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Everything posted by AndrewTF

  1. Get 'em here, as always. Thought I'd complete the late halftrack series with the 251/10. I ended up totally reworking the PaK 36 textures, so I decided to finish the job and rework the rest of the gun textures as well, ending up with these: They're approximately 24% more historically accurate, as well as sharper and more detailed.
  2. Go get it! It's essentially the same as my previous 251/1 mod, except for an improved mortar tube texture, which you can kind of see here: The usual license plate options are included, as well as an optional German cross on the side.
  3. What you do is you e-mail me your credit card number and expiration date, and then... Actually, just go here--The Combat Mission Mod Database--for big time mod satisfaction. :cool:
  4. Better than the original! I like the last one and the stripey green one!
  5. You forgot to mention the supercool ambush-pattern StuG IIIG late... Downloading all as I write this.
  6. Home CMMOS-ing... Groovy. BTW, some enterprising person might want to renumber the BMPs and make a 251/2--all that's needed is a mortar barrel. I suppose I could be that individual. I also might try to shoehorn these textures onto the 251/9 and 251/16 models, old CMBO holdovers that could really use a makeover.
  7. [dp] [ June 30, 2003, 01:31 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  8. That's the point--no-frills and ready for whatever markings and camouflage schemes people want to put on it! I actually have a version with German markings on my HDD, which if demand necessitates I will post for download.
  9. Ready for download now at Modslut Heaven. It's a no-frills, plain yellow halftrack with minimal dirt and markings, suitable for modding by those who love to add camo patterns, etc. I've tried to correct as many of the inaccuracies in the original as possible, and I think overall it looks pretty good. Options include Heer and W-SS license plates, as well as plain unmarked front and back textures.
  10. Whoo--Bizarre! :eek: Anyone else have this problem? Let me check it out on my end and see if there's a problem with that BMP. Update: I just checked my version and it's ok in-game. Yours looks suspiciously like when I accidentally same a BMP with the alpha channels intact... How old is your version? You might try downloading the latest from CMMODS.com, which should be ok, or I can just e-mail you the offending file. [ June 21, 2003, 03:02 AM: Message edited by: AndrewTF ]
  11. I gotta get me some of that! Nice work (as always). I guess I can cross the StuGs of my "to do" mod list now. Now I have to wait all day at work before I can go home and play with them. I'm taking the same course with my upcoming SdKfz 251 mod set. It'll be interesting to see what all the really good camouflage painters out there do with these.
  12. Guatrek I dig that T-34! :cool: I guess asking for 3 other people's mods is a bit difficult, because there are so many great ones out there. I consider my choices sort of the "picks of the moment".
  13. STUG PACK!!! STUG PACK!!! Sorry, got a little carried away there. Looking forward to this one. The stock versions are, like most of the art that came with the game, pretty darn good, but they just need a little something that I know you can give them. :cool:
  14. Glad everyone likes them! I try to strike a balance between "realistic" in real-world terms and realistic relative to the way the figures are observed in the game. For example, take wrinkles in clothing. In real life there would probably be a lot more, but they would change in degree and position depending on body movement. What I end up doing is painting in a minimal amount of wrinkles to give the suggestion of real clothing, and I think its pretty convincing. Likewise when depicting the field gear I show everything dead center. Not only is it easier to paint , but it is again a more convincing impression of 3 dimensional objects when viewed from different angles. I promised Gautrek a mod tutorial (some day), so I should probably stop rambling on here and work on that instead. :cool:
  15. Modders--just for grins, I'd like you to tell the world your three favorite mods that you've done, and that others have done. We're all modsluts at heart, after all. This also might help those newbies who are asking "what mods should I get?" I'll start. First with other people's mods, in no real order, complete with links: </font> Juju's "Modslut Project" small arms mod. Because it's so damn cool.</font>Strontium Dog's Hi-Res CMBB trees. A small mod that does a lot to add to the immersion of the game.</font>The MikeyD/Mr. Noobie early King Tiger w/Zimmerit. I don't think I've actually ever used the KT in the game, but I load it up in the map editor and look at it a lot. </font> Of the ones I've made (again, in no particular order): </font> The Italian uniforms. Not sure why, but these just really turned out well.</font>Hungarian uniforms. Same reason as above.</font>The Alternative Luftwaffe uniforms that Michael Dorosh talked me into making. </font>
  16. 9677 is the mountain troop platoon leg. It's out of sequence but that's what it is. I think it's swapped with the vehicle crew leg.
  17. Michael's list is in error, as I found out. Sorry Michael for not mentioning it earlier, but I just plain forgot until now. I don't know what the crew leg BMP is but it's definitely not 9760 or whatever. Actually, 9760.bmp is not in the set, but I know what you're talking about. As usual, you caught me again on the missing BMPs. Don't know how I missed them, but it probably has something to do with working on these after midnight every day. That's my excuse, at any rate.
  18. Consider yourself picked! Like I wrote before, I had guys like you in mind when I started this. I think it's more accurate to say that I'm too *lazy* to paint camo patterns. After all the work re-building the vehicle from scratch I get impatient when trying to get camo patterns to match up. That's why you only get the crude (but historically accurate) splotches on mods like my Marder II and Nashorn. I may do the others in the same style, although I think the 251/9 and /16 use the old CMBO models. Shouldn't be too tought to shoehorn these BMPs in place, though.
  19. SdKfz 251/1. I posted this in one of the mod threads but figured this might deserve its own. My plan for this is to make a basic "factory fresh" Dunkelgelb version only. I'd love to see this used as a base for other mods, especially by those of you who have been doing a great job camouflaging, painting, and otherwise dirtying up the CMBB vehicles, especially since I hate painting camouflage patterns... If anyone has any suggestions, now is the time, as this mod is still needs a lot of work. And no, I'm not ignoring my 6-week-old son to do this... I did it at work! All on my lunch breaks, of course. Really.
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