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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. I wonder if it is for performance reasons. Maybe resolving the turn in real time instead of with the blue bar makes it necessary to cut down on AI cycles to keep things moving. Or maybe the the game really was designed primarily to be played in RT with very small forces that are easy to baby sit, and WEGO was sort of an afterthought. I don't know, just thinking out loud here...
  2. I made the same mistake. Use targeting instead.</font>
  3. :eek: That would be extremely annoying. In CMx1 you could put a rotate order at the end of any movement command. It worked perfect.
  4. It is a mischaracterization to say this of everyone concerned about the new QBs. The posters in this thread, at least most of them, are not saying the game sucks so much as they are stating that it is not fun for them, or that they don't think it would be. Not the same thing. Some of us, myself included, have not bought CMSF but we did buy the CMx1 games and we know what it was we liked about those games. And all I have to do is read the forum to know that much of that isn't in CMSF. I think it's perfectly legitimate for us to ask of CMSF "what's in it for me?" I understand and appreciate the explanation for why the QB feature was... changed. I always felt that one of the reasons the CM games were so successful was because they balanced realism and accessibility almost perfectly. Apparenly there has been a conscious decision to make CMx2 more of a hardcore sim and less of a game. Ok, but not everyone who has played CM collects military uniforms and armored vehicles for a pastime. There are many people who played CMx1 QBs almost exclusively. In the years I spent playing those games you could count the number of premade scenarios I played on one finger. You could have shipped those games without a single scenario or the editor and I'd have never noticed or cared. For me the Quick Battles are Combat Mission, and as dalem pointed out the two defining characteristics of QBs have been the random maps and the ability to pick your own units. With these gone I'm left wondering what the reason for including QBs in CMx2 is. From the descriptions given it sounds like the new QBs are essentially user-made scenarios minus the mission briefings. On the positive side, indications that the random map generator may make a comeback -- hopefully before the WW2 game -- is welcome news indeed. Once all of the modules are out and there are multiple nationalites and US Marines available the issue of playing with the same units every game should be alleviated. All is not gloom and doom. But I do think I'm going to hold off buying CMSF for now and see what happens.
  5. I prefer bigger battles, which may be unmanageable in RT from what I've read. Also, PBEM roXors. So WEGO for me.
  6. BFC has said the BMP-3 will be added for sure, and probably a new tank. T-80 or T-90, I don't know. Both? Also, maybe air support.
  7. I personally would get the EVGA, which is only $5 more after rebate. BTW, the XP 2800 is 2.08 GHz unless you overclocked it.
  8. This seems workable to me. I am pleasantly surprised to hear that the randomly selected maps feature is in, as it was tops on my wish list. When this idea was first discussed last year, IIRC Steve said it would be considered for a module but "not in the initial release". Maybe I missed the anouncement that it was in.
  9. Forget the Scuds. PAC-3 eats Scuds for lunch. I'll take the Iskander. Terminal phase manoeuvring for da win. Oh, and to defend against the retaliation, S-400 Triumf
  10. I don't think it's the market. I think Steve just isn't interested in the subject.
  11. They have said before that CMSF will not take specific advantage of dual core processors.
  12. I don't see why this would be so. I'd be very surprised if the CM series of games have not sold far more copies in the UK than in Israel. There are only about 7 million people in Israel. BFC are targeting their biggest markets. US, UK, and Germany -- which will enable Canadian forces to be introduced as well. I bet BFC have sold more copies of CM in Finland than Israel. Don't get me wrong, I think an Israeli module would be fun but it ain't gonna happen. Besides, I think a French module would be more fun in blue on blue games (I had to get that in there)
  13. IDF was ruled out long ago. I'd rather have the French anyway.
  14. I like the one from the 80s. IIRC: "We kill more people before 9 AM than most countries kill all day." Or something like that.
  15. If things go as planned, you will. We'll get Challenger IIs first, though. No Merkava.
  16. CMplayer is back, eh? You're still top 10 in the post count even after taking 2 years off.
  17. I'm sure the Syrians can be competitive given the right conditions. I'm just worried what happens when the conditions change. They can hold thier own defending in close terrain, but what if they are on the attack against defending US forces? Or a meeting engagement? They may have to get creative on how to define "victory".
  18. Aesthetically pleasing! The black silhouette on green is reminiscent of the Panzer Leader board game I loved as a kid. But could I suggest different color backgrounds for each side, like red or desert tan for the Syrians?
  19. I think you're basically correct, Nathan. At least with the Cold War you have two powerful protagonists with proud military traditions. Nobody really admires the Syrian army with its sorry history. I feel about as inspired by the notion of commanding the Syrians as I would taking the Zulus against the British. But I will say again, I think the additional units and nations in the modules, coupled with the blue on blue feature will be the saving grace for CMSF for a lot of people who are otherwise not interested in the primary setting.
  20. I'm surprised kip hasn't shown up in this thread yet. He could go on for pages on this subject. And he'd be right. NATO vs. Warsaw Pact circa 1980 would be a great game! But I guess we'll settle for a pseudo-Russian force of Syrians armed with some what-if weaponry when the modules come out. Blue on blue will be a kick in the ass. Too bad no French.
  21. I'd like to see air support added for the Syrians in a module. Hopefully it would not be difficult to do as, if I understand how air support works in the game, it would not require any new models or graphics.
  22. It would be impossible to make a new game with a new engine in one year. IIRC it took at least 3 years to make CMBO.
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