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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. German KSK commandos have conducted combat operations in Afghanistan, although the German government did try to keep the fact a secret at first.
  2. You can't show good AI in a screenshot. Having said that, GalCiv 2 is one game I can think of that has successfully used strong AI as a main selling point.
  3. Oh, I agree. French, British and German in that order. But they sell a lot more games in the US than France. Maybe if Andreas can get his new friends in Paris to buy seveal thousand copies of the initial release...
  4. Maybe instead of selecting one map to play, you could have the option of selecting several maps and the game picks of those at random. I like it. What say you, BFC dudes?
  5. Blue on blue is going to be the main selling point for me. I probably wouldn't even buy the game if I had to use Syrians all the time. For me personally, US Army vs. USMC is like Heer vs. SS. Bleh US vs. UK poses some intesting tactical issues, but it doesn't feel right without muskets.
  6. The Budenswehr is going to be the OPFOR for guys like me who want to use some tanks instead of skulking about in buildings will all-infantry forces, unless the Syrians get enough "what-if" units to opproximate a modern Russian force. And I think BFC is looking at the sales numbers in Germany more so than the German constitution. From a strictly realism point of view France would be a more logical subject than Germany, but that seems unlikely to happen, unfortunatly.
  7. Yeah, I missed that. I can't find mention of it with a search. But it is disappointing. I played QBs on random maps almost exclusively because of the uncertainty factor, i.e. you couldn't cherry pick your force to fit a map. I guess I'll get used to it.
  8. An old issue. BFC said it was too hard to fix CMx1, but they would do it different in CMx2. Just didn't want them to forget is all.
  9. Just don't forget to have the second player's computer generate the map this time around. :cool:
  10. Except for the inevitable questions regarding PBEM
  11. BTW, I want French and Israeli modules so we can game a "face off" gone bad on the Lebanon border.
  12. IIRC they were there specifically to help Kuwait respond to any NBC attack from Iraq and they stayed in Kuwait until withdrawn.
  13. Brits and Germans are great, but ideally I'd rather see France than USMC because of the more interesting blue vs. blue scenarios. Who wouldn't want to do US vs. France?
  14. Elite Fallschirmjaegers against Soviet conscripts? Holy cow, you need to find some different opponents I never saw a KT in any of my games (amoung my crowd they were considered not worth their cost). As usual I agree with everything kip says. He's a very wise man. CMSF is going to be an infantry game. Not a bad thing per se, but I like a little armor with my crunchies. I have no idea why anyone thinks M60A1 vs. T-64 and T-72 would be lopsided. Anyone who's played TacOps knows it's not. I'd like you to go stark raving mad adding stuff to the OPFOR side. I'm not sure why we'd get 36 flavors of NATO and 1 OPFOR. We're going to end up playing UK vs. Germany for some variety :cool:
  15. For me it's simple. Whatever gives me the greatest diversity of units for the most varied tactical environment. I'd be very happy if CMSF was a sort of modern combat construction kit where we could create our own conflicts. I don't care about any story or campaign.
  16. I'm not sure the cost is really that prohibitive. At $400,000 a pop the US could outfit 5000 vehicles for 2 billion. That's chump change. I don't know how much of their fleet the Israelis are planning to outfit, but with 10 billion more dollars I suspect they will put it on everything that can carry it.
  17. True for insurgents in Iraq, but that was not the case for the Israelis against Hezbollah, and may not be true when fighting anyone better armed than the Iraqi insurgency in the future, like Syria. It seems RPG-29s are very rare in Iraq and rather common in Lebanon.
  18. Army Shuns System to Combat RPGs In other words, if it weren't for politics CMSF really could be a turkey shoot.
  19. Link Israeli tanks laying smoke screens in Lebanon:
  20. Hopefully we get the French and British in a module so we can refight the French and Indian War with 2007 armies
  21. Ran across this today. Cider Dunno if it's of a any use...
  22. Not being a programmer myself, I can only go by what others have to say on the subject... Tim Sweeney: "Implementing a multithreaded system requires two to three times the development and testing effort of implementing a comparable non-multithreaded system, so it's vital that developers focus on self-contained systems that offer the highest effort-to-reward ratio." ... "Writing multithreaded software is very hard; it's about as unnatural to support multithreading in C++ as it was to write object-oriented software in assembly language. The whole industry is starting to do it now, but it's pretty clear that a new programming model is needed if we're going to scale to ever more parallel architectures." ... "These are hard problems, certainly not the kind of problems every game industry programmer is going to want to tackle." Link
  23. Coding for multi-core is very difficult, and I suspect this more than anything is why.
  24. No. At least that's what they told us last year.
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