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    c3k reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Right Flank :
    The uncon fight is furious, but sadly, Bil has fire superiority against my guys in the 2 houses.
    At first we hold our own, causing 2 casualties to 1 of our own.

    But then he scores a devastating hit with an RPG round...

    And that takes the wind out of their sails...

    I order the remaining men to Withdraw (crawling)

    And try to move the rest of the force to get LoS to just the ditch and the one building to reduce Bil's force's fire superiority

  2. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Hardradi in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    I don't usually quote an entire post, especially one as large as this, but an exception is certainly warranted.
    @Bil Hardenberger, you have surpassed your usual high high standards with this one! Embedded gifs (or whatever magickry you used) highlighting the action? Outstanding.
    Great overview, perspectives, command analysis, etc.
    Now, I have to give Baneman some credit: expending his uncons to make you expend your ammo is a BRILLIANT tactic. Do your Uncons have grenades? Knives? Nearby rocks? 
    In a serious vein, if your Uncon defensive position is running low on ammo, what is your plan for them?
  3. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bud Backer in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Ahhh, yes. I'm glad to see that my command techniques have been adopted by others. Your UNCONs will thank you for the opportunity to seek more glory for you by giving up their pitiful lives. I treasure the little red crosses my men gift to me. 
  4. Like
    c3k reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    At the end of the turn, the Puddlers have almost reached the stream/irrigation ditch/canal.

    Not a lot else happened in this part of the map, so here's a close up of the "Something New" - knowing little about the various equipment ( like amphibious capabilities), it took me a long time in the editor to conclude that this is a BMP-2. If it's not ... be kind

    Uncons A encounter the first enemy when they occupy a building. They see and target some desperate looking men charging across the open ground. Sadly, although they cause one casualty, their aim is atrocious and that's all they achieve ( you'd think that they'd do better at that range ). They are then taken under fire by a group that made it into a ditch and another lot in the opposite building. They take a casualty themselves and end the turn cowering. This area is going to be a tough fight and it's too far away for almost any support.

    All I can say to Uncons A is, "Be Pure ! Be Vigilant ! Behave !"
    ( if anyone gets that quote, I will be utterly gobsmacked - and probably only long-term UK residents have a chance ).
  5. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Panzerpanic in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    I don't usually quote an entire post, especially one as large as this, but an exception is certainly warranted.
    @Bil Hardenberger, you have surpassed your usual high high standards with this one! Embedded gifs (or whatever magickry you used) highlighting the action? Outstanding.
    Great overview, perspectives, command analysis, etc.
    Now, I have to give Baneman some credit: expending his uncons to make you expend your ammo is a BRILLIANT tactic. Do your Uncons have grenades? Knives? Nearby rocks? 
    In a serious vein, if your Uncon defensive position is running low on ammo, what is your plan for them?
  6. Like
    c3k got a reaction from zinzan in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    I don't usually quote an entire post, especially one as large as this, but an exception is certainly warranted.
    @Bil Hardenberger, you have surpassed your usual high high standards with this one! Embedded gifs (or whatever magickry you used) highlighting the action? Outstanding.
    Great overview, perspectives, command analysis, etc.
    Now, I have to give Baneman some credit: expending his uncons to make you expend your ammo is a BRILLIANT tactic. Do your Uncons have grenades? Knives? Nearby rocks? 
    In a serious vein, if your Uncon defensive position is running low on ammo, what is your plan for them?
  7. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Well, can't say, can I? But it'd be a sad day if the test team weren't testing and the coding guys weren't coding, wouldn't it?
    (And, yes, I agree with the BMP-2 comment. The entire CMSF2 appearance is heads and shoulders improved over CMSF.)
  8. Like
    c3k reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    MINUTE 4
    Team 2’s AT team finished setting up its AT-7, aimed at the Scimitar near the ruined farm and let fly… the missile just skimmed the turret but hit the ground well beyond…

    …immediately the accompanying Fennek spotted the team and fired a few volleys of grenades at this team.  None hit, but the grenades were churning up the ground as they moved closer and closer toward the end of the turn. 

    The AT team fired a second missile that is still in the air at the end of the first turn.  I will be pulling them out of the line next turn... hopefully they get out okay… if not, that’s okay too as long as he loses the Scimitar.  I’m on the edge of my seat…

    Neither of my vehicles in this team got a spot this turn... I will be pulling the BMP out of the line next turn in order to re-mount one of the scout teams as noted last turn.  The LAV-AT will stay where it is for now, I expect Baneman will move a vehicle or two next turn near the ruined farm, and that might help the LAV-AT spot one or both of them.
    Team 1’s BMP did pull off the line this turn, and will now wait for the Recon Platoon leader team to remount next turn.

    The Fennek at Farm 2 dismounted this turn and entered the buildings.  It does not look like he wants to push beyond the farm at this point... he is happy to sit in place and provide support fire with the Scimitar towards my UNCONs near the Monastery.

    Two of the four LAVs in my reaction force will be moving forward into keyhole positions next turn, hoping to get a spot or two on a Scimitar or Fennek.  This movement is in preparation for my Advance Guard which is just one minute out. 

    The dismounts from this platoon are starting to move out on a route reconnaissance toward OBJ GARNET.  The other two LAVs are being held back in reserve.

    In DUMAYR, Baneman is pushing his irregulars hard toward mine and it continues to cost him.  My teams are going to get critical on ammo very soon though, so he might be able to get an advantage.  I am switching my teams in this area to control their own fire.  I should have noticed the small amount of ammo they carried from the start.  I’ll try to provide them some support by fire from my positions near KT2, but to be honest, the action in DUMAYR is a side-show right now and I am not intent on pushing forward at all there.
    My final Technical did extricate itself, so that will help some and it is moving to the sound of guns in DUMAYR-North.

    PIR:  Will the enemy militia/fighters attempt to seize DUMAYR?  His assault is picking up steam, but it has cost him a lot of casualties to this point. I estimate he has lost 9 or 10 fighters (maybe one or two more) to 3 of my own. PIR:  Where are the enemy Technicals?  I finally get some contacts on his technicals, they are presently located near the built up area at the western most bridge.
  9. Like
    c3k reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Setup and Initial moves
    I'm operating under the assumption that no one is going to see the other for at least the first 30 seconds. So I'm pushing forward fast to reach decent positions from which to observe or cover. 2 Scimitars head for Obj Gold - as you can see, the ground slopes down in that area, so we should be out of sight relatively quickly. The infantry recce team will also be moving towards it from the orchard.
    One Scimitar "The Watcher in the Woods" is moving up into a small copse which offers an excellent overwatch position.

    Pushing the furthest is one of the German Fenneks - it looks like the touch objectives Diamond 1 & 2 and Ruby will be tough to reach as the intervening ground may be extremely exposed.
    So these guys "The Sacrificial Lambs" will be attempting to get there early. If they don't make it, it's unlikely that anyone will until the enemy force is largely neutralised ( which may not happen ). So I'm hoping to grab a quick win with a largely expendable unit ( c3k would be proud ).

    On the left flank, the rest of the German recon platoon is moving up as far as the Dig Site. My plan is somewhat nebulous here, but I don't want to leave this edge of the map un-observed.

    Uncons A, B ( not shown ) & C
    As you can see, I'm being cautious with these guys - spreading out and moving forward in bounds. Possibly unrealistic, but most of them are conscripts, albeit highly motivated, so I can imagine them peeking around corners, then again, then again and then moving.

  10. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Great stuff. Again.
  11. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Jotte in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Outstanding start!!!
    Now, go attack something.
  12. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Baneman in CMSF2 - UK-Germany Beta AAR   
    Well folks, here we are again. Your favourite ( I hope ) underdog is once again risking everything ( because I have a named unit on map  ) against Bil, the evil genius.
    This battle is essentially a classic Meeting engagement between our recon elements and will escalate as our main forces enter later.
    Bil and I are both using forces from 2 nations and the makeup is essentially the same:
    Each nation has a platoon of mechanised recon and an infantry company with a couple of attached tanks.
    The battle area will also have some local guys, some of whom are on our side and some who have been seduced to the dark side.
    In my case, I am fielding elements from the UK and Germany.
    The battle is set up ( thanks to George MC ) as follows :
    Turn 0:
    Scouts - on-map in the set-up zone at the start:
    British recce platoon (Scimitars);
    German Aufklaring platoon (Fenneks).
    Turn 5 Advance Guard:
    2 x Leopards;
    German PzGr Company HQ and Obs section and the 1st Platoon (Marders);
    Artillery ( some 105's ) and on-map mortars;
    Myself as the German body HQ - performing a classic c3k manoeuver by waiting until it's safe.
    Turn 10 Main Body:
    2 x Challengers;
    Brit Arm.Inf company (all elements) - Primarily infantry mounted in Warriors.
    Turn 15 Rear Guard:
    Remainder of the German PzGr company - 2nd and 3rd Platoons (Marders).
    Bear in mind that I've never played CMSF1 and barely touched on CMBS due to my preference for WWII.
    So I am ignorant of many of the weapons systems and their capabilities.
    Just pointing out how underdoggy I am ( gotta get the excuses in early - yeah, I learned that from c3k too !  ).
  13. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    A TOW against a (possible) Scimitar??? I like the way you think...
    That's not a hammer versus an egg: that's a baby grand piano being tossed off a roof onto an egg.
    Love the format, the pix, and description. Waiting for moar! ;)
  14. Like
    c3k got a reaction from benpark in Editor Trick/hack.   
    Not to rain on your parade, but the tide seems to be turning against you. It’s good to have an ebb and flow of new ideas, but it looks like water can only exist at one height...
  15. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    The blood god squats atop his throne and awaits with glee...
    This is a highly anticipated thread!
  16. Upvote
    c3k reacted to mjkerner in Editor Trick/hack.   
    Wateryall thinking? Don’t sink to c3k’s level.
  17. Upvote
    c3k reacted to sonar in Editor Trick/hack.   
    Hey. discoverd this ages ago but couldn't get the photos up on old site. Right what you do is make a map say elevation starts at 20 goes to 35, save it the load up again and extend the length, the editor now treats this as a separate map so you can place water as normal. The only thing I noticed was you can't have water on the lower map as this will give the expected canyon results. Hope this is clear Ben...There maybe more to it , this is what I know of it so far. 
  18. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Need tech advise re GPU/CPU and a new monitor   
    FWIW, I have a Freesync setup which is working very, very nicely for CM on a 2560x1440 screen. 
    (Freesync monitors are significantly less expensive than Gsync. Similar tech, but AMD does not charge a license fee to use it. )
    (Edited to add: if you're unaware of these technologies, a Freesync monitor needs an AMD video card. Gsync needs an Nvidia card. The two are not interchangeable.)
  19. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Artkin in Krasnopol 152mm precision round vs M2 Bradley top armour   
    Sigh. I looked at the screenie. OBVIOUSLY, that arty round got sliced by the Bushmaster barrel. Kind of like slat armor...but better. By cutting the round as it came in, the fuzing was messed up and the round barely exploded. Next time, hit a Brad on the roof when the barrel is facing the other way. (Be careful! The spinning turret will slice things, as well!)

  20. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Baneman in Afrika Korps or Early War?   
    Early war all the way, no contest. It easily trumps Fulda Gap for me too.
    Light tanks, tankettes, armoured cars - AT rifles actually a threat, "doorknocker" 37mm AT guns, outmanoevering ( having to do so ) French Chars ( although they'd be half-blind ), British Matilda 1's and 2's, trying to knock out Matilda 2's with PzIV 75mm HE gun, rubbish air support - Fairey Battles bombing miles off target
    ( and you could use most of that equipment to do early desert war too, so there ...  )
  21. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in can not play these game any more?   
    Your voluntary contributions to resolving software issues continue to amaze me. Your presence on this forum is quite the boon to the vast majority of us who don't have a fraction of your deep operating systems knowledge. Whether that contribution is recognized by those to whom your services are offered is a moot point. The rest of us recognize what you do and applaud you for it.
  22. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Ghost of Charlemagne in Vehicle protection from artillery shells   
    I'll try to find the link, but there's a British MoD study about artillery effectiveness which correlates fragment size to incapacitation/wounding/killing of infantry. The amount of fill (and type) has to be balanced with the shell thickness to produce the optimal sized fragments.
    Too brittle of a shell and too thin, coupled with an overfill of HE results in many tiny fragments. They don't kill well enough. On the other side, too thick of a shell and too small of a filler makes just a few big chunky fragments. They'll kill...but the odds of hitting someone are too low. The British seemed to think their 25lber shells were just right.
    WRT anti-armor effects, larger fragments seem to be needed for penetration or damage. Breaking out/determining the fragment sizes produced by the shells is important, as is the speed with which they are driven. Average numbers won't help. 10,000 1 gram fragments mixed among 100 1,000 gram fragments means an average weight of about 11 grams. It's pretty easy to shrug off 11 gram fragments. (If we just looked at average weights.) The 1 kg (1,000 gram) fragments would be far more dangerous to the vehicles.
    There's a Ft. Sill/US Armor magazine pdf which discusses how a battery of 155mm howitzers can destroy a Soviet tank formation. The pictures were impressive, but it was a pro-artillery publication, after all.
    My point to all this? Real world data of fragmentation would be a necessary first step. Finding that arcane data seems a bit difficult.
  23. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MikeyD in The state of CMSF2   
    Here's an explanation of that FSA flag on the BMP door from the primary texture artist: The primary texture artist is an idiot.
  24. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Bulletpoint in New features curiosity   
    I've run into this and tested it. AFAIR, every time the teams eventually combined. I tried every combination I could think of regarding terrain, morale status (linked, due to quantum physics and spooky interactions), pinning/non-pinned, command status, etc. 
    Some cases took longer than others. But, I never found a case where the teams did not finally merge. Again, it's just a matter of time. (Apologies to sub-atomic physicists, everywhere. But, then, they already knew that apology occurred, didn't they.)
  25. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Baneman in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    You were never winning. You have never won.
    It's that quantum stuff doing your head in ( you knew those physicists would get you, right ? )
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