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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Yeah. Difference is that with the CMx1 system the player would have no one to blame but himself in the example above, assuming the player knew there was a chance of getting terrain or weather not suitable to armor.
  2. You have a point about Iran's lack of investment in future production, with regard to current production you are comparing SA's production with Iran's exports only. Iran's total production was 4.1 mil/bbl/d.
  3. I've seen you say this before, and I am curious to know why 2.5 million bbl/d (Iran) is "next to nothing".
  4. Iraq under Saddam had links to several different terrorist organizations, but al-Qaeda was not one of them according to the information we have so far. Stolen US vehicles turning up in Iraq is a known issue. Link They were probably brought in after the invasion. They are indeed used for car bombings, but in-country rather than in the US. (If you think about it, smuggling a stolen car out of the US then back in again would be a very strange way to go about it when they could just procure everything they needed inside the US after they arrived.)
  5. That's nice and irrelevant. I was talking about Babil and the immediate area around it, but mostly on the Karbala border.</font>
  6. Syria could probably be flipped by simply giving them back the Golan. Doesn't look likely to happen, but there it is. We aren't going to attack Iran, so diplomacy it is.
  7. Speaking of bright futures and technological advances, if your goal is to kill all the Bad People in the world it would be far more efficient to just nuke them. Still crazy, but at least physically possible.
  8. You are a true neocrusader. Outside of the fact that such a course of action is entirely impractical, I personally think the idea is nuts. But at least you are consistant in your madness
  9. North Korea would also be an apt comparison there. Should we invade them as well? They murder their own people when they get out of line, which was what SeaBee was talking about, I think.
  10. Actually, most of it was destroyed in 1995 to avoid discovery by UN inspectors.
  11. Good catch. The source for the Wiki numbers is Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Even if every Persian in Iraq was in Babil it wouldn't even be close to a majority, although I do wonder if maybe there could be many ethnic Persians who do not speak Farsi.
  12. Would not necessarily make the CIA Factbook, or any of the dozens of other sources (other than Wiki), wrong. A "majority" of Babil province would only be around 2-3% of Iraq's total population.
  13. Then you may want to edit the Wiki entry for Babil province, since if you are right it is wildly inaccurate.
  14. http://www.theglobaleducationproject.org/mideast/info/maps/iraq_ethnic_religious_map.html </font>
  15. http://www.theglobaleducationproject.org/mideast/info/maps/iraq_ethnic_religious_map.html [ March 24, 2008, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  16. The 10% figure was 3000 out of an assumed total of 30,000 insurgents. Of course, these are ballpark figures as no one knows the exact numbers, and they have certainly changed since then. Glad you like the sig
  17. Huh? The 10% figure comes from Anthony Cordesman of the Strategy Center for International and Strategic Studies. That most of the AQI rank and file are Iraqi comes from the US military, specifically Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner. I don't have the latest numbers, but as of a year ago only about 15% of the attacks on US forces in Iraq were by AQI anyway. The experience of any one unit in any war is often not indicative of the larger war. [ March 23, 2008, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]
  18. Not true. The number of foreign fighters in Iraq never made up more than about 10% of the insurgency. link The leadership of al-Qaeda in Iraq is mostly foreign, but the rank and file are mostly Iraqi. link Not so. Iraq is about 75% Arab and 20% Kurd. Southern Iraq is inhabited mostly by Shia Muslims who share the same religion as Iran, but they are ethnicaly Arab, not Persian. Babil province is dominated by the Dulaim tribe which is Arab (and Babil is in the center of the country which is mostly Sunni anyway).
  19. Ain't gonna happen. BFC said so, at least not until the WW2 game. It's the reason I haven't bought CMSF, and apparently never will.
  20. If by "occupy" you mean keep the armed forces in country as long as politcal will remains to do so, yes, of course. But there would likely be an insurgency several times larger than the one in Iraq. It's a terrible idea.
  21. As can be seen in the patch notes, this was not something that has changed in 1.06. It is something that we will be looking into as we move towards WW2 however, as has already been mentioned I beleive. Dan</font>
  22. Can we pick our own forces in QBs again? If not, we are not there yet.
  23. I doubt very much that Rexford was ever banned. His account still comes up when you search for his name in the directory, which banned accounts will not (try "Kitty"). More likely he's gone on to the great armory in the sky. I am symbolically banning xellos for posting a ridiculously long url.
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