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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Read When Titans Clashed, The Road to Stalingrad, and The Road to Berlin, in anticipation of the release of CMBB. Little interest prior to that. All three of these texts are broad, survey type works. They're presented from the Soviet perspective. I'd be interested in finding something presented from the Germans' perspective. When Titans Clashed, in particular, serves up the information with a strong, pro-Soviet flavor, at least that was the impression it left me with. YMMV.
  2. Go to the Scenario Depot and look under the CMBB Maps section. I think there are at least 8 of them there. I don't think you can play every battle type on all of the maps, but you should be able to do meeting engagements on most of them.
  3. Think you could come up with a utility that will save the turn movies then allow continuous playback? That would be a mighty popular one, I assure you.
  4. hehe.. guess not. Well, very nice detail anyway and I'm using the non-winter version.
  5. BUMP Well, thanks guys, the sentiment is mutual. A lot of the guys in here were on my ICQ already.
  6. Thank you Chris. It would be interesting to know how many folks pounce on this one as soon as its released.
  7. Juju, detail is excellent, but the winter version needs more snow on it. In game, it looks really stark compared to building roofs, snow covered branches, etc.
  8. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.................................. I believe the guy did hit the dirt. But we could use some clarification on this.
  9. Look in this very forum, on this page, for a thread styled "Anthology of useful posts", and see if there's one there about "killing pillboxes". If not, just do a search in the "Tips and tricks" forum for "pillbox". This topic has been discussed dozens of times and you'll have no problem finding treatment of it.
  10. He hehehe... well, I'd venture to guess that "[d]emanding a document that entails what is acceptable ..." is not acceptable content on this forum. Look, there is a "General forum" for all off-topic stuff. There is an "Opponent finder" forum for finding opponents. A "Scenario talk" forum for discussing scenarios and a "Tips and tricks" forum for discussing mechanics of the game - tactics. If you think your post would fall into one of those categories, then post it in one of those rather than here in the general CMBB forum. I think the general rule that your message ran afoul of was that the CMBB forums aren't supposed to be used for personal messages. It could have probably survived okay in the General forum or in the Opponent finder forum, but that ain't my call. HTH [edited for grammatical errors] [ November 05, 2002, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  11. I've never heard of anyone cheating in this game, with regard to changing attributes of units or anything like that. I HAVE read posts in this forum regarding CMBO where someone explains how a player could gain an advantage by repeatedly selecting quick battle maps, viewing them, and then choosing the map most suitable prior to sending it to his opponent. I don't know if that's possible in CMBB or not. The advantage that would accrue through this would be a "one up" on unit selection when the QB parameters had been largely set to neutral. A general convention, though, which circumvents any such chicanery, is the agreement to play only on maps that both parties find acceptable (or to play on premade maps). Honestly, I've never HEARD of anyone actually doing this, nor suspected anyone that I've played; I've only read where someone has stated that it could be done in the effort to get BFC to correct the problem. Also, presently, with CMBB, when a quick battle is generated and sent to an opponent in TCP/IP play, the non-hosting player can view the briefing which identifies the parameters that the game was set for. The purpose of this feature is just to assure players that their opponent is playing on the up and up and didn't select skewed parameters. However, the ability for the non-host to view the briefing parameters in a QB prior to selection of his units is being removed in the upcoming patch, IIRC. Even now, though, this information really would be of no advantage if the players choose to have computer-picked forces. So, I don't think anyone manipulates files in the sense of creating super units, and while its technically possible that some informational advantage can be acquired, I personally have no reason to suspect anyone I've played of doing so, nor have I ever read of anyone being suspected of having done so. I'd have to say that the folks who play H2H here are, by far and away, mature players who find little satisfaction in an illicitly-acquired win.
  12. RW, Apology for my brusqueness. It is very frustrating when I see what is happening and someone who hasn't seen it tells me it isn't happening. And yes, if it *does* occur, as the manual indicates, then it is a rare event. If it does not occur, then it was just a freak occurance.
  13. It backs up the theory that only out of LOS fire plans (see Jon? I learned )are subject to off target barrage if the "new features" page was, in fact, a description of the most recent mechanics of the feature. If this is, in fact, what is going on, then I'll chock it up to just a very wierd event, but I know what I saw. In any event, it appears that either: 1) the manual needs revision; or 2) if in LOS fire plans can be wildly inaccurate, as indicated in the manual, we need some clarification as to how the adjustment is to work; or 3) if the "adjustment" is broken, it needs fixin' or somefink.
  14. Ok. We don't know how to plot LOS. Only been doing it daily for over a year and a half, but never learned how to tell whether an artillery targeting line is in LOS. Also, the manual incorrectly states that it occurs.
  15. There's a description in the advanced tutorial about sending units to the "right", I believe, that is screwed up. Its not you.
  16. No smoke blocking LOS or movement of the spotter after initial plotting in my single experience of this. I wish to gosh I'd taken a screen shot. Last night, after playing daily for six weeks, is the first time that I *noticed* this type of event. It doesn't surprise me that it didn't occur in 27 trials, but believe me, it happens. I have no reason to lie about this and I know how to plot an arty barrage in LOS.
  17. RW, I ASSURE you, I know how to read an LOS line and how to plot an LOS arty target. My experience related above happened with LOS to the target both at the initial plotting, and during the attempted adjustment.
  18. 250mb? What does it come to on the disk? Just asking because the stock graphics are over 900mb.
  19. Hmmmmmm......... I haven't seen that before. Could you check it again to make sure its not toggled off? I HAVE seen effects "vanish" before, like fog and falling snow. That was the result of either the video driver getting corrupted (fixed by uninstalling the driver, then reinstalling), or the CM executable itself getting corrupted (fixed by removing BMP, scenario, saved game, quick battle map folders to my desktop, or anywhere out of the way) then deleting the entire CMBB / CMBO folder, and reinstalling CM from scratch. After it's reinstalled, just put the BMP, scenario, saved game, and quick battle map folders back into the CM folder and let it overwrite the files in there. Good luck. [ November 04, 2002, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  20. You sure your smoke graphics are enabled? Shift + I toggles the level of smoke graphics.
  21. 3286986 - Esp - no whining or gloating.
  22. YES!!! YES!!! The toned down colors look fantastic!! No problem DL'ing a 250mb pack, but who is going to be able to HOST this thing with the traffic it will get?
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