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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. I've ben away from here for a while, and I was recently browsing old "favourites" to find that the Russian Military Zone seems to all be in...well...Russian!! Now this is fair enough I guess, but it was such a great site in English & I haven't found a translation anywhere. Is there an English mirror? Or a copy of he old English version hiding on the net?
  2. Perhaps so - but at least they are easily killed, unlike the dreaded Sdkfz7 series!! as for the German 75mm h/t's and a/c's - I always thought the allies had a major advantage in the recon rules with the Stuart - it's armour is thick enough to be a problem for 20mm cannon and it carried an ammo dump's worth of light HE!! By contrast the Puma that might be it's nemesis has a slow turret, weak armour and limited ammo. So I reckon a couple of 75L24's in light armour may just even things up a wee bit.
  3. The Brit and US 4.2" mortars are quiet different weapons. the Brit mortar uses a "bomb" much the same as the standard 81/82/3" mortars. the US 4.2 fires somethign that looks more like a ergulr artillery round, comes with a propellant case attached to its base and weights about twice as much.
  4. Mattias I can thnik of a couple of reasons why the Germans didn't use ATR's vs the Americans: 1/ by the time American troops weer common enemies in the West (Africa-italy), the ATR had already been dispensed with 2/ The ATR used Tungsten in it's bullet, and by 1942-43 the Germans were no longer using tungsten in ammunition - it was too valuable for machine tools. 3/ Panzerfausts weer becoming common about then too, so why bother reintroducing something that's not as useful? All are supposition of course, but IMO there' no real need to worry about the question!
  5. Mattias I can thnik of a couple of reasons why the Germans didn't use ATR's vs the Americans: 1/ by the time American troops weer common enemies in the West (Africa-italy), the ATR had already been dispensed with 2/ The ATR used Tungsten in it's bullet, and by 1942-43 the Germans were no longer using tungsten in ammunition - it was too valuable for machine tools. 3/ Panzerfausts weer becoming common about then too, so why bother reintroducing something that's not as useful? All are supposition of course, but IMO there' no real need to worry about the question!
  6. Puppchen rockets had a different motor than 'Shreck ones - longer and hence slightly faster projectile & longer effective range.
  7. They did eventualy, and used the same tactic vs teh Germans. IIRC it was only ever executed "perfectly" a couple of times during "Crusader" and batles shortly afterwards (but I'm prepared to be corrected) - spectacularly vs Matilda's at Halafaya pass when they weer clobbered by 88's. I think the tactic was called "Pak-front".
  8. Hmmm....a Peng thread opened by a sneeze...how quaint! mind you that's awful close to being spelled the same as "SSN"....... Looks like the resident orzytrayleannes are a bunch of pussies, so how about it Lardo - you stopped sulkin' 'cos of that last whipping I gave you yet?
  9. Don't be silly Her Bubble-burst - we all know that the decay and stench has been around here a lot longer than me!
  10. Ah...the sweet sound of methane bubbling out of the fetid waters hasn't changed much at all in my absence...and why would I expect it to?? Well I didn't...so I'm not surprised. did ya all miss me? No - great! I'd hate to think that I'd actually been noticable by my absence. However I am running out of decent opponents - that is anyone ehat will give a bit of lip and not roll over to have his/her tummy tickled!! Where's those namby pamby Orztraylyan drongos - Dive bummer and Fly-spray. Jeez u guys must've had it hard lately - what with the Wallabies & Kanga's losing to the Poms, the Wallabies to the french (we commiserate!), the soccer and the vaunted Aussie pace attack not able to bowl out the Kiwi cricketers twicein a session - how about it guys - u wanna come see if'n as how u can regain a bit of pride & honour...wel no so much regain, but let's not be picky! I'm quiet partial to playing PBEM operations these days - saves having to muck about finding oponents, although I suspect it's not much fun for this boring lot 'cos yo don't get to put as many ticks or crosses by your score card! Edited 'cos while absence may make the heart grow fonder it doesn't improve spelling [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]</p>
  11. 16" HE rounds wouldn't penetrate 16 feet of concrete, but the AP rounds might!! Unlike relatively small calibre tank ammo, all naval ammo contains a significant amount of HE. The difference is in the thickness of the steel at the point. An AP round has a very thick nose and so less HE, "Common Shell" is moderate in both departments, while HE has a thin nose for maximum HE weight. HE for naval was a specialist ammor for shore bombardments, and usually not carried. Common shell was the standard ammo, with AP for very "hard" targets.
  12. Now now Lardo - no need to insult yourself - thre are plenty willing to do that for you!
  13. You've never heard of the Arctic convoys from the UK?? Gak - what sort of history do they tach these days!! Also via Persia (now Iran), and yes, via Vladivostok, on Russian ships - Russia was neutral viz a vis Japan remember!!
  14. Sir Lardo ya pillock!! No SSN EVER reads the stupid damn rules - it's all a con job to give the lazy old farts around here the idea that they're useful or exclusive or something else irrelevant!
  15. The Russian 152's did use APHE ammo - posibly the largest AP rounds ever made for a AFV?? However there's no particular reason why HE, even 150mm HE, should KO a tank with decent armour (Which the Sherman does have - check how thick 3" is on a ruler some time!!) unless it hits suspension or some weak spot.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Oh, pardon me... you seem to have missunderstood. We strive for YOU to stop breathing<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I understood, but I choose not to end up like you and the rest of the ooze in here!
  17. Yes Burlesque - I know most here strive to stop breathing - but as always I like to buck the trend. And yes Flyspray - what passes for your thought process would be inadequate in New Zealand. Have a good day ladies and gentlemen, and everyone in the cesspool as well. (edited just to keep Flyspray unhappy) [ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  18. As I said - I didn't expect you to understand. You see those of us that are alive need to breath. This is as opposed to slime like you, which merely needs to ooze.
  19. I don't expect you to understand, but it's airborne and gets in when I breath.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: The Justicar's thought processes may be laughable, but they are still thought processes, and thus indicative of a certain amount of grey matter. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh dear - much as it pains em to admit it I feel that Lawyer may well be correct. Urgh...yuk - that tasted horrible! But no matter, for you see Flyspray somethign that passes for thought is not thought - but merely the local, inadequate, substitute. The cloning theory gains credence, spurred by the remarkable similarity in lack of cogent thought patterns between the 2 snotlings.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally fluttered down into the pool on Josephine's Shawl: Hmmmm, can't spell (how many times have you seen "see" and "the" misspelled?), can't edit, what's the good of him I wonder? You know, Mace, I believe that we have an anomoly on our hands. The "Serf" concept was initiated in order to provide a pool of likely lads to be taken to squire. Usually they don't STAY a serf very long but in this case ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, well there you probably assume that your concepts and thoughts are of some value....or that I somehow care about them.... or some other such ridiculous notion. Now that I've pointed out the mistake in what laughingly passes for a thought process for you, there's no further excuse for your continued inanity. So do be a good little snotling and ooze back to some corner where I don't have to scrape you off my boot any more.
  22. And thre you have it - another whining petulant performance by a "Kaynighit" of the pool. Instead of standing up, taking it like a man (yes I know he isn't one, but he could at lease try!), he scampers off to the corner, cringes behind Sir Aphabet Castle's skirt and asks someone else to fight his battles for him. And this life form is the backbone of the pool? No wonder the place is so spineless!! Come on Sir Raid - I dare you to pretend you have intestinal fortitude, a spinal column, or even just an infitesimally small spark of will power - do something for yourself for a change......and I don't mean THAT!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I've been contributing nothing here longer than you have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rarely a truer word writetn! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> That's why I'm a mighty Kinigget of the MBT, and you're just you. Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now you se this is hte bit that puzzles me - I've yet to encounter a "mighty" Kinigget - they all seem to roll over and ask to have their bellies scratched. So to me the term "Kinigit" just means another useless loser (smiles sweetly)
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: That's you've, level and incompetence. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Be nice to me - If it wasn't for me you'd have nothing useful to contribute.....come to think of it you have nothing useful to contribute anyway - so SOD OFF
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