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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. Good grief no - I'm glad you've been promoted to a suitable level of stupidity and incometence! Now I KNOW why you're an easy beat! (edited just to annoy Macie Grey) [ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  2. Lardo made kaynigit? Have you guys all gone senile all of a sudden??! (Not you Seniletea - we know you are already) [ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  3. Ahh.....there's so little here to bother coming back to - if it was warmer, dryer, more comfortable and enjoyable then it'd almost be like coming home! I'm pleased to see Lardo acknowledge his defeat as the Germans in Crodaberg a couple of threads ago (I bin catching up y'see!!) - it's always so much fun smacking the smarties down a bit! I know you're all so glad to hear back from me, so I won't overload your synapses too much for now. Toodle pip!
  4. This is an i8nteresting resurrectoin thread - I missed it first time around. I'm beginning to run out of games in wine tournaments - and having to buy my own win too! .. KJ's beaten me 3 times - once as a gamey bastard (I surrendered rather than play 7/2's ), once as a cheat ( Joe, smile!!), once fair and square - funny thing was I think the fair & squre one was his biggest win at about 80+ pts, the others somewhat less. So if there's any Kiwi's out there looking for a game let me know - e-mail's best. I can sometimes TCP on a Fri or Sat night (eg tonight), but PBEM's fine too.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Very well Mark IV, you leave me no choice, I OFFICIALLY don't like you! I'm sorry but you brought it on yourself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Er...so what's actually different from yesterday anyway? I mean, like, it's not as if there's anything there to like in the first place, and Mk III with an extra roadwheel has always been the butt of much dislike from all and sundry (quite rightly too!). I suppose I could post an update here too, just tomake the post even less useful: Let's see...... Crisco - well the chaps have scaled the cliffs of Crodaberg & are awaiting the next "surprise"....... pansy Litter - thniks he's winning in 2 games...well he might be of course...it's kind of hard to tell under the piles of German bodies in one and dead light armour in the other....I think my brave Brits are running out of ammo due to the human waves breaking on their shore, while my Green Ami defenders of truth justice and apple pie have successfully lulled him into a false sense of security Buzzy Bee and I are fighting one of Runes creatinos - Battle in the Shadow. A fun wee game in which teh stripped one has had unbelievable luck with 1 ATG ko'ing no fewer than 3 Shermie-wermies while under fore from 4 75mm guns!! sheesh - gamienss of the lowest order! But there's a long way to go yet! Fek Dental has bought a King Tiger for a defence!! But all it's done is run away so I'm not expecting too much trouble from the rest of his troops either. So on that sad noet I bid yo all adieau for now - and pleasee don't bother coming back!
  6. I've seen references to the RPG-1 being a copy of the Bazooka, Panzershreck & Pzfaust 100 in different places!! The RPG-2 was apparently a copy of the little/never deployed PanzerFaust 150. appart from that I await more detailed info with interest!
  7. Ook. Or, in English, it's about the best place to get a game as long as you can stand thedrivel!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: SHUT THE FECK UP!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Will you please leave Fek the Dental out of your pathetic little squabbles - I quite enjoy his mewlings in our game...his constant protestations of how much he hates his set up, his big cat proudly purring as it runs away and all the other drivel. The game would be soooo boring if he shut up, as walkovers often are.
  9. Check out this state department site relating to war debt from both WW1 and 2. The Soviets didn't oay it all back before the dissolution of the USSR, but were doing so and hte Russian Federation has taken over the obligation. War Debt
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>originally posted by Dripping If you had given me a target I could have done something with them. Unfortunately, you killed everything off by marching them in front of a machinegun nest and two tanks before I could get them lined up. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you click on the mortar then type "m" you can actually move it around the map and <UL TYPE=SQUARE>I didn't force you to put those tanks there - so don't go around blaming me for my mistakes!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars: Lars – A feckin, stinkin, humiliating DRAW! Stalin’s Organ – A grateful, satisfying, relieved, DRAW!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's true - I am relieved - but it's so much better than being a constipated whiner like Dripping boy! And Lardo is definitely humiliated - which is nothing bad if you think about it a little! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> In my defense I must point out that this was a night battle, visibilty was 96 meters, and the damn computer gave me three 81mm mortars and a feckin mortar halftrack. Of course, mine survived the battle, but I wish I had had them all shot like Stinky managed to do with his six mortar teams, I would feel better. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ha ha ha - it would have been better if you had actually fired a shot with them too!! Half a battery of mortars with a company HQ to spot for them and Lardo uses exactly 0 rounds! I reckon the gamey bastiche knew he wasn't any good and had his excuses planned out in advance! He fails to mention that we were also drawn in the Tanks Bogged stakes: 1 each A/C's KO'd stakes: 3 each But he was well ahead in the Gamey last turn flag rush stakes: 1 of crews, AT teams and shot-up SMG squads to none!
  12. Archers, Standard Brit infantry with Vickers MG's and 2" mortars (no PIATs), vs those 250 h/t's with the 20mm's and about 25 rounds of ammo - 3 or 4 turns worth - plus MG42 LMG's and flame throwers...all on a flat plain with no trees!!! [ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  13. Yep, well now that Brian's droped out & G clements seems to be out of touch my only game is with the Capt, and it's going along just fine.
  14. The Russian equivalent was the PTAD anti-tank bomb, carried in groups of 48 - 4 such clusters in the wings of IL-2's. Have a look here for some more details: russian cluster bomb
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Why, right here in Minnesota, where chromosomal damage is at a minimum compared to our neighbours to the south, we had some lads climb into the polar bear enclosure at the local zoo in the wee hours of the morning in order to impress and amuse their young ladies, and one of the polar bears, first disturbed by their activity, and then annoyed to find they hadn't brought any beer into the cage with them, proceeded to give one of them a serious mauling. A hastily summoned keeper had to shoot the bear with a .306 in order to save the lad's life. Letters to the editor ran about 3-1 on the side that the keeper had shot the wrong dumb chum. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does anyone have a photo of the old tea bag we can send to the keeper to help with recognition of the proper target next time?
  16. I'm playing "Crodaberg" - where the Jerries get a few 88mm pillboxes and the Yanks get lots'a'shermans - lost a couple of Shermans - took out all visible pillboxes adn a couple of AT guns that turn out to be Pak44s in 1 turn! If you can get simultaneous shots with a dozen tanks (or any shell firing gun at all really) you'll be surprised how easy pillboxes are to take out!
  17. APC: Armoured Personnel Carrier, or Armour piercing Capped, depending on context. The latter consists of a softer metal capping on a normal AP round to spread the initial impact load over a wider area hence improving the penetration of the round. (I trust Rexford to correct me here if required!! APCBC: Armour Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped: APC with a thin metal sheath over the nose to improve the shape and hence ballistic (flight) characteristics of the round. BTW wasn't there also a "Panzer Kraft Wagon" = armoured cars??
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: APFSDSDU - Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarded Sabot Depleted Uranium. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> -T for tracer??!!
  19. so it is - I was thinking the B2/W2 had a 50 but it wa only a 37. Was there an aircraft mounted 50?? I know the Poms put a 6 pdr in the Mosquito, the Russians had their 45 in the Yak, america put 75's into B25's, etc.
  20. Dunnot about by the Germans, but I believe het Ruskies used bunches of small AT bombs in the Sturmovik (Il-2). The aircraft carried rockets under its wings, but also had a small internal bomb bay that these weer carried in. Somce versions of the Yak-9 fighter also carried them if my memory serves me correctly. Not to mention the 45mm cannon in the Yak 9, the 50 on the Hs129, etc., etc....
  21. Err...well couting bursts is a subset of "counting raounds" in my book. Either way you'er keepign track of how much ammo yuo think you have left - one is easier, the other sacrifices ease for accuracy. I distinctly remember counting rounds - but then that was only on the range.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username: quote: I have never fired the BREN but from what I read and hear here, I think that I would be constantly 'topping up' in a battle situation. By that, I mean that if there were ever a lull in firing, I would immedietly want to pull the existing clip off and put on another full clip. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, you wouldn't. This would lead you to carrying aronud a bunch of partly used magazines that yuo didn't know how many rounds weer left in. Instead you counted the rounds as you fired, and retained the partly used mag on the gun, unless you had time to remove and refill it, or it was down to just 1 or 2 rounds and you were expecting to hav eto go into action straight away. I'm not sure what your point is here Lewis. Certainly the ammo indication from a belt feed is easier to eye-ball than any magazine feed - I don't know anyone who is argung otherwise.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: There was no holding open device for the Bren. When the magazine was empty, the bolt could and did return forward if the trigger was pulled.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's in direct conflict with the on-line info at The Bren Gun on-line manual. I quote: "Condition of breech on: (a) Cease fire. Open. ( Empty magazine: (i) Box. Open. Moving parts held back by projectors on rear of magazine platform. (ii) Drum. Closed"
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username: PS question to those that actually fired BREN. Since the weapon had to be cocked, how would you know when the last round was fired from a magazine? Is it entirely possible that a gunner could fire a burst and not know that he was out? <snip> from the link I posted..Any BREN gunners here? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, but it was over 20 years ago now, so this is a bit hazy...... The Bren fired from an open bolt - so if you had a misfire the bolt would be forward, whereas if you had an empty mag it would be back as the Mag had a projection in it that stopped the bolt moving forward when empty.
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