount itself. Can anybody point me in the direction of a visual reference for the actual gun cradle mounting thingie (I'm not a military or gun guy so I'm unsure of the proper term) that allows for mounting the gun to the pedestal mount. Appreciate it!
  11. Something goofy has happened to the JPEGs. :mad: They were ok when I posted them, and for a few days after that, but they've been somehow corrupted. I wonder if it has anything to with my server? I tried downloading the images from my ftp, but they still have the distortions. I'll try uploading new clean versions when I get home. Mysterious! :confused:
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shatter: Actually I like the road wheels all the same color, not camoed differnetly. So when is this Hetzer gonna be ready to DL?<hr></blockquote> The Hetzer will be ready to DL shortly after the Jeep is finished. I know I said Saturday, but I didn't specify which Saturday! Seriously, I just needed a break from the Hetzer for a while so I'll use that time to finish the Jeep. Shortly after that, or maybe even simultaneously, I'll release the Hetzer.
  13. What's up with the double posts lately? Argh! [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns: Andrew, My '74 CJ-5 at home is getting jealous! Now it's asking for a pintle mount and fording kit. Can you please, please make the Ford script optional?? My Jeep would have conniptions if it found out I was using an "imposter" Jeep mod Hanns<hr></blockquote> Man, you guys are a hard to please. I guess it wouldn't be too tough to comp in an optional Willys logo in place of the Ford.
  15. Shameless bump for those of you (in the US) who may have missed this over the long Thanksgiving weekend.
  16. Wow, what a reaction. Thanks. There seems to be some speculation that this is a "ultra mega hi-res" mod. It's really only a standard 2x the BTS original size hi-res mod. Even I'm kind of astounded at how well it turned out though. I started the Jeep back in March I think right after I finished the Kübelwagen. It's just sat dormant on my HD until last week.
  17. Okay, it's going to take me a little bit longer to finish this than I thougt, as I spent a while rendering new wheel BMPs and the wife decided I'd been staring at a monitor for too long and dragged me out hiking on Mt. Tam this afternoon. As I'm back now here's a preview of the new wheels made from scratch by yours truly: Just have to finish the undercarriage and refine a few things and then they're ready, along with the Hetzer.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kirill S.: Why does it say Ford on the back?<hr></blockquote> Um, cause it's a Ford Jeep. Ford made Jeeps alomg with Willys. They were identical except for some suspension and chassis components.
  19. Hey, does anyone have a decent photo of the mount for the .50 MG used in the Jeep? Any sort of references would be helpful. Post em here or e-mail em to me. Thanx
  20. Hey, does anyone have a decent photo of the mount for the .50 MG used in the Jeep? Any sort of references would be helpful. Post em here or e-mail em to me. Thanx
  21. Here's yet another variation--the ultra-filthy jeep: Enough for tonight. Must...get...sleep.
  22. Thanks. You know that most of us modders just do it for the attention. I think I'm going to re-do the wheels. Originally I just cut-n-pasted them from a photo but it looks kind of funky now. I'll release a clean version, too!
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