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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. If you choose normal speed on pavement then you are delibrately going slower than the vehicle is capable of. There is even a speed slower than Normal, called... Slow. This is not a mistake. Did someone say that?
  2. I don't see a problem with the speeds. If 16kph is too slow on pavement use Quick or Fast. The Off-Road ratings for most wheeled vehicles too high in all the CMx2 games, IMO, but there actually are people who think wheels are better than tracks believe it or not.
  3. Did you really need to start a new thread to announce you had deleted pics from another thread? You have 8 threads on the first page of this forum.
  4. I had a Sherman get stuck between two houses on the Breaking the Panzers map a couple years ago. I eventually got it to move with a reverse order, IIRC.
  5. It's not. Nor is American. I use vehicle grenade smoke almost exclusively.
  6. Multi-spectral smoke is very effective, wind conditions permitting. If there is a gale blowing then, yeah, don't even bother.
  7. It's actually the Motivation rating rather than experience. Also, occasionally, whether or not the unit is in C2.
  8. Speed makes either no difference or so little difference that Slow isn't worth it unless you really don't need to get there any time soon. BFC has said crew experience is a factor but I have not tested that.
  9. Speed is about right, IMO. Wheeled vehicles receive very significant off-road speed penalties (this seems to be a hidden modifier to the speed rating that is not the same for all wheeled vehicles; vehicles with more axles are nerfed less severely from my observations). Bogging is unfortunately an area that could use some attention. Probably. I have not actually tested wheeled vehicle bogging. All of my bogging tests have been various models of tank. However, my testing has convinced me that the Off-Road Rating in the vehicle UI is a generally accurate measure of a vehicle's propensity to bog. Wheeled vehicles in general have higher Off-Road Ratings than tracked vehicles. I have seen people argue on this forum more than once that this is realistic. I disagree.
  10. Just to build upon what others have stated, you are being silly. 6000 pts is not a "huge" amount of points in Black Sea, it's actually less than you get in a medium sized meeting engagement. As the US defender in a Huge size QB you can purchase the mechanized infantry portions of a combined arms battalion and if you strip out the drones still have enough points left for a platoon of Abrams tanks. As the Russians you could purchase an entire Battalion Tactical Group.
  11. Totally disagree. Anti tank mines are if anything underpriced. They are the same price as in the WW2 games despite there being roughly 3x more points to spend, making them effectively 3x cheaper (I have a request in with BFC to increase their cost). Because they are nearly impossible to remove you can close off entire routes of advance at choke points, which is enormously valuable even if they don't destroy a single vehicle.
  12. I would report it as a bug if I had a save file and both passwords. If you reach a point when you can provide those shoot me a PM.
  13. Of course it has nothing to do with C2 or unit experience. If this is a very large scenario (huge map, more than a battalion per side) then similar behavior has been noted before:
  14. The evidence has always been limited and fragmentary but there is more to it that just Isigny. The Soviets noticed that their 122mm AP began penetrating Panther glacis plates at much greater ranges in summer '44. They also noted brittle, poor quality armor on the 2 King Tigers they captured in August.
  15. It was in a beta forum, but to summarize: some people say Broken is a state units rally to, while others say it is a state you rally from (such as in the post directly above yours, not coincidentally). If you can give orders to Broken troops then it is the former.
  16. You can buy supply platoons in QBs, although they do not have the option of carrying mortar ammo. They are of limited utility IMO with the exception that they are the only significant source of 7.92mm Kurz.
  17. As it happens I just witnessed this in game. A bailed survivor of a knocked out BMP-3* rallied from Panic to OK. Interestingly, he went straight to OK without passing through the intermediate moral stages. He also rallied much more quickly than normal, about 60 seconds. He did have a +1 Leadership rating and was in C2 of a +2 Leadership HQ. * And if you have ever seen a BMP-3 go up you'll understand that in terms of trauma this guy is on par with Hiroshima survivors.
  18. That goes without saying, but not just any trauma will do. I see lightly wounded sole survivors of exploding AFVs routinely recover from Panic to Rattled rather than Broken.
  19. I remember back in the CMx1 days Brit paras and 95mm Cromwells were the the gamey QB force of choice for the Allies.
  20. So how exactly does a unit get to Broken status?
  21. What you said was: I was under the impression that this thread began as a RoF comparison between two different SMGs, which are presumably affected the same, so I guess I am not sure what issue you are referring to.
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