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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. The ball is only at the end point of a movement path. The pyramid is for any intermediate waypoints. Without seeing a picture of what you're trying to do regarding buildings, I can only guess. Taking from a position I'm familiar with, let's talk about WeGo on a PC. Each building location can only have one waypoint within it. That waypoint, whether it's an intermediate waypoint or an endpoint, will be positioned in the center of the building location. The TacAI will distribute the men more appropriately. (They'll go towards windows, etc.) If you want your men at the north wall, a face command in that direction will accomplish that. Adding a waypoint after a building waypoint is as simple as clicking on the next location you're going to enter. It can be a floor above, for example. Or, it can be out the back door. This shouldn't be an issue. For example, with an 8 story tower, I can order a squad to QUICK up to each floor, face east, pause 5 seconds, then do the same for the floor above. I can create all 8 of these orders in one command phase. The paraphrased part of the manual is in error. The selected movement segment will have the line enlarge and brighten, as will the pyramid (for intermediate waypoints) or the ball (for endpoints). Hope that helps. Ken
  2. All this is ignoring a great use for your XO team. Use the XO team to charge right at the 88. While the gun is trying to shoot your otherwise useless XO team, your riflemen can circle around it and bag 'em. Everyone wins. You get the 88, the riflemen get credit for doing the job, and everyone remembers the XO for being a standup guy when it counted, despite what he was like back stateside. Win, win, win.
  3. Rarely, and the at risk of damage or, depending on the angle, rollover.
  4. Hmm, I think the volume of fire is the key. If you're outside of Thompson range, I think you'll find out how effective 88 HE rounds are. These are total wags, and worth precisely how much you're paying. 300m or more: run and hide. 100-300m: it depends. The further away you are, the better the Flak will do against you. 50-100m: your infantry stand a good chance as long as they don't start right under the gun's covered arc. Under 50m: the closer the better. If you can rain grenades on the Flak, I think the consensus is that you'll win the fight. The problem seems to be to close from over 300 meters down to grenade range. Solve that, and the rest will take care of itself. Let us know how it works out. Ken
  5. If I lose a battle, as the commander, I know the failure has to be the fault of my XO not transmitting my brilliant orders correctly to my brave men. Therefore, I use the XO teams for aggressive recce in the ensuing battle. Without them as a weak link, I find the second battle goes better. It also motivates the NEXT set of XO's.
  6. Examing it a bit, the game DOES change the size of icons based on distance. Closer ones are bigger than ones further away. One issue I noted was that close units can have their icons float off the top of the screen and disappear. I would prefer the screen top to act as a glass ceiling for them.
  7. I agree that scaling the size of the icon based on distance could help, but let's look at it for a moment. The purpose of icon is to allow the player an easy way of finding (and selecting) a unit. Scaling the icon is fine if we're just talking about a few hundred meters. How small would an icon be which is 4km away? How would that help me find/select that unit? Should it? Or, should the dot at 4km force me to pan over that way to see what it resolves into as it expands? Lt. Bull's series of pictures is great for showing how the icon's relative size changes. It goes from being about the size of the TC's head, to something like 20 times larger than the entire tank. Heck, it could be Jupiter in that last shot. As well as relative size changing, the relative height changes. I'm not saying that icon size changing with distance is NOT a solution. I am saying that you need to incorporate the CM environment into the solution. How many games allow you to go from a single face filling the screen to being 4km away? (Actually further: set up a 4km x 4km map and go to one corner and look diagonally at the opposite corner, 5.65km away.) If icons are at fixed heights, how will an icon hiding behind a cathedral tower help? If icons can float over obstacles, how will you juxtapose an icon for a closer unit in a field with that for farther unit behind a 4 story building? Vice versa? Remember, I agree with you that the icons seem "funky" sometimes. I cannot, as yet, exactly define when and why they seem "funky" or "off". Unless I can define exactly what is wrong with them, the solution will be elusive. Ken
  8. Not to add fuel to the fire, but I do agree that the icons float too far above the units. As GaJ posted, the camera height makes a difference. At some heights, the icons are fine. At others, they seem bizarrely disconnected from the units they represent. The second point, mentioned by Womble, I also agree with; the icons do not follow an easily understood stacking order. Ken
  9. If they were closer to the unit, the enemy would use them to target the unit. Operational security.
  10. I like to keep the HT weapons manned, even if it means splitting off a scout team from the squad to do so. Then the HT stays back and provides fire support for the manuevering squad. At least that's the plan...
  11. Defend everywhere! Don't give up a single hedgerow, field, farmhouse, or intersection! This is a game of inches! The battle is one for moral ascendency. When he attacks, attack back! Everywhere! Crush his spirit and you will crush his forces. Numbers mean nothing. Purity of purpose determines the outcome. Focus on the battle. Do not worry about your family. The State security forces are keeping a very close eye on them. Failure would reflect poorly on your values. It could only be caused by a lack of appropriate vigor of spirit. Excuses are defeatist. We expect you to do your duty. Ken
  12. If you go here, http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=51&Itemid=90 you'll see that BF.C offers a PAID option for your CMx1 games to be playable with Vista (and therefore W7). It costs $5. What are you waiting for? (Before the flamers start, please recognize that this conversion was done by an individual. I don't care to hear the arguments that "I bought CMx1 decades ago and BF.C should support it until my great-great-grandkids are done playing with it." Suck it up, pay 5 bucks, and get on with it.) Ken
  13. I enjoy large battles... but there is a lot of work. - Think in terms of at least platoon size objectives. Don't try to micromanage every single squad and team. Get the chunks where they can apply pressure, then finesse the little pieces. Yes, I think of them as "chunks" and "crumbs". Depending on the size of the battle and the forces you have, the initial chunks may be companies. - Using the +/- keys is a great piece of advice. There are usually teams which you may forget about. - Despite that, I still sometimes miss some cool action. (I'm a WeGoer.) In a recent game I found my Platoon HQ was down to a single enlisted guy. Ooops. I must've lost the other two men somewhere along the way. (They'd been buddy aided out already.) Recognize that you will miss some action. With a battalion in contact, there'll be plenty going on.
  14. What if the first item pulled up is the aiming stake? Or the baseplate of a mortar is grabbed? Or the radio crystals needed to get on the FDC net? Etc. I can make a lot of possible examples of how a 5 second act of dismantling can require 10 minutes to fix in order to have a gun set up. However, having said that, it does seem that it shouldn't take a full dismantle followed by a full set up in order to get back in action. Has anyone actually tested it? Ken
  15. THIS is important: you did not change just one crewmember, you changed the entire crew.
  16. This is my thought. Well said, Mad Mike. I'd like to point out the difficulty of using anecdotes to chase issues. Upstream one of players stated that his HQ got a replacement. Then, he changed what he recalled and stated that it did NOT get replaced. Memory is fallible. Or, put another way, "pictures, or it didn't happen". Savegames and screenshots are invaluable additions to discussions about issues. Having said that, I'll run some tests and see if I can recreate leaderless platoons in campaigns. If so, I'll toss it into the frenzied waters of the Beta pool. I'll update this thread with what I can find. Ken
  17. Have you given them 10 minutes? If not, what is the time for deploy showing in the UI? Usually deploying takes longer... You may actually be deploying. Time will tell...
  18. Two comments to add on this. First, this pretty effectively reflects how important FO's were and how much they needed to be protected. Second, this has been brought up in the beta process. BF.C is aware. (Note that I cannot say what, if anything, will be done. Nor can I make any predictions on the timeliness of any action or lack of action. ) Ken
  19. Yeah, big screen and all is cool, but what about the sound?
  20. It'd be tough to keep men on top of tanks once the sound of bullets are in the air. Even the desantniki filmed by the Soviets would jog alongside the tanks in actual battle areas. The whole tank-rider thing was a lot more of a rear area exercise rather than a heroic ride to assault the enemy.
  21. Note that a unit can either load or unload, not both, in the same command period. E.g., if you unload a team from a halftrack and try to load it into a truck with the same movement order, it will not allow the load order. In WeGo, you need to wait until the unit is fully unloaded from one vehicle before you load it into another. Ken
  22. German: only in that language could you both nominate and accuse something with just a single word!
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