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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. This is a result of the coding, not a bug, per se. I agree, it makes it difficult to find the 'schreck team at time. As you noted, it only occurs if you take specific (somewhat common) steps. It does NOT occur if you just split the team off the "mother" squad. It is known. Ken
  2. Medex: THAT was funny. Thanks for the laugh. Childress: I'm a WeGo'er, but I like your idea of a "pause bank". Ken
  3. Hyperbole aside, although I _did_ enjoy "The Speed " - that was beyond a witticism and bordering on genius, it would be interesting to see what the game models for each vehicle in each direction and speed. I'd be "down" with rear-driver vehicles (limited, it seems, to certain armored cars), to have a decided advantage in reverse. For all I know, it is already modelled. Ken
  4. Yes, I too have found that I gain a lot more clarity when I have access to a coed.
  5. Um, it is. It's called COVERED ARC, MOVE, HIDE, PAUSE, TARGET, FAST, FACE, etc., etc. The unit's stance is totally controlled by the player's orders. It is much more refined and granulated than the preset codes available to a designer.
  6. Area fire works by firing at the specified action spot. If you recall, each action spot is 8m square. So, have your tiger TARGET one action spot, PAUSE for 30 seconds, then reverse a few meters and at that new location give it a FACE command. That way the Tiger will only shoot for the length of the pause command (in this case, 30 seconds.) Or, have it TARGET the next action spot over from the first one when it arrives at the new location. Area target fire will spread out across the action spot. All the above pertains to units YOU command. What YankeeDog was telling you was that the part of the manual you're talking about is for scenario DESIGN to set the stance for the computer controlled forces. Capiche? Ken
  7. Cash cow? That sounds like the FIRST step on the way to DEAD cows! Bloated cows littering the landscape! Men hiding behind them, bullets thudding into them, gasses, er, outgassing from them! (Cow) tongue firmly in cheek. Ken
  8. Angry Birds? Brilliant, just sheer brilliant!! COMBINE them, I say! Angry Birds Touches Combat Mission! Your Tigers get bowled over by, yes, angry birds. I can only imagine the scenarios. On a serious note, well done! This looks like a great product, opportunity, branch out, game, and all the rest. Ken
  9. Hmmm. That looks like an outlier. :) What kind of ammo did the PzIV have left? More importantly, what did it USE? It would be interesting to see what the damage status was on the Sherman and how it changed with each hit/penetration. Savegame? Ken
  10. Sure, those shots look amazing. But do you know what would make them look better? Yeah, a big set of fingers coming down from the sky to move the tanks around. You know you want to do it...
  11. I've "defaulted" to a blast which starts AT the bocage and goes to the diagonal, opposite side, bocage location. In every case thus far it's created a tank-sized hole. If it's a dangerous area, on the far side, I'll pop smoke through/over the bocage first. Or, I let the engineers just suck it up.
  12. Okay, what if there's enemy anti-tank weaponry which can kill my tank if I reverse? When the TacAI auto-reverses, my tank dies. I scream that BF.C can't model military tactics. You say: well, let the TacAI take the enemy anti-tank assets into account. I say: And now it starts to get complicated. Which is more important? Killing the upper floor infantry and risking the anti-tank fire, or staying put? Now, let's add in many more units. (Rocking Churchill? I don't think even Mrs. Churchill achieved that result.)
  13. The CAS is a bit too "C". In reality, even crack support like IXth's was more like interdiction. The closest CAS would be calling in from the "cab-rank" when a road block was encountered. The column would sit FAR back while the bombing/strafing occurred. CAS is a bit out of scale for CMBN. And yes, the accuracy vs. concealed units seems a bit much. CAS, in game, should be used sparingly. (If you can specify "green" or "conscript" for the pilots, that may help.) My .02. Ken
  14. The rationale (which makes sense to me) goes something like this: Okay, your WeGo player cannot order anything for 60 seconds. The tank (OP's example) has a sniper right behind/under it. (We'll address spotting later...) What would the TC do? He'd roar forward (or backward), the tank would hose the sniper down, then the TC would (probably) resume his prior position. Instead of trying to code that complex behavior, eliminating the dead-zone around the tank is simpler. Additionally, there are no "micro-terrain" features shown. The realistic elevation/depression limits and associated dead-zones can be ameliorated by, for example, driving up on curb (kerb for you UK'ers). There are many more examples like that. The gist is, a driver can make many subtle, small adjustments in position and orientation to help get the guns on target. That kind of micro-management would be a nightmare in RT and impossible in WeGo. Additionally, the programming for a TacAI would be well-nigh impossible. "Target Spotted: Target in DEAD ZONE: DEAD ZONE sub-routine: Back up? Go Forward? Get Target in KILL ZONE... Does not compute, does not compute" followed by smoke billowing out of your computer case. The current solution is not great. The alternative is worse. (The high-storied building up close has been with us since CMSF (CMBO?).) The spotting issue: how does the KT know a sniper is hiding under it? THAT is a good question. KT friendly unit told him? The KT, sly veterans that they are, made believe they couldn't see him while he slithered about in the muck, but then the nailed him when they wanted? The KT crew left the belly hatch open? (Do KT's have belly hatches?) Or, it's wrong. Ken
  15. Welcome. You've touched on a very important topic. Play with TARGET and TARGET LIGHT. To cancel those orders you can use a TARGET ARC or FACE. I'm not sure how much of this is discussed in detail in the manual, but there are, at last count, oodles of threads on this, and related, subjects. The TacAI will need a pretty strong reason to override your commands. A TARGET ARC, just short of the enemy, should get your men to stop shooting. Good luck! Ken
  16. Ah, a DIP-thong? I believe that's more likely a piece of hot-tubbing garment favored by certain young females, advertising their availability for breeding and courtship. It can be VERY appropriate at times. At other times, it would perhaps be best if they used a one-piece bathing suite, with an attached skirt. A diphthong can be a bit more dry as a subject.
  17. They have two items of kit: every soldier gets equipped with "one each, lip, upper, stiff". Additionally, every Regimental Sergeant Major has a mustache of incredible dimension and work. Given sufficient enemy resistance, the RSM can cause his mustache to actually quiver while he stares about at the lads who have failed to beat the boche. Said quivering RSM mustache is enough to motivate the men to superhuman feats of arms. Quite the advantage. (The officers' upper class accent doesn't even need mentioning.)
  18. Hmm, the obvious solution to crops blocking your LOF is simple: use your crocodile to burn them down!
  19. Yeah. More savegames would be nice. I'm of the mind that certain positions should get filled when that crewmember gets hit. Of course, moving 200 lbs of meat in a tank is hard. (Okay, some may be WWII Brits: 10 stone of meat. Scrappy little lads.) Getting him OUT of his position may be very hard. Getting another guy INTO the position may be hard. Especially the front. It's been YEARS since I poked inside a Sherman. The layout of certain tanks may prevent certain crewmen from being replaced. This is something that has popped up on my radar. Examples of crews not swapping, or being able to swap, would be good to have. Thanks, Ken
  20. (Don't mind him: his wife was standing right behind him when he posted that. Once she leaves, he'll be able to play army again.)
  21. A sticky might help. A real sticky. I prefer post-it notes, placed over the UI area of the screen. I only lift it up and look under it if I feel I deserve to know what's going on. Just a helpful hint.
  22. Tech support may be a better location for this... Having said that, try to play a PBEM against yourself. Open it, set your password, then copy the outbound pbem file into your inbound folder. Open it, set the "enemy" password, and continue in a like manner. That should at least suss out whether or not you've got your folders in the right locations, and whether or not it's an incompatibility between your two computers. (Is one a PC, one a Mac?) Good luck. Ken
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