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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. The range for that shot was around 400-500 meters, at which the first shot hit % should be about 70%.
  2. Yes, but the corollary to that is Baneman only needs to capture one section of any phase line to deny it to Bil
  3. This is the west front, so it would have to be Final Panzer Leader.
  4. Also, historically US and British forces were significantly more armor-heavy on average than the Wehrmacht, although Bil's force structure is admittedly towards the extreme end.
  5. ^^^ How soon everyone forgets the last AAR which was a 3rd party made scenario in which the whole discussion revolved around the company of Abrams tanks the US player got as reinforcements. Balance is about more than just OOBs and many scenarios are deliberately unbalanced for historical reasons.
  6. The Germans didn't use the term blitzkrieg for much of anything during the war. It was used primarily by people outside Germany.
  7. Max. When it comes to tanks there is no need for a minimum requirement
  8. I think Bil prefers to pick his own I play QBs with what I call the Combined Arms house rule that limits armor to a percentage of your total points, typically 30 or 33 percent, but a understand the appeal of unlimited experimentation to see what works.
  9. They did do that in the last AAR for Black Sea. I know Bil was not happy about the OOBs in that battle.
  10. I just did a quick gunnery range test. In all cases the Sturm-S fired a missile at the Abrams and then reversed away. It's not clear why it is doing neither of those things in the videos.
  11. And this is not the first time I failed to see it before it got removed. I need to be faster!
  12. He could have got the engine and transmission for one additional Panther . Jagdtigers cost almost exactly the same at King Tigers.
  13. I'm pretty sure the AI is not "dust aware" but it doesn't matter because in CMx2 you have to spot the unit making the dust to see the dust.
  14. Another possibly complicating factor is that the M18 was parked directly on the intersection of 4 action spots. I don't know if the game allows vehicle crews to be in different action spots but if so that could also explain why some crew had LOS and others did not. I don't think so. They did not in this case.
  15. I got the save file from Weapon. It's actually the same file as seen in the OP but since this is a PBEM the previous file wouldn't do any good without his opponent's password anyways. It's hard to say exactly what happened but it does seem likely that marginal LOS though trees is the approximate cause. Earlier in the same turn the M18 spots the Tiger moving on two occasions and immediately goes into the firing sequence but the Tiger moves out of LOS before the shot is fired, so there does not seem to be anything wrong with the M18. If you set the camera at view level 2 and place it at the front of the turret on both vehicles then zoom in a little you can see how marginal the lines of sight are. Again, hard to say exactly what happened. Maybe the M18 driver had LOS but the gunner did not. My inclination is to file this in the "**** happens in war" category rather than as a bug. LOS from M18 to Tiger LOS From Tiger to M18
  16. Units per square? Do you mean meters per action spot? A rise of 100m per every 8m would be nearly a vertical cliff. A quick check says vehicles are not allowed to plot movement points on slopes that steep.
  17. It's a known issue which I have not been able to get a 100% repeatable example of. However, when all other units have mounted up the last hold out should go on. If it won't then that is a different problem.
  18. Because while there was a replacement already available for the 37mm towed gun (57mm gun) there was nothing at the time to replace those vehicles. The M24 Chaffee wasn't ready until November of '44.
  19. Separate EW levels can be set for each side.
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