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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Thank you. Personally, I love the new infantry model. I hope any changes made are very, very minor. The CMBB infantry model works beautifully, you just can't ask the troops to do too much.
  2. Yeah, great looking detail Canon, and the rust looks like real rust, but it's just too much. It's difficult to tell a talented modder something like that, especially when you're someone like me who couldn't mod a "GO" button, so please don't be discouraged at all because the detail is excellent. This whole rust effect on a lot of mods, has just gotten way overdone. There are not a lot of color ww2 photographs around on the net, but I don't recall ever seeing a photo of a working vehicle with rust on it. If someone can find one, then please post a link. In fact, a couple months ago, someone posted a link on the General Forum to some photos of a T-34 (I think), that had just recently been recovered from the mud of a riverbank after having been buried there for, now, close to 60 years. After the mud had been washed off, I don't recall seeing rust visible in the photos of that vehicle. Now, I understand that the mud would protect the vehicle but still ... What I'd like to see, and I would venture that I'm not alone, is for one of you artists to undertake detailed ultra-high resolution mods without rust, or maybe even without dirt. There were a lot of outstanding CMBO mods over the years. Some had a "weathered" texture, but very few purposely included dirt and dust. I recall none that included rust. Those were very attractive mods. I have seen only a couple of vehicle mods for CMBB that really improved the stock graphics (Pzmartin's winterized PzIII and 38(t) ... the third had too much rust or grime that looked like rust for my tastes). I find myself sitting around hoping this rust / heavy dirt trend will pass and the talented modders will focus on producing some super high resolution, detailed, mods. In any event, your detail looks good and all this commentary really, and honestly, was not directed towards you specifically, but rather this thread provided the opportunity for me to comment upon thoughts that I've had with regard to the current CMBB mods that are available.
  3. WOW!!! Thanks guys! The release slipped up on me; wasn't expecting it at all and then see the announcement when I woke up this morning.
  4. PL, Thanks for not only making these extremely attractive maps, but for also going the extra step of setting them up for assault / defense battles. Very nice job and your effort is appreciated. [ November 19, 2002, 10:49 AM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  5. Just a request: could you try a version without so much rust on it? I think this "rust" effect is getting way over done, all the way around.
  6. Gordon, or anyone for that matter, What type of application will allow me to read an "rtf" format document? I understand that the extension refers to "rich text format", but neither notepad, nor navigator (only guesses I could make) read it very well. Thanks in advance.
  7. It's a newbie help thread. Pop in and ask any question concerning the game that you may have.
  8. COG, First, thanks for putting together the Mod Database. It has become a one stop place for mods and that is the beauty of it. At the same time, if you were to begin hosting scenarios, it would degrade the "one stop" quality that the Scenario Depot has acquired. I don't think it would serve the community well to create another site that people would have to check in order to find new scenarios.
  9. Send 'em over please, if you are not going to send them out just as a matter of course as an update to the people who requested the campaign rules previously. If you are, then send em over anyway.
  10. Thanks. That's the kind of answer I was looking for. Well, honestly, I guess I was *looking* for "of course they don't allow rust to accumulate to the extent seen on some of the mods", but at least that won't be bugging me now. [Edited to include the following:] Ooops, now I'm wondering about it again. I guess it would be pretty hard to distinguish rust from grime on black and white photos, maybe color photos as well, for that matter. [ November 15, 2002, 07:12 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  11. Just wondering because some of these mods are really pouring the rust on. I would think that whenever a vehicle wasn't actually engaged in combat, *some* type of surface maintenance would be performed in order to limit rusting. I mean, really, did the historic forces have no maintenance policy with regard to treating rust? That's the impression one would gather from looking at the CMBB AFV mods. That may be accurate, I don't know, the gut feeling is the opposite.
  12. Geeeeeesssss man. PLEASE keep plugging away at the vehicle sets.
  13. Just reiterating what others have said. It merely tones down the colors. I installed only the landscape/terrain/building .bmps.
  14. Okay, maybe it's just my situation, but why would just explaining to her that you REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY want it now be ineffective?
  15. PzMartin, Your winterized AFVs are the best looking CMBB vehicle mods, of any type, I have seen yet. Please continue plugging away at them.
  16. Agreed. As to the original post, no need to be a jerk to folks who are still trying to learn it. It's different. I like it much better and hope they don't give us a return to the CMBO infantry model. But there's no need to rub peoples' noses in it.
  17. Mike, Well, the speed of the turn calculations is based on the determinations of all the various LOS, hits and damage, so it varies from turn to turn. Yeah, I've got a pretty fast machine, but it still takes between 10-18 minutes to calculate a turn.
  18. Thanks Gunslinger! I'm keeping the keeping the stock vehicles (I STILL haven't seen a mod to improve on these) and a few choice mods (rubble, factories, pavement, pillboxes, some winter AFVs) but utilizing the rest of the mod. The subdued colors look fantastic.
  19. I've finished the second battle and haven't started the third yet, I hope to clear all the front buildings by the end of this battle, and then work on crossing the large open area before the last set of buildings prior to reaching the Volga. So far, except for the time it's taken in setup (the reason I've paused between rounds now), its been a blast. Just what you would envision as well - a real grind 'em down.
  20. They're up now and they look GREAT in game. Fired up Ben Park's Berlin map. No noticeable problem with sluggishness; I say "noticeable" because that map caused a little bit of jerkiness as it was. Keep 'em coming Juju!
  21. I haven't found this to be true, especially if there's artillery about. Why do you say that?</font>
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